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BOOTCAMP March 2021


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Modified papers from Creative Fabrica as were the beeeeeeees. The three photos are of a walkthrough I made from some overgrown conifers the previous owner planted. I replaced with more suitable mixed trees and shrubs, everything that couldn't be used was recycled. I thought I would try something other than rectangles for this one lol


I'm not sure what number project this is, or what day of the week it is here, on the plus side I'm having fun.

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This is my Bootcamp Day 9 design.


I am a practicing Catholic, so not going to church in person has been a real struggle and sacrifice for me during this pandemic. But, even with all of the hardships like social distancing, not shopping, not eating out, God has blessed me greatly. Last summer, we spent a lot of time outside on our covered patio. It was awesome to watch and observe the many little 'nature' gifts that came my way. For me, they truly were little blessings.


I down-loaded a water droplet scatter to go along with my nature theme. After applying them to my design, I noticed that the highlights on the droplets did not correspond to my left-sided light source, and neither did my water droplet on the leaf picture. I rotated both my picture and the water droplet scatter so that the highlights were more uniform. I wasn't sure how to highlight the scatter. I ultimately decided that softer was better. It was a guess because I have never shadowed water before.

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This is my Bootcamp Day 9 design.


I am a practicing Catholic, so not going to church in person has been a real struggle and sacrifice for me during this pandemic. But, even with all of the hardships like social distancing, not shopping, not eating out, God has blessed me greatly. Last summer, we spent a lot of time outside on our covered patio. It was awesome to watch and observe the many little 'nature' gifts that came my way. For me, they truly were little blessings.


I down-loaded a water droplet scatter to go along with my nature theme. After applying them to my design, I noticed that the highlights on the droplets did not correspond to my left-sided light source, and neither did my water droplet on the leaf picture. I rotated both my picture and the water droplet scatter so that the highlights were more uniform. I wasn't sure how to highlight the scatter. I ultimately decided that softer was better. I am not sure I did it correctly, because I have never shadowed water before.

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Well, again I thought this would be a lot easier than it looked... and to begin, it worked fairly well.  But I couldn't get the "scatter" flowers to resize.  I couldn't get the rastered text or the scatters to drop-shadow.  I wanted to add some more text, but the text tool stopped working.  Something is wrong, and I can't figure out what I'm doing that gets these features to not work, when they did with the last project.  Any thoughts?
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Peter, with regard to the drop shadow on the text, you have to covert the text from a vector to a raster,  did you close the vector text, and select the raster layer to shadow. perhaps you selected the wrong layer by mistake.  I suspect the flowers are a picture tube. If so, before you scatter them you have to create a new layer to scatter them on.  That could be why you couldn't place a drop shadow on them, you probably scattered them directly into another layer. To resize the scatter,  you go to the top tool bar and lower the size, before you scatter. If they are to small, click on undo, and  increase the size until you are happy with the result.
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I learned the hard way that if you have an items selected on another layer, that the tools won’t seem to work. I had this happen to me a lot when I first started using the program. I’d forget to deselect and then try to use a tool on one of the top layers, and nothing happened! I don’t know if this could have been an issue with you or not. If so, try a Control D, when tools won’t work and then try again. I also couldn’t scale something before, and that’s because I forgot to set it to ‘scale’ word on the tool bar. In the beginning, when I forgot to do this, I spent 20 minutes once, trying to scale something, doing the same thing over and over. I don’t know if possibly that was the issue with you but I hope this helps.
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I hope I didn't get to busy with this one.  All of the paper came from MyMemories and I don't remember where the scallops at the bottom came from.  I really didn't think I need any thing else after I got the text on the page.  I did put a little glitter on the page with a Picture tube and I really had to make lots of changes to get it as thin as I wanted.


I 'm really impressed with so many of your pages.  Just in the last day or so Sue, Jose, Cindy, Ron, Paul, Laura and Peter have all loaded up great pages and that is just on page 4 of the community.  I'll go back to the other pages later.


Keep up the good work, we only have one more page to do.



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Everyone is doing a wonderful job on their pages, so much creative talent being displayed.


Jose, another beautifully executed page.  The butterflies  in the bottom photo are Pearly-eye.  I enjoy photography, but I do have a passion for shooting the wonderful world of insects in macro.

