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January PHOTO SWITCH Challenge (2022)


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Let's have some fun and share our creativity.


For this challenge, participants will be paired in the order of their posting. Poster 1 (after this post) will be paired with Poster 2, Poster 3 will be paired with Poster 4, and so on. You can post your name NOW even before the pairs are created as they will come as you post.


Once you have your "teammate", you will exchange ONE or TWO photos you would like to see showcased in a scrapbook page and the other person will create a layout from them. You can exchange each other's email addresses through the messaging system so you can send the good size files. Of course, you can exchange some information about the photos, the location, the event, etc. to make the project more cohesive. Sometimes, the same photo treated from different eyes will yield totally different results and it often surprises us.


Once the layout has been created, a 600-pixel version can be posted in the forum, and the original full-size version can be sent back to the teammate.


Are you up to this challenge?

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I'm sure you will Corrie!   Pirkko's  photo, which she took this morning.  I was a little stumped as to what to do with it. Then I picked  out the  light tan on  one of the tree trunks, using  complimentary colours to the tan, I came up with this.  I had chosen the quote prior to starting the page.  With the word night in the quote, I opted to create a semi dusk  night sky for the background paper. Using brushes to create an overlay. Carole's corner punches
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oh Sue, you did it fabulously :) and and the quote from Sinatra fits perfectly.

by the way - snowing just continues... where wi put all that snow....  :o

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here is my page for Photo Switch Challenge


Sue send me so cute photos... Redpolls they say...


they are so beautiful... a text from the Bible came to my mind, so I used it as a text


ooops... a little a ... now it is better ;)

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Sue, it was so easy to erace because your photos were so high resolution - you have very great camera  ... you are good at using it :)
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The Corrie/Ann team reporting. Here's half our entry, the one I made with Corrie's photos. I did a little research on the internet about the museum. Corrie will be delayed as she had unexpected visitors.


I had some text to add. Here's the info in English. I posted a version in Dutch for Corrie: "The Netherlands Open Air Museum in Arnhem features eighty historic houses, farms and windmills. The museum has been designed to create a highly realistic impression of daily life for the average Dutchman over the past few centuries."

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Well my visitors went home so I could finish my part of this photoswitch with the photos Ann provided. The photos are of the Hudson River in winter and an evening photo of New York. I combined both with a mask and the ran the Watercolor script which I recently won. The background is a linoleum one that I did earlier.
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