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Art Media Painting


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I am going to be honest here.  I wanted to like playing with these ... but I didn't.  I paint in real life and making the transition from brushes held in hand and mixing my own paints to poking keys on a computer just doesn't fly much with me as yet.  Concepts visualized in the head don't always play out on the monitor!  NOW, I have to admit, I am not home this weekend and I am working on a little tiny laptop with not much on it - and no WACOM.  I might have liked it better with that.  But still, I had fun playing and while it's dumb, I guess I will share what I made.  Also, I have invested heavily in Painter 2021 and after playing with their brushes, textiles, patterns , overlays, etc ... not to mention some of the convenient and awesome things that offers, this was pretty minimal and did not compare.  I am NOT making a criticism of Corel, because I don't think this is what Paint Shop Pro's goal is - better to leave that to Painter.  The two programs are vastly different and while both are fun ... I think I will leave the actual transitioning to painting  to Painter 2021.  Paint Shop Pro is great to have included this, I think ... and I guess I will give it another go when I have a graphics tablet onboard!  Mousing paint was tedious and rarely got the effect I was after.  It did while away the time while I had to watch :::listen really::: to a very boring HOA Zoom meeting.  LOL  I have not enough working experience with these tools ... but it did seem to me they did NOT resize down well at all.  Am I imagining that?  Anyone have knowledge on that?  No matter what, they blurred.
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Minka, I TOTALLY get you. Nothing would replace real canvas and supplies. Although Painter has that as its main focus, as you mentioned, it is not what PSP is about. It only gives us SOME similarities. So PSP has some features similar to Painter as far as Art Media is concerned but far from all. PSP has some features similar to Aftershot as far as photo adjustments are concerned, but not all. PSP also has some features similar to CorelDraw, but again, far from the whole thing. BUT PSP is great for all the layers manipulation, brushwork (not the Art Media), cloning, fixing photos, picture tubes, scripting, etc.
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