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March RANDOM Challenge (2022)


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Here is a challenge to do something that might not be repeated in other months. Just an idea that popped like that (and you can also send me suggestions for occasional random challenges too).


This week, find a scrapbook kit that has an obvious theme and use it in a theme that is completely different. For example, find a Christmas theme kit and use papers/elements for a birthday project. Or use a "construction-themed" kit, and use it for a baking project. This could be a great way to use existing supplies you have already downloaded but have not used it yet, waiting for the "perfect" theme.


This will also be a way to look at your current supplies in a different way.


When you post your project, also share the preview of the original kit so we can appreciate how the theme was "ignored" and used creatively.

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I have very few kits, the kits I do have I are broken up, and  saved  separate folders.  Background papers, elements etc. I don't' keep the preview pages.  I searched on line this morning for a kit, and found this rather nice one.  I used everything that was in the kit in my page.
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I used a kit by Kristin Aagard at The-LilyPad to do a dog layout. Kit for the solar eclipse in 2017.


KA Eclipse


2017 Baer Test


Edit: I don't know what is going on. First I couldn't post. Carole released it from spam and now the photos don't show up.


Sorry everybody. Evidently my computer issues are affecting everything I try to do these days.

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