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Sue Thomas, thanks again. Good to know that you have a passion for shooting insects in macro. I owns a 100 millimeters macro lens and with the pandemic I am beginning to explore macro photography but mainly with flowers in my back yard.


I am glad that I register for the bootcamp.  I have learned a lot not only by viewing Cassel videos but also by looking at the magnificent work of the others participants.

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Finished Day 9 Project 4 Busy Bees. It took me a while to get the Selection Borders done, but it was fun and I found a new way to add borders. I used papers from Pixel Scrappers Gina Jones, Jessica Dunn and Marissa Lerin. I made the brown background by using the dropper tool to find the right shade. The bees and flower scatters are from Pixel Scrappers  Janet Kemp, and the letter B is from clip-art I had.  The flower pictures are from my backyard. I loved the diamond edge border around one of the rectangles. That is amazing and I know I will use that method a lot. Thank you Carole for showing us how to do that.
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OK, here's my second attempt at assignment 2.  Thanks to Sue Thomas and Laurie Solaas for their VERY helpful advice. It turns out  that PSP decided to create a new layer (unannounced and not asked for) for some of the text I was creating, which kept me from seeing it.  Also, somehow my base-paper got selected, which made many tools unavailable on other layers.  I ended up making all layers invisible (thanks for that trick, Cassel!) and then - one at a time - looked at each layer to see what was on it. My missing text showed up on several different layers (the result of several failed attempts) so I deleted all the extra layers and placed the text again.  Curiously, I couldn't get the "return" key to place text on a second line.  I created a second text element, but then PSP wouldn't rotate it; AND, when it came time to save as .jpg, that text element wasn't there.  Not sure why


My take-home lessons:  do a "select: none"  often; label each layer with some identifier so I'll recognize when PSP has "provided" an extra layer I didn't ask for; don't be shy about making all layers invisible, and then checking each one individually.  This is particularly important for me, since I'm vision-impaired and those teeny little images in the "layers" area are almost useless for inspection purposes.

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Project 4: Mardi Gras in Biloxi, 2011 when sister and BIL from GA came to visit. Went back and forth between video and editor so hope I didn't miss doing anything from tutorial. Photos and elements from free stock sites.




Mardi Gras, Biloxi, MS 2011

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My Day 9 Project 4: BEE MINE. Here's Sonya again; last time she was on a ride, this time she's posin' ;-)


Something new I tried; the center photo is lifted up using the tutorial in Creative Scrap.


Edit: I made some revisions. I wasn't happy with the total look of the page. I think this is an improvement.

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I'm loving everyone's Busy Bee layouts. All so unique and pleasing to the eye. I hope everyone continues with scrapbooking.


Jose, I love your butterfly scrap page. The photos are beautiful.  The layout compliments the photos perfectly in my opinion.  This is so much fun, isn't it? I especially love your layout with the photo in three sections.


Cindy,  your Bruce is hilarious in the photo. You got a laugh from me. :)


Anita, oh my gosh your garden photos are beautiful. The colours you used in your layout make the photos stand-out.


Peter, I love that photo and the wording is brilliant. A challenging climb for sure.


wow Ron, I now want to go to Mardi Gras. The layout makes it so appealing. Love it.


Ann, Sonya is so precious in those photos. She will love seeing this when she is older. A beautiful keepsake.


Day 11: Concentration


This is my fur baby Zoe, a rescue dog we adopted at 10 months old.  She is now 10 years old and still full of life like she was as a puppy. Her groomer gave her the bandana as a Xmas gift.  The Christmas kit I used came with wordart.  I played with layering the bottom papers and I rather like how it looks. I was not happy with my last scrap page. This one is far more pleasing to me.


Great job everyone!

