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Everything posted by Suzy

  1. Corrie, that SF LO is stunning! WOW! Every little detail is perfect from the foggy background to the keyline frames to the colors you chose....just brilliant! Michele, I can't believe it, but you just reminded me I forgot to finish my circular date stamp with the distressing! And after I went to a lot of effort to get that Dozi stamp! Aurgh! Where is my head? Anita, a beautiful LO. I always wonder how you (you for this LO, but also others') got the store to comply with using one of their mannequins. I can never con them into letting me do something like that! I also like the Anberta, font and am going to look that up right now.
  2. I forget where I am and what day it's supposed to be! Here is the date postmark and leather tag. I did what Ann did and read the directions instead of the video. I didn't really like what I came up with, so I used some "real" leather instead. My only decision I'm not sure of is whether I might prefer a larger white base with rounded corners.
  3. Donna, you are a genius! I had NO IDEA what I was looking at, or even looking for, and I have no idea how you knew it was brushes 01, but it was, and I found it, and it’s awfully small, but it will do the trick for a little 1 1/2” postmark. THANK YOU! (And I was right, I do have several Dozi brushes, but not these background ones)
  4. Ok. I’m going to try it. Fingers crossed. A big project like this is not what I was hoping for today/tomorrow. I need chocolate! I know I had Dozi Baer (not Dozi Bear, which is what I thought it was) brushes. And a fair number of them, but they are not in PSP. I’ll have to look for them and if unsuccessful, I’ll ask Donna how to use the Wayback machine.
  5. You don’t remember? LOL! ?. I’m sorry, I didn’t include all the info. I came from X2 which I used for many years. All my brushes from the Dozi Bear era were in there. Plus whatever came with version X4 which I own, but barely ever used. Marbles 1-4 are in both X2 and X4, but never made it to my new 2022. All versions point to my personal PSP files under my name, but they also point to other places. My idea is to go to those other places in X2 and X4, find the Marbles 1-4, and collect ALL the brushes in that folder, whatever it is. And put them in my personal PSP files. Where some of them may already reside. Hence the question on duplicates and how big a problem that is.
  6. Cassel, In the other thread on Travel Tales LO, Sue told me to use Marble 2. I remember that brush, but it didn’t make it over to PSP 2022 when I upgraded! I distinctly remember spending a couple days getting everything moved over, so I don’t see how this is possible, but it is. ? I took a screen shot of my brushes from the File — preferences. What would happen if I went to each location, selected all, and just added them in one fell swoop to PSP 2023 using copy and paste? Would I get double entires, or would file manager pop up and ask me if I wanted to skip or overwrite the files? I would expect File Manager to catch them all, but I always have a pop up when I use my brushes that tells me of duplicates I have, so maybe File Manager is not on duty! Or maybe I should just ask what the easiest way to do it because those Marble 1-4 brushes are not the only brushes that didn’t make the transfer. I have no idea how that could have happened. I spent hour and hours and hours searching for resources in all my computer’s nook and crannies over the curse of several days.
  7. Thanks, Sue, I’ll check out Marble 2.
  8. Day 3. Cassel, There is a disconnect on that Dozi bear brush you used at the end of today’s video. She is no longer at Deviant art, or anywhere at all on the internet that I can find. Not a store, not a shop, Facebook, Insta, Etsy….no where. Could you blow that brush up to about 600px, or even 1000px, stamp it in a color, and show us what it looks like so we can try to make our own? I know it won’t be the same, but I can’t figure out what it looked like. Is it B&W, or translucent, for example? Were those little round dots or irregular dots? Or were they even dots? Evenly spaced, or irregular?
  9. Yes, I thought you lived near there. Yes to all the above, we saw everything (no sports teams) except we just went to Graceland, not the bash. We just went because we had never been there before. Other things I remember, Germantown, an outlet mall including Williams -Sonoma, the little art museum, Sun Records….the entire Blues Trail, actually, and something to do with FedEx. I forget what that was. A stadium tour I think. I did mention it was a WEEK in Memphis, didn’t I? There was a downtown tornado, so we also got to see the cold concrete basement of our hotel, too! How about Dixon Gardens and The Cotton Museum? Have you been there? Most natives I’ve met have not is why I ask. We spent so long at the cotton museum that the guard/hostess got nervous. I think she thought we were going to steal all the cotton bolls! Hahaha! There is also a daffodil show there the second or third Saturday in March at Dixon gardens. Free and open to the Public. Don’t go right when it opens because judging always takes longer in the south, and they won’t let you in, LOL! ?? (judging takes longer in the south because the judges are so polite. They seem to have a hard time saying which flower is best, second best, or even not worth a ribbon at all.)
  10. Michele, I do not think it’s your fault on the font info. The font designers, e.g. shareware, and stores didn’t make it as easy as it is now to keep track. That is a loverly design and so is the ones with your cousins…nice job on that fold! Sue and Michele, I’ll pull the edges out and get working. I think I have some photos they would go well with in my Travel Takes book.
  11. Ditto. That double scallop is really nice, and so are the wonky stitched circles! I might have to go to that Lab and see if I can do these, too! ( along with scripting and Travel Tales, LoL! Good th8ng the weather is so hideous here! ) The water paper is also really, really nice. I remember that from Chattanooga, but now it looks like ocean water. ?
