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Double Take Challenge 2021


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We had a bit of an adventure getting to our wedding ceremony. Hereby lies the tale...


(I also had an adventure trying to post this.. the wedding bell elements vanished when I scaled down the .pspimage. I had to go back and put them back in and then I saved it as a .jpg full size before scaling down. That worked!)

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Jnet I love your pictures and layouts as well. My favorite so far is the one that you showed the front of your RV. We are RVers as well. My dream is to possibly one day travel the US and Canada. Just experiencing this beautiful world. Do you live in Quebec? My grandmother was born in St Wensalas. They moved to America when she was 16 to work in the textile mills. My grandfathers people were of Scottish descent, and many of them left America to settle in the the Shelborne area. Hopefully my French will be good enough someday to navigate around Quebec.
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This has been a rough year for the world. Last Tuesday marks the anniversary of my second vaccine. The number of active Covid cases in Memphis has been horrible. So, we have been very careful. This week was the first time I bought my own groceries without curbside delivery. It was so nice to go in a store and actually pick out what I wanted for myself. I have missed talking to people in person, except for my immediate family.


I enjoyed creating the background for this layout. My 'grunge' is subtle, but it is there.

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Wow Ann what a wedding story!


Monique a lovely way to show us all the pets you have had over the years!


Carole, I indeed tried a darker background on day 4 with all the whites, but I found it to dark, jut a personal preference. I was careful not to put text in the middle, as you pointed out earlier. I certainly will make an album.


Here is day 5 and the color is lilac. The panorama is of a meadow and  some of the flower photos are shots from that meadow. I extracted the butterfly from one of the photos (not very well, sorry) and used it as an embellishment because the layout missed something.

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Cindy, I wanted to encourage you to not give up. I have been where you are. I first bought PSP in 2018, and for three years every time I opened the program I closed it immediately in frustration. Carole offers a Basic Scrap course that is very good. I think also from time to time she has a Scrapbook Bootcamp as well that starts with understanding Layers.
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You folks never fail to amaze. I love all the pages/pets/birds/flowers/trips/weddings! Thank you all for brightening my day.


I will post some of my pages. Remember, I have never posted my 2018 results for this challenge...I got off course on some of the pages...that may be the reason I never posted...I really don't know but I didn't report a single result. South Carolina Senior Games. I played pickeball singles, doubles, mixed doubles. My friends played doubles and horseshoes.



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Here is day 6.  For some reason when I reduce the photo to 600 pixels the text gets very feint.  At full size it's quite dark.  Not sure I'm  happy with the highlighting, but I guess as it's on its own layer I can always turn it off.  This whole challenge has been lots of fun and I feel like I've learnt so much. Hopefully I don't forget it all!
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