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Bootcamp - January 2022


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This is the 4th bootcamp!?! I've participated in.  Always something to refresh the knowledge base.  Haven't changed my workspace since the 1st or 2nd bootcamp:


Workspace: complete and light grey, background: medium grey.


Palettes: Material palette, layers palette, tool option palette - all docked.  Rulers and guidelines are on and snap to guides is checked.


Pictures I have decided on are mostly landscapes and flowers that I have taken pictures of or have been taken by some of my relatives in South Dakota - but some are mine of SD.  I'll post one of them.

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Thought I'd give the Bootcamp a go. Have previously used PSP 2018, but have recently upgraded to 2022. Still regard myself as a bit of a novice with it, but always willing to learn new things to do with PSP. I prefer the workspace to be dark grey and the palettes docked.


Cindy - take care in your recovery, don't push yourself and give yourself plenty of time to get over it. The fatigue can take a long while to pass. Wishing you well.


My picture that I'll start BootCamp with is this.... 600x348 Wolf Moon -17th January 2022


I took the pic of tonight's Full Moon, the Wolf Moon and edited it using PSP 2022.

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I prefer the dark gray workspace -- for my eyes, it is the best.


I use Instant Effects, mostly for the Kaleidoscope tool so keep that visible along with the Materials and Layers.  I don't use organizer.  I did decide to decrease the width of the instant effects and materials and layers.


I would prefer to have the Instant Effects, Materials, and Layers side by side by cannot get Materials to dock anywhere other than above Layers.


Here is a photo that is a possibility for this.

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Hello everyone.  I like a dark grey space with a medium grey background.  I use the complete workspace and set it to open to that space as a default.  I closed the organizer and learning centre and I like my materials palette docked.  I have several themes in mind so it might be a mish-mash of themes for this bootcamp.  I wish everyone well and speedy recoveries.  I am using PSP 2022 for this camp, 2021 still loaded just in case.
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Gerry, welcome back. You know very well that the Bootcamp can refresh one's memory, or let you practice. Looking forward to your projects.


Ann, you are certainly not a newbie anymore, but every time, you get more comfortable with the projects. Looking forward to see more of Shelly.


Marie-Claire, that is a beautiful dog.


Gramie, if you want to enhance old faded photos, give a try to Fade correction command (under Adjust > Color).


Sandra, glad to see you back. The Bootcamp might be a source of inspiration for your creativity, and with this cutie on the pages, everyone will be looking forward to your next pages!


Liz, remember to add some story behind the photos. I am definitely curious to know more about this cow!


Pirkko, are you leaving all those palettes floating?


Lavada, welcome to the Bootcamp. The first project that requires a photo will be on Wednesday so you still have a couple of days to decide. And if you don't have a common theme for all the photos, it is quite alright too.


Linda, what did you decide for the size of the icons in the end? I have had several similar photos after storms. Remember to date it!


Mary, we will be able to go with you visit places.


Theresa, welcome to the Campus. You might not learn anything specific to 2022 during the bootcamp since it was recorded using an older version, but if you have any question that is really specific to that version, don't hesitate to ask as I have all the versions. For the size of the image, if this is the actual size, it might be a little small for a full-size scrapbook project but you are in luck because PSP2022 does have a good AI Resize feature!


Randy, I have been able to dock the Materials palette beside the Layers palette. First, undock the Material palette and have the Layers palette full height. Then, when you grab the Materials palette, look for this "ghost" element to appear in the middle of your workspace. Drag the palette on the right arrow and it should dock beside.




Susan, no theme is required so you might want to "go with the flow".


Perry, that is a good question. Typically, if your image is square, it will end up being 600x600 pixels. If it is rectangular, it can be 600 pixels on the smallest size. The purpose is mostly so that nobody posts their full-size project, which adds too much to the server.

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Good Evening:


I am interested to go through this refresher. It has been years since I last used PSP. It was a different time then using this program and on it I did a lot of graphic design. Gradually they shifted focus to photography and the energy (I guess my energy) waned. I am glad to be back simply to see if I can use it again to do the kinds of things I like.


