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What are you working on (in May 2020)?


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I found this great photo on Unsplash and it was taken by Ehud Neuhaus.  It is a photo of dwellings in Prinsengracht which, I am assuming, is a suburb of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.  Layout and papers are my own as are the tubes.  I seem to have lost my mojo and am just not terrifically happy with anything I create lately.  I just don't know where it has gone to but I hope I find it soon!  Maybe I am just stuck in a rut ... ;)  Thanks for takin a peek!
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I haven't been here for some time, and today I see what the great work that has been posted lately.


Linda and Michele, I love this stained glass technique, the bright colors... You both created lovely images.


Annie, I think you created a beautiful layout. Colors, elements, font... Great work!


Besides participating in the Bootcamp, I haven't done any other project... I need to hurry up ;)

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Thanks Michele and Cristina. My problem is that I look at my creations and they are very 'samey'. I need to jump out of my comfort zone but I start a project and get lost for inspiration so I end up doing the same style again! I have not been one for busy pages but maybe I really need to give myself a push. I have joined the photo switch challenge with Bonnie so here's hoping I can create a suitable page for her Penny. You put a smile on my dial Michele and I hear what you are saying ... mojo in self-isolation, lol!
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Oh my Lynda ... these are truly gorgeous and so colorful, as stained glass should be of course. I love mandalas and have made some background papers using them as overlays once I have seamlessly tiled them. Your choice of colors is fantastic and I especially love the combinations in the whale. You Go Girl!
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Thank you so much Annie. You are a sweetheart. These are a lot of fun to do. A bit time consuming but fun anyway. The whale colors I actually did a google search on whale colors and was surprised to find that all the colors used on this Mandala can be found in the whale family somewhere. Who knew?  :-)


The rabbit reminds my husband of Peter Max who did album covers for Cher, Steppenwolf and many others.  Google him, you'll find some pretty interesting stuff.


Again thanks,



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Hi Lynda, you are most welcome my friend. I did do a Google search on Peter Max and he certainly is an interesting character and a very bright colors inspired artist. I liked his vase of flowers so I have snagged one and will do a page for the random challenge ... "no photo" ... well it is a painting right! A little bit of a cheat but I think I can get away with it ... I don't think Carole will sack me, ;D
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Haven't had much inspiration lately, but most of you know I have to create a new pic daily for my gaming group. This week I had fun with fonts for the Taiwan Festival theme and fun with randomized patterns in effects: reflection for the Let Off Some Steam theme (illustration by Berni Parker).  Click on each image for a full view; it makes a big difference.


I hope you enjoy them.

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Hi Annie, love what you did with the photo of Amsterdam.The Prinsengracht isn't a suburb but it is downtown! Amsterdam has a very old city centre with lots of canals, which we call "grachten". You can take boottours on them.


I have been busy with a lot of other things and had this evening finally time to catch up on everybody's work. Amazing things ladies, I enjoyed myself very much.


I used pic-to-painting on this photo and maybe I use it on some project.

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I have been  hiding out in the Lab, so not much to post here,  but I so enjoy tippy-toeing  in to see what ya'll have been doing.  Needless to say I am never disappointed with the view in here. :)


Here is a sample of what I have been doing.  Sort of part of my lifetime.

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Thank you, Annie. Aren't her illustrations awesome?


Lynda, I'm glad you enjoyed them. FYI, Fabulous Divas is the name of my gaming group for City Girl Life. I inherited it.


That's a beautiful result from pic-to-painting, Corrie. You should definitely use it in a project.


Love your hula hoop page, Dorothy. It brought back wonderful childhood memories.

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Hi @ all the creative ladies :-)


playing around with many functions and features and for fun with shapes, text tool and using rulers.

It's always difficult to find a font which is legible when you reduce the pic.





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Nice job on the pizza lady Libera. I agree with you regards the fonts. I find it hardest for the journaling to select an appropriate font. I want it to look like handwriting but most of the script fonts are very thin and they do get lost in the downsizing. I do set it on bold but if I have a small space and have to reduce the font size I then tend to duplicate a few times and fiddle with the blend mode to try and darken it. I find that adding a drop shadow, even a tiny one, tends to distort the font and I like crystal clear. One day I will find an appropriate script font and when I do I will let you know! ;D
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