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What are you working on (in March 2020)?


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Cristina.. going by your photos your trip looks interesting and i hope you had a wonderful time.


Trish ...such a lovely memory page you have created of your son


Minka... your projects look great


Michele... i am sure your friends would have been delighted to receive those beautiful birthday cards.


Annie... your pink robin page is beautiful.


well done to you all !  and best wishes,



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I had a bunch of things to do today ... but still found time to play! As I said, I am not a scrapbook person, but as long as I have been doing psp - it's amazing to learn new tricks. I went back and played with that plaid again. Well, many times actually, and remembered Cassel telling us you could keep it open and apply different colors underneath. Loads of fun and using the same plaid - getting a zillion different looks! I tried out all kinds of them. LOL I do remember her saying it was addictive. Yes, ma'am, it is! Not sure why I never thought of doing that before. Go figure. Thank you to everyone who said nice things regarding my attempts. Appreciate it. I, too, snagged one of those glitters and played with it. Mostly today I was playing with plaids and blurs. The plaids below were the same plaid ... just different colors underneath. Then tried some blurry backgrounds. Just generally having fun. Was trying to figure out how to make the blurs more variegated.
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Shirley, the idea of the "show all" or "hide all" simply means that you will start with a white mask where you will add black to block areas OR you will start with a black mask and add white area to "show the layer through".
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Michele - Both your cards are lovely, but I especially was drawn to the one you did for Anne Heller.  The look is classic and I appreciate your explaining what it took to produce it.  Like you, I've learned a lot from posts with details on how a look was achieved, and still do.   Well done!
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Colleen:  In response to your #1 question  I use textures for chrome and silver. Just open a texture in Paint shop Pro and  I park it aside.  Then go into your material palate and use the pattern, then you can play with the settings to make it bigger or smaller, twist and turn it etc. Then you can use the selection tool to pick the area you want the chrome etc and flood fill it with the texture.


The other suggestion is Super Blade Pro. It takes longer but it performs well in small areas for me like on  jewelry trim.


I sure hope these suggestion helps you .




PS some samples for flooring etc.

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Hi Scrapbook Campus Friends.  Yesterday I made two alphas - upper case, lower case, numbers and punctuation.  The papers I created myself ... the check was from following a Cassel tutorial.  The cross stitch outline on the check alpha was also made by following a Cassel tutorial that created the stitch to convert to a picture tube.  The pipe cleaner outline was from a picture tube purchased from Creation Cassel.  The steps followed involved finding the font, using the background material and no outline, converting to path, selecting the picture tube, script Vector Tube, adding a small drop shadow, converting the vector to a raster, adding an inner bevel, merging visible and voila!  The fonts used are Hobo - blue check and Ravie - bright stripes.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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