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Linda Hitt

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  1. Finally finished my day 7 project. I started over on it several times! I decided rather than one picture to do individual letters with separate pictures. This is my grandson when he was small. Not sure where any of the papers are from. I got the elements from Pixel Scrappers and the round star at the top was made from a paper by Marisa Laren. This has been a fun week!
  2. Finally finished Day 6 project. Used another picture taken by my daugther this time at the Air Force Air Show in Nevada last year (she had so many good ones it was hard to choose just one). 3 of the papers are from Marisa Lerin's Air Force Papers Kit and the other one I made. The button was made from a stamp also from Marisa Lerin.
  3. Day 5 project....this one took longer than I expected but I think I am finally happy with it. The papers are from Marisa Lerin's Oceanside Kit. Not sure where the anchor came from. I was really tempted to put a shadow on the Title!
  4. Day 4 project. I used Carole's layout with a few minor changes. Wings are from Marisa Lerin's Birdhouse In My Soul Kit. The background is from Marisa's Garden Party Paper Kit. The photos are compliments of my oldest daughter who is learning photography.
  5. Here is my day 3 project. The pumpkin element is from Pixel Scrappers and the bow and ribbon are from Cassel's blog. All the papers and the title are from my stash and not really sure where they came from. I did switch the order of the two bottom papers so that the shadow would show some separation. I didn't pay enough attention to the last minute of the video and lost my story on the first try....good thing I saved my PSP file.
  6. Here is my day 2 project of my grandson when he was young with his "Best Friend", Mr. Monkey! I made the plaid paper and the other is from Jessica Dunn. I choose to put a second picture rather than an element.
  7. I am kind of new to the forums so is there a different thread for the day 2 projects or do we just put them here?
  8. Just finished lesson 1 and it was so much fun! This is my first Workshop so I hope I am in the right place to post my project. This is my Mom teaching my oldest granddaughter how to bake cookies! The cute little cookie on the page is by Jessica Dunn. I also used the icing from the cookie to make the icing for my cookie letters. Not sure I am totally happy with the color papers I used but they match well with the cookie!
  9. I got signed up and am looking forward to the workshop!
  10. I have always loved crafting and in my younger years I did lots of craft shows selling mostly Christmas ornaments, small gifts, etc. made with just about anything from painting wood to sewing. As I got older and unable to do the shows any longer, I switched to digital crafting. I had a friend that had a small business making cookie mixes in quart jars and she ask if I could design some labels and tags for her jars.....so that was my start into digital crafting. Now I design and sell these jar kits, candy bar wrappers, cards and lots more. But it is more about "creating" rather than making money. I started out designing with PSP 7 and had many other versions over the past 10-15 years up to PSP 2023. I recently joined Diamond and am learning so many new ways to do things that I never knew existed.....I wish I had joined sooner but thought the classes were more about scrapbooking but there is so much more!
  11. I have never posted a picture here before so I hope this works. I used the "element preview" script to add the graphics to this preview. https://creationcassel.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7_10&products_id=122#.Vx0HN1YrKM8 And I also used the "datestamp4" script to make a new watermark for my preview pictures. https://creationcassel.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7_9&products_id=478#.Vx0IzVYrKM8
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