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May SCRAPLIFT Challenge


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Learning scrapbooking is often done with practice, looking around for inspiration and trying to recreate projects we admire.


This challenge will give you an opportunity to personalize a project while trying to "copy" another one. Of course, you will change the title, the text, and the photos, but you will want to try to replicate the arrangements and some of the effects you see. It is a challenge but in the end, you will learn more about scrapbooking and your PaintShop Pro.


Here is the layout you will want to "scraplift".




And if you want more information on "scraplifting", check out this article.

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5 herbs I love to grow in my garden!  A little story to go with this one.  I decided to do this one as I am in love with my herb garden and I grow a few vegetables as well.  All of these along the fence line just out my back door.  I was almost finished creating when there was a knock on my back door.  The department of housing is re-fencing the premises and my garden had to go.  I nearly cried but the guys are only doing what they have to do and hey, I should be grateful for a new fence at no cost to myself.  Within 20 minutes my garden was gone!  Guess I shall just have to look at it as a chance to start afresh!  :(  So ... these are the herbs I will be growing again!  Thanks for takin a peek!
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I love to see everyone's take on this challenge. Everybody did a great job!


Oh, Annie, I am sure you were not amused after hearing that your garden had to go. But "When life gives you a lemon, make  lemonade." You could create a memory page telling this story and your plans for the next one. :)

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