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December Theme Challenge - SANTA


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Christmas happens every year. You surely have some photos of Christmas time, and activities or if you don't have photos, you definitely have stories you can tell. Remember that you can create a layout with or without photos!


And if you don't celebrate Christmas, you might want to share something about what you celebrate at this time of year. We would love to know!


Let's go!

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I have just completed this one for the Santa theme.  The photo that I used is by Annie Spratt from Unsplash.  It was virtually a blank canvas so I was able to put the poem and the jester type Santa onto it.  The Santa in the upper right corner was created using JDD's psp script "Shelf Santa".  The tree I created using Cassel's "Ribbon Tag Tree" psp script.  The tub and pressies I made myself.  The rest are tubes I have had for a while, source unknown.  The alpha was a freebie download off the web.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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Thank you Annie, 'intrigued' ha ha , I like it, perhaps I should keep my card simply in future, it was a paper I made years ago and 3 elements,  I was pleased with the drop shadow on Santa, although I it looks like I forgot to change it on the holly.




Christine, Thank you.  Seems I have intrigued you also, I cant imagine what I did ,  what part cant you fathom. I could learn I did.

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Trish, I meant the diagonal "line" and the corners elements. I was trying to figure out how it was done, but after you had explained to Annie, I think the paper is like that. And keep doing what you are doing, it looks great! To be "intrigued" is good! :)


Annie, nice layout!

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Tipsy Santa! LOL It's actually very lovely, Trish.


Annie, everything works so well together on the one page. How does the ribbon tree script work; do I assume you supply different ribbons for the script to use? On another note, I have to point out that lower left Santa looks like he has a really large "stocking." Wink wink! ?

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Christina, yes that was all the backing paper, it is an old one I re used,  the pattern of one of the papers was green foil, the crease line must of been picked up when I did the drop shadow,  the second probably another red gradient, put together with a Christmas mask I have .  I havent checked but the diagonal I dont think was that visable  and was a lucky accident  Here is a quicky I just did with the mask, you can see what is on it better.
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Sherie... well done.. you have created a great Facebook cover.


Annie ... a very nice Christmas page... Joanne does have some great novelty element scripts and the Shelf Santa looks real cute.


Trish.. I left a comment for you in the Working on in December thread but will repeat here.. both your cards are lovely and have a vintage feel ( which I love)..  well done!


best wishes to you all,



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LOL! But ... did you notice that the stocking appears empty, tsk tsk tsk. Thanks Michele, ;D The script pauses to allow you to open the ribbons you want to use. If you want them in a specific order then you need to open them in that order otherwise the script will select randomly and may skip using a ribbon or two. I tend to use 6 ribbons as that seems to give even layering but it really does depend on what look you want to achieve. It is a great script and especially for this time of year. The ribbons were created from another script by Joann's Digital Designs "Perforated Cotton Edging". I'm a little addicted to scripts, lol!

Cristina ... a big thank you!

Trish, lovely work on xmas 8 and 9. Masks are very influenced by the papers used and as you have shown us the results may differ slightly, thanks Hon.

Dawn, as always your comments are treasured, thank you.

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