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What are you working on (in June 2020)?


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It has been a few months since I first started learning PSP by joining

the Scrapbook Campus program. Even though I am not a scrapbooker I

have been able to apply many things from the classes. I now have a

Diamond membership which has helped tremendously. I can study the

classes at my leisure. My memory allows me to forget things I learn sometimes.


I have been working on a project about photos of flowers that are

extracted then placed on a black background.  When I first started

this hobby I would paint out  the backgrounds which took a lot of time.

Now I can extract subjects and items using techniques available in



My first project is now completed, printed and bound at  8.5"x 8.5".

It has only 15 pages but that's a lot for someone like me who has to

make a lot of corrections each day.  I try to utilize what was learned

in each class. Sometimes that requires a complete restructuring of the



Attached are the pages of the book to review. I printed the pages at home using a template I put together to make sure each page is identical in size and shape. The left side is the bonding area. The book was thermal bound at an office supply store. The pages are best viewed using a digital slideshow program. A photo of the book is included.

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OMG! Michele, I hear what you are sayin! I am really struggling with my mojo currently. I don't even want to open Paint Shop Pro. I have registered for the travel challenge so maybe that will get me going. Fingers crossed anyways. You and I are both MIA! <3
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I haven't been on here for a short while, and what a delightful surprise I have had, so many awesome projects posted.  Cristina,  I love what you did with the  10-2 template. I really liked the idea of adding a single  tilted frame,  That was quirky.  Same template yet our projects couldn't have been more different.  Thank you for your comment on my page.   It's always a pleasure to browse through all the different layouts.  Not to mention a great source  of inspiration.
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Swanie, what a great result for your first project. Well done!


Sue, thank you so much for your kind comment. <3 ... Your work is a source of inspiration for me.


As usual, posting something here doesn't mean I will not go back and change things, and this time was no different. I changed the background (KAagard "Great Outdoors" pattern2) and decided to add some stitching. I remember that Sue often uses the "Decorative Stitches Brushes"... So, I purchased and added one of them to the layout. I am not good at sewing, but I will practice more. :)


Here is the new layout.

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Thought I would never get this one finished.  So many nice ones everyone has made on a variety of sujects, I dont know how you manged to get so many photos on a page, I couldnt squish mine down anymore and still see the photo.  Well done everyone xx


These are some photos from Kenedy Space centre, Merick or Meritt Island on the east coast of Florida, I have been there a few times and been lucky enough to see the the shuttle take off 4 times.  These were taken in 2007 but I cant remember which shuttle these were photos of.  The VAB building, (Vehicle Assemble Building)  has a picture on the front of it, the american flag,  which is larger than a football pitch and the grey panels to the side , each one in a series of shutter doors, that lift one be one from bottom to top, so as the shuttle mover can slowly make it trip to take the shuttle to and from the VAB to the launch pad. The mover has 4  tracks with a series of cleats, , each cleat weighs one ton. The launch pad has  water towers surrounding it, the water is droped at take off, cause all that steam to cool the area down.  This is done because the centre is also a nature reserve and this is to protect the other inhabitants of the Island, the protected Bald Eagle and the Armadilla  to name a couple that freely roam and can be easily seen on the bus journey from the space port to the launch pad.  x

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I don't really do too much singular travel anymore ... so for this challenge I got all the pictures off of my husbands old Ipad before he passed. We took a week when he got sick and went to Bar Harbor, Maine. A beautiful place with the Bar Harbor Inn, Acadia National Park, the shops, the dining, cruise liners, a four masted schooner, a horse drawn carriage ride. It was a lovely place and very treasured memories for me. He captured it pretty well with his photos. :o)
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Linda, thanks a lot for your kind comment. Very much appreciated. <3


Minka, I love your layout and how you use the rope tube to frame the photos.


Sue, LoL.


Michele, I know you are taking your time, but I miss seeing your work here. :)

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This is the picture for my gaming group's daily theme that is chosen by the game. I found this gorgeous layered dress by Dior from 1949. I used the template from Carole's Lab 8-10. I ran out of time or I would have tweaked it a bit more. Would have been nice to add some shadows. Plus, the dress on the right is askew; the frame was already rotated when I pasted the dress into the selection. I should have straightened it out, pasted, then rotated it back. Oops. Always learning from my mistakes.
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Michele, I love the layout you created for your gaming group. The dress images are really gorgeous and you found a perfect background paper to match. Great result.


It is the first time I am hearing about Scrap Designers and AnnieC, and those papers are really nice. I have to remember to use the edge punches; they gave a special look to the card.


I am glad to see you back here! Now, let's hope that Annie also finds her mojo. :)

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Lynda, I just checked out the Clip To It script. It's very cool. I think I have to add it to my wish list.


Thanks, Cristina. Glad you liked them. Are you on Facebook? If so, I can help you find some blog trains and AnnieC Digitals.  She's one of my favorite designers. Oh, and my mojo isn't really back. I "have" to do the daily pics and birthday cards for my group. I'll know my mojo is back when I start doing more tutorials and challenges. But my group keeps me in digital shape. :)

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