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Everything posted by Suzy

  1. I never would have guessed! That Perfectly Vintages looks like the cover of a MONKEES album from 1971, yet when you see the glyphs, they are sort of normal, like on your LO. Weird! But I snagged it. ?. Thank you. Datestamp 12 is on my wishlist. Not sure I can wait for a sale because of your LO, tho.
  2. SO if you can’t decide, maybe your V page should be “vacillation”? ???. Meanwhile, on this patterned paper, I like that you took the time to have one car with luggage facing right and one facing left with slightly different colors. It’s a little detail I appreciate.
  3. Wow, just wow! This is fantastic, Corrie! And a shout out for the stamp script of Creation Cassel, which has been perfectly executed here, along with that perfect cancellation date stamp 12. This is really something! Edited to add: Which font did you use with Datestamp 12? I like it very much!
  4. I love the font you used with this! Very cohesive. It looks like all you did was put that same pen to a ruler to make those frames.
  5. Very nice, Sue. It looks like she’s saying, “Yes, May I help you?” at her front door. So if you shadow the photo, will you treat it like a stamp and be offsetting that semi-translucent frame everywhere it crosses the edge of the photo? That’s a lot of offsets! (Read:That’s a lot of work!)
  6. Ann, that turned out very nice! I gather you can tell the script how many photos you have to place because the samples I’ve seen have way fewer photos. I like it with more photos, I think. Bonnie, you are on a roll! Three great LOS all at once! Donna, we have THE WORST luck with GPS - always our fault - always a mess. My husband loves it, tho. (Rolling eyes). I was surprised to see the little town where I was born on your map, Alliance, Ohio! My husband and I have taken a few day trips this summer with more to come. I come up with the ideas and he says, “sure”. And then they end up being not quite as I advertised. This last one was an overnight, more or less in that area, Shipshewana, Middlebury and Napannee. I do not think we will be going back, but the 18 mile bike ride on the Pumpkinvine Trail was really good. (Hence my bicycle kit from last month). On the way home, we got sort of lost and we were not on the grid. At all. No Apple, no Google, no VW Car care, no GPS. We just kept driving until we hit civilization, where I could ask a person how to get home. I think it added an extra hour to the trip home and it was completely ridiculous.
  7. Brilliant, Corrie, really outstanding, well done, beautiful, and descriptive. Just all of it rolled together! Plus it’s cute. No wonder you were jet lagged, they dragged you across the country! P.S, never heard of the Overland Expo. Will have to Google it.
  8. Ann, that is so nice of you. Yes, that would be ideal, I think I can just sign up for myself, can't I? These are free?
  9. Oh, I totally misunderstood - I thought you were in the city the entire time. ut it sounds like you hit the high spots. I have friends on the other side of the bridge, one in a really small town, about 1 1/2 hours out. Only he says the 1 1/2 hours is now 2 1/2+ hours. This in the last 20 years or so, so it didn't happen over night, but I believe some of it really did happen overnight.
  10. Thank you both (thank you all, incl Susan). You rock! I have another couple weeks to work on those things. Luckily I kept a plain black copy of the wavy text. I’m pretty sure when you can’t read it that the sticker part is too wide, but maybe it’s the contrast is too low. I have a lot of very bad tomato flowers here, Mary. They roll back, like a turks cap, and can’t be drawn - by me anyway - as a symmetrical shape. Pixabay has some I can maybe use. And I have tomato plants here I can take pics of. Maybe I can do something with those. I can draw one, I bet, but they usually come in a cluster, and that's where it gets hairy. I think I need to edit out some tomato stuff and and make it more generic. Add a bow or a ribbon, LOL! Or a jar of mayonnaise. A bunch of stuff is running through my mind. And I’m not happy with the papers now that I see them all lined up. Now I wish I had chosen a totally different topic, something else summery, like a trip to the lake or an outdoor concert! Thank you very much, Very helpful. And here is some trivia for you. The gooey stuff inside a tomato, surrounding the seeds, is called locular gel. I’m pretty sure that will come in handy sometime, just if I can remember it that long!
  11. Yes, I’ll use all of those…well, if I can. Not sure I can draw a tomato plant in a pot with a tomato cage, LOL! A recipe card with tomato soup recipe would be really cute, and I already have the tabbed index card. Thank you, Susan
  12. Here is what I'm working on - the July Blogtrain kit. I'm not sure what I need to add, or what I need to take away, but there is too much text. I'm not big on ribbons and bows, or buttons, and I can't really think of something small yet 3-D. I think Marisa has resin flowers over there I can add. It's one of those, "But why would I add a rose when we are talking about tomatoes?" I think I need to just suck it up and add the darn rose! Here goes the test run, sneak peek. I think you'll recognize Cassel's phrase strips, her datestamp 10 (altered) ,and I would say subway text, but I did it manually. In the background, I used shadow placer and open as a copy and open as a layer. I need to BUY the large paper preview set in the store. https://creationcassel.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7_10&products_id=72. I used the one they have there at Pixelscrappers, but it is super hard to use, being that it is just a template and is not automated. :)))) I need one favor from you all -- the slice of tomato was made by me using that spark AI. Generally speaking, I personally think AI is creepy, ad if you don't believe me, put a pic of your dog in there are see what it comes up with. YIKES! Edited to add: So I need to know for sure this tomato is not creepy before I put it in a kit for real. Let me know, OK? ESPECIALLY if you think it is bad.
  13. Ah, yes the cover, I thought that was what your Golden Gate bridge was -- I figure you absolutely need a date on the cover because you'll probably go back again in a year or two! :) Did you eat chocolate? Did you ride the cable cars? Walk the steps to Coit Tower? I guess we'll find out soon when your pages start rolling in!
  14. Suzy