I changed the workspace to light gray and expanded the work area by closing the organizer and the learning center.


The photos I will use is a group trip to zipline. I live in Belize.



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Hi this will be my 4th Bootcamp (I still have lots to learn about scrapbooking!)  and I prefer to work with a dark grey workspace, med grey background.  The photos I will most likely be using are a mixture of flowers, bush and animals from walks around my sons place.


Liz, the main town near where I live have what they call "Mooving Art" -  many highly painted cows are placed around the region and they 'moove' them around. There is also a park with a large herd and it is quite a tourist attraction and the kids love them.

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Carissima Carol,mi sono iscritto al campo pensando di riuscire a fare qualcosa di bello,ma non riesco purtroppo a seguire.Sono italiano e tante parole nella vostra lingua mi sfuggono,uso PSP22 e sono sempre andato per intuito(ho usato altri PSP) ma sempre usati alla meta' del potenziale a disposizione,mi piacerebbe saper usare PSP al meglio e a volte seguo i tuoi consigli.Un saluto a tutti i partecipanti


Mi pare di aver capito che sei canadese e il mio viaggio della vita l'ho fatto li da, Toronto alla foce del San Lorenzo(ho visto le balene)Purtroppo era il giorno piu brutto per l'America ,l'attacco alle torri gemelle.


Saluto cordialmente Pierluigi Ruggeri


P.S. non riesco ancora a fare acquisti da Cassell e non so perche'

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Pierluigi, anche se non riesci a capire tutto quello che parlo, forse puoi comunque seguire il video e i passaggi che uso.

Non mollare. Possiamo sempre usare Google Translate per aiutarti anche tu.


(Even if you cannot understand all the talking I do, maybe you can still follow the video, and the steps I use.

Don't give up. We can always use Google Translate to help you too.)

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I have done boot camp before, this time I think I will use mostly pics from around and in my Church.  I worked there for years and have a lot of great and unique photos.  Also as Ron said in the 4 ways I set up my workspace page, I can not get the material pallet to look like yours.  Because I could not post a picture on that page, I will post one here with showing what I did and what I wound up with. Perhaps then you can let me know what I did wrong. Thanks.
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I'm Greg from England and I have been meaning to take the bootcamp for ages; I've finally got round to it .


My version of the plate and sandwich is below.


I am using 2022; it seems to have got some hiccups.


When I click on a layer it looks as if it has selected it but when I use the move tool, it moves a different layer. Is anyone else having this problem, please?


I notice that when we move from the sandwich layer to the table image, the layer turns into a raster. What's that please?


And then, when it's a raster it is moving the correct image!


Any ideas, please?









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Gregory, when you say you select a layer, do you mean in the Layers palette or on your project? One thing that happens with the Move tool is that if a layer is active, but you click on your project where that particular layer has an empty area, it will change the selected layer to whatever your cursor clicked on, which will then activate and move a different layer. So if you click on a non-transparent layer (like clicking ON the bread shape, or ON the spoon), it should work fine, but if you click right beside it, it will change the layer.


ONE TRICK: when the correct layer is activated in the Layers palette, hold the Shift key on your keyboard when you click and drag that layer; that key will allow you to move the layer, no matter where you click, even in a totally transparent section.


Does that solve the issue?

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I am definitely learning.


I was wondering if there was a way to move all of the parts of the sandwich at once.


I did a search and found information on grouping layers on the online Corel PaintShop Pro Help.


So I was able to select all of the sandwich layers, click on the NEW LAYER GROUP icon at the bottom of the LAYERS panel. Then I just dragged the group to the Table. Then I ungrouped. And I had what I wanted.


If this is not okay, please just delete this entry, and notify me to do it individually.  I did try to drag individual items first.


Here is my new table with the Sandwich.  I chose to export as .png to retain the transparent background.



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After a few tries, I understood what you meant.


It took me awhile to actually place the mouse pointer over the arrow pointing right.


I had been double-clicking and that only made it jump back to where it was before.


I now have setup exactly as I want.


Thank you.

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