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I bought the square doily script to go with the round one, well it would have been rude not to, my excuse and I'm sticking to it should my husband ask why. Anyway, I have been playing and got this idea and thought i would give it a try and I am pleased to say I liked the result. My daughter loves to craft , as do I when not doing things with PSP and she made me a lovely tree of life from wire and beads which hangs in a window to catch the light. i thought i would do a version with Cassels brilliant script and this is how it turned out. Hope you like it and TFL.


Sheila xx

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Thank you Dianne. Cassel, without your wondrous and clever scripts we would find it very difficult to produce something as good as we can by using them. Wish I had your talent.


Anyway, I did another one using a font and I think the result looks like a lace hanky.




Sheila xx

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I’ve only been a Diamond member for 5 days. Already, my imagination and skills have been stretched beyond it’s normal realms of creativity. All due to watching some of the tutorials these past few evenings. As for the doilies Cassel, well you really have excelled yourself, they are positively delightful. They compliment any layout, whether it’s an indoor activity or outdoor. I shall never look at another doily again in the same way, when I use them for serving plated delicacies. I shall be including at least one of them or may be all three to my wish list, meanwhile I shall make my own using your tutorial, which I've already glanced at.
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Amazing examples above of what can be done with the doilies scripts. Lovely work, Sheila and Sue!


I am not yet a Regular or Diamond member, but I have learned so much with the tutorials I bought so far... Not only about scrapping but also the PSP programm. It is remarkable the knowledge that you have, Carole, and the way you pass it on in your tutorials. I am glad to have found your site not long ago.

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Some great stuff going on here and some really lovely supportive comments.


Anyhooo, I have been playing again and after browsing some tuts by Ladyfox I noted she had a flower one using a template. It got me thinking ( a dangerous thing that) and I wondered (another dangerous thing) if Cassels round Doily Script would do a similar thing so I had a go with it and it worked. After tinkering, shading and stuff that cassel has shown us I came up with these. Now, it did take a bit of time but that's absolutely ok by me. TFL.


I coloured the 3 bigger ones using the manual colour correction tool after grey scaling them.


Sheila xx

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Here is a page I did to welcome a friend's new baby. I used the Lab 6/10 Template as my starting point then changed the one small photo to two half-sized ones. I made the name-plate myself, and used elements and ribbons from various sets, changing the colour to match the green in the shawl.
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