    Texttool issue

    Mine text button is also clicked and I love it! I cannot tell you the number of times I have been dissatisfied with a long (or short) string of text, only to click and its all right there, ready for me to add a comma or change it slightly. I have been very happy not to have to remember it, to type it again. It's easy enough to click and hit the delete or other key and change it to the new text.
  15. Kasany this is loverly. Such a pretty place to visit, you did a great job bringing attention to the little parts of it and not just slapping up some big pictures. Does that make sense?
  16. Corrie, Welcome back! I can see from the front you hit the high spots and can’t wait to see the rest. Don”t forget the date, at least the year, even super-small.
  17. Fiona Cook from Hook, this card is da bomb., your friend will love it!
  18. Ann, both those are beautiful, and such a great, great use of that script! The whole thing just shouts, “fun in the summer”, and “it’s my birthday!” And I absolutely love how you put the closeup photo of her with her pink cheeks and big smile in the upper left. She looks so excited!
  19. Mary, I agree, it needed to be gardened-up and those rose petals were an inspired choice. This is actually directed to all members, but this photo reminded me of it. Is there any chance you’ll look back upon this page and wonder where it was (broadly and more specifically, so I mean, the Charter House, Dixon Gardens, and the date.). Because renovations happen and 30 years from now I bet this looks different. Now sure where you’d put it, and it doesn’t have to be jumbo in size, but somewhere I like to see a place, names of people and the date. This probably comes from the boxes of pictures we got when we were clearing out my parents’ house. There were oodles of really wonderful vintage pictures of complete strangers in unnamed locations at we-can-only-guess dates. I was really sad to see them dumped in the garbage.
  20. Sue, That is wonderful! I especially a love love love the font you used to write Butterfly Silvery Blue, and by that I mean not only the font, but really, more what you did with it. How you designed with it, which along with the National Geographic quality photos, is professionally done. I love those kinds of swirly fonts, and I probably have many of them, but I never have anything to make with them… they remind me of tea parties, fairies, yes, and butterflies. Somehow I’m more pirates, rugby, and ants at the picnic. LOL! p.s. What is that butterfly font?
  21. This Designer Section. LOL!
  22. Thank you, Christina. Hope to see you in the Designer's section, but honestly I do not even understand what they're looking for until at least 3 other people post, then I kinda get it. ?
  23. Ok, That is hilarious. ? I have never seen that before, even as a requester. The file is sent - but it's really big. Let me know if it's too much for your email provider and I'll split it up. I'm unclear if you get an email with the file in it or an email with a link. (which would be a link right smack back to the original that you presumably could not download. Really, this has been the hardest part of the whole darn thing! well, this and selecting the colors, LOL!)
  24. Mary, that’s quite an accomplishment! The echo is just tremendous! Susan, I can waste maybe 6-8 hours following these PSP rabbit holes. It’s fun to do when it’s -10 F degrees outside (-23 C) but in the height of summer there are more constructive ways for me to waste my time outside. Hahahaha.
  25. Well, I like it plain white, so I wasn’t going to say anything here, but if you really, really want to, why don’t you put Eleanor on top on the texture? And the Eleanor layer gets “multiply” and it picks up the color and texture of what’s below it. I better add a little more to the above….what I usually do, because it might be too harsh on somebody’s face. Three layers. the bottom is full color, full opacity. Then your color or texture in the middle, and then Eleanor on top. You will change the middle layer of color texture to multiply, but also change the opacity slider or those texture marks will look like wrinkles on her face. (The bottom layer is 100% whatever color you want so you paper is opaque, not matter what that middle layer.)
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