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Here is my  5th and last  page for the bootcamp.  I always enjoy participating in challenges in the campus. I'd like to congratulate everyone that has taken part,  and posted their pages.  You  have all done  wonderful, creative pages, taking me on a journey around the world with you all.   I'm not new to the campus, many of you know me for my love of taking nature photos, particularly birds and  insects.  For my final page, I chose this delightful little male Kinglet. I used colours from the photo  using textures and  overlays.  I enjoy creating  word art.  For the tile I used the font Corona, with  glyphs. I used one of Carole's corner punch brushes on  the paper under the photo.  I created the frame myself,  using  effects, textures, sculpture, and chose a faint pattern closest to the lightest colour on the Kinglet. I have 2 extra tips for you.  I also lifted the  top left corner of the photo above the frame, by using the selection tool, selected a portion, promote to a new layer, placed the  promoted layer above the frame. Of course it has to look realistic, and feasible, as if it was in real life. I also placed a thin orange line around the  background paper.  Select all,   on a new  layer contract by a few pixels,  flood fill with orange, contract by a few pixels of choice, hit delete. A  big thank you to Carole for  running the bootcamp.  Also Carole,  thank you so much for your comment on my word art!
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Ann and Wendy, lovely work.  The lifted corner is a great effect Ann. Cristina and I use that technique a lot.  Carole has  the lifted corner script, which will do either corner, or  all corners.  Wendy, you don't need to make a Xmas card for  2021, you have a made a perfect card, to be send either by ecard or posted.
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Help, I'm having a fit with my computer and PSP 21 today.  It is locking up ever time I open my last page.  Here is the specks on my computer.  If any of you know any thing that might help, I'm all ears.


Dell, Window 10-Home, 16 g of ram, Intel Core i7 6700 cpu@3.40 GHz.


Does that sound like enough to run this program.  I have had embroidery software for years and have always bought to run CAD, I don't have CAD but was told to tell the sales man that and he would sell me a computer fast and strong enough to run the software I had.  When to look at the task manager, it tells me PSP is using about 53% of the memory and I try not to run anything else while I'm running a memory hog.


Any suggestions,  Fran

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Fran, I googled system requirements for Corel psp 2021. I have the same version of PSP.


Looks like you meet the requirements. Did you shut down PSP? restart it? I like to do a cache clean at least once a week if i'm using PSP daily.


File > preferences > reset preferences > check both reset general preferences and clear cache. click OK.


I then go back to File > Preferences > general program preferences and uncheck enable auto preserve.


You can try that for starters.



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OK, I guess it is my turn to have a post "eaten" by the forum! I am sorry, but last night's reply went missing.


Ron, I am kind of curious what was the scale value you used for applying the glitters in your Keesler layout? It seems incredibly larger than when others used them. On your Mardi Gras layout, I wonder what settings were used for the shadows on the individual. If you look carefully at the corners, it shows that the shadow seems "detached" from the actual paper/photo.


Paul, I find it very interesting how you changed the shape of the images from rectangular to oval. Did you happen to try the pinking edges somewhere?


Laurie, it is great that you are asking yourself questions about the shadows. In fact, transparent objects won't have a shadow as it would be created by something blocking the light. If it is completely transparent, no light is stopped. If it is partially transparent, it would be a different story. Your trick of deselecting is a good one. That has happened to me too before to try to apply a command and nothing seemed to show.


Peter, Sue offered some answers to your questions. I am glad that you are putting some of those tutorials to good use to troubleshoot issues. That is a great approach to take. In your second posting of your assignment 2, did you squish those flowers?? If you want to resize, you have to be careful to use the Pick tool set to Scale mode AND to only use a corner handle, in order to keep the proportions.


Anne, glad to see your final project after you worked so much on it. If i could offer a suggestion, I would double-check the layering. The text would be unlikely to sit on top of the firework, as it would be too thick to write on. In addition, there is one drop/bead just to the bottom of the paper (where the title is). Maybe putting that element on top of the paper would make more sense.


Fran, great way to showcase this time flying! Good shadows too. For your file issue, are you reopening a .pspimage file? Those tend to be quite large and it can take more time.


José, I agree with you that most picture tubes should be without shadows so users could rotate them as needed and add the proper shadows. You picked the right tubes with the matching shadow!


Anita, I am looking forward to seeing that pinking edge on other projects. Once you know the "trick", you can use it differently too!


Ann, glad to see you add something from the membership. Such a subtle detail, but very interesting to have that curved photo in the middle.


Wendy, did you write the title yourself or was it a wordart? If you wrote it, what font was it? It is an interesting one.


Sue, that is such an interesting way to place the frame to slip it under the photo on one side. You might start a trend!

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