  12. Thank you, Mary! It was supposed to look like the road maps from the 1950s and 60s, ,but I realized that the old map was VERY light and only the state borders were darker, as if the were outlined with one of those thick chisel tip markers. I would have LOVED to do that, but holy cow, it would be a LOT of work, so I used a different layer and just lightened them then put the black overlay on top. (So I can change the colors if it becomes necessary…I think I might have a lot of red, white and blue photos, but I don’t remember. I just sent the whole lot of them from my phone to Dropbox so I can pick them up with my desktop.) You’ll have to stay tuned for the terrible trip part, but know I am the world’s worst travel agent. Someday I’ll make a book about my week long vacation to Memphis. Michele, that texture on your Ireland map is delicious! How did you do it? and I borrowed your location marker idea, too, Bonnie! Jenifer Lyn, such a beautiful, intricate LO. I had to go to Photobucket to take it all in! A one-way ticket, though? Your family would be devastated! The rest of you have awesome maps and so exotic! everybody’s is so professional looking. What always strikes me is how we all have the same directions, and every single one is so different from the next!
  13. Here is mine. I'm not sure I love it, but it's finished.
  14. They just look fakey-fake and overdone when I use them, but when you show them they literally look like die-cut paper you have painstakingly glued to the background. I also don’t have your artistic eye for placing them. When one should choose to do a curved corner VS when to do a sharp 90 degree corner, for example. I think what I appreciate most is that I already know your have the full array of these, so 6, 7, 8, maybe 9 choices? You always seem to choose the exact perfect one for each LO. So while you can help me use them and I can watch a video, it doesn’t allow for just knowing what choice will just look right. (And yes, I could sample them all, but I don’t want to spend my life choosing a fancy border!). I also only have 2 of them. One is the squares because jagged edges are not welcome on my LOs, and I forget what the other one is. And before you get too puffed up with the compliments, ? I also like the layouts with the ragged and torn edge papers…almost the opposite of these fancy borders…..another skill where it looks complete fake and contrived when I do it and other people’s look just perfect. ?
  15. This is beautiful, Sue. The edge border frame brushes are gorgeous. I wonder if they’re intuitive or if you are super-skilled at using them, and I’d be wondering if I bought the wrong ones because I couldn’t get mine to look like that! Mary, that cat is perfection! I LOVE it! Is that another CF Spark? If so, it is a winner!
  16. I agree. That spread is really, really great, Ann! I signed up, but I’m not sure how far I’ll make it. Maybe I’ll make huge layouts on very small (short and close to home) trips. I do have a question: What should we do if we see a grammatical or spelling error in a LO by an English-speaking participant? Do we point it out or let it go? The reason I ask is because a number of people confused its and it's in past workshops and I'd hate if they had their projects printed. It's is short for it is only; it does not denote possessiveness. (For the possessive, it's its. hahaha.)
  17. Yay! All set. I totally forgot the problem was saving to .psp, even though I had posted the query just an hour before. The bad news is I had used that open as a copy just for this LO (after not using it for 3-6 months) so bad there. Meaning I have to remember this when I get the error message next time, probably next February. At least it's in a good heading (PSP) instead of the Q&A thread which I would never have thought of and it might have scrolled way down, too. Fingers crossed, thanks for posting this caveat, Susan!
  18. Ooooh! I see. I misread what you said about the .jpg. Ok. I will look into this after the Q&A. Personally, if I were running the PSP show, I would have file compatibility listed under Preferences. And it would be for all instances of save and save as, unless manually overridden by using “save copy as” and then “options”.
  19. I don't see a difference - here is a .jpg with only the background layer. Save as is the exact same (butI didn't click the drop down s you could see beneath it. )
  20. I don't know how to do compatibility preferences. My screen looks different from yours on "save as --> options" Yes and no on opening in vector. The vector is there, but the layers are merged. and the text is uneditable.
  21. Cassel, we talked about this before, but I can't find the thread. You wanted me to document the inability of PSP 2022 to save text which has been typed into a shape. Since I can't find the original, I don't remember how we left it, except I was to send you an example or another example...I simply do not remember! Here is an example. Luckily it wasn't terribly intricate and didn't take a long time as it did the first time it happened. Is there any fix for this? I have three more to do! I know one of the fixes was to save with .psd, but my version of PSP will just rasterize the text so it's uneditable. And in this case it merged the text with the vector shape I used (which I had planned to hide as soon as I was finished editing).
  22. Anita, you are putting me to shame!!! Cassel, I am missing something because near the end, right when you start adding the bottom text, which is 7:52 on the Lesson 5 Vector Video, "reverse path" doesn't show up as a choice (it's grayed out). In frustration, I clicked around trying to figure out what went wrong, and I fixed it. Um, but I don't know what I did because it was the equivalent of a PSP temper tantrum. When I look at the settings, though, I am in edit mode (my half eaten tom and jerry fish is backlighted), but there is no instruction to do that!) Is this enough of a question that you can figure out what I'm doing wrong? Updated to add -- I have been re-trying this and re-reading, and I have since deleted the top text (which would be visible, if the bottom layer were turned on, but it's not.) as per your photos, but it still isn't working. I cannot get the "reverse path" to be visible. Question: When I duplicate, am I also duplicating the instruction where it has been converted to path, or do I have to do that again?
  23. Ooops! I’m so sorry. I remember reading about that setuparp on the Corel forum, but I must have remembered it wrong.
  24. Ann, The setuparp.exe has to do with Painter. Is it possible you did setup.exe, but failed to do setuparp.exe?
  25. My thought on this is that if you just make some rudimentary folders now, you could download into the proper category as you acquire them.
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