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February TUT/TECH Challenge - Paperclip


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The paperclips are all from PixelScrapper.  The photos courtesy of Australian Geographic.  The background paper, note paper, cut-out title and butterfly word cloud are my own.  The proverb I snitched from the net.  I did play around with the lightness and darkness to imitate the impressions made from the paper clips ... I think there is a lot of room for improvement with that particular technique!  Thanks for takin a peek.  ;D
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I am not a "scrapbook-er" as you all have probably deduced by now ... LOL ... but I do so love to try stuff and also to SEE where everyone else went with it. Some of you long time folks on here are, quite frankly, fun to watch - as you often generously tell how you got your result. Also because you are all so gracious in handing out complimentary remarks even when improvement could be made. I think that is what I like so much about being here. The learning process is ALWAYS filled with improvements needed. That's all throughout life, I think. Nobody is ever perfect and one should never quit learning. But to find a place that's rich in talent and long in compliment is a joy and well worth the price of admission! There are tons of uses for PSP besides scrapbook or tags, and I have a little niche in that where I plunk myself. This has been a great way to learn in a fun environment. I must admit, I also tune in to loads of the YouYube webinars on tv. Great thing about that, too, is the ability to go back and watch something over and over again ... or even watch on the computer and have the ability to do a quick screenshot of the settings so you can log them with a technique. You can even see our Carole there. :) I truly enjoy all of you and it's always a treat to come online and as Annie T says ... "take a peek!".


I love castles ... and if I ever get to Europe I want to see as many as I can! Europe has so much more "history" than we do. Not that we don't have some of our own ... but theirs is so much more documented and visible. I am envious of that. :) Who wouldn't want to see that?

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Just testing. When I clicked on Michele's link in e-mail it took me to this TUT/TECH forum but there are no replies  here  . There are no links to other parts of the forum except for the link at the top the states that the topic has 30 replies ,10 voices and was last updated 3 hours and 28 minutes ago by Michele. Her link works . Very strange! Anyone else have the same problem?




I'll add an image to see if it works

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