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October Theme Challenge - SUNSET


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here is my first try of those frames, not to be complete when you have the shakes, lol, I dont know what wentwrong, perhaps someone might have an explaination, was the 75% supposed to shrink or increase, coz the pic got so small I had to stretch it which wasnt a good idea and went out of focus, They frame was too small so doesnt show to well, and the whole thing was floating about on the page. Guess I should have had a bigger frame to start with, as I never checked the original picture size in the first place,  but every time  I copied and then reduce, as it didnt seem to increase , it also reduced the original.  you have all made a terrific job of it and made it look so easy, well done xx
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<span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Bravo pour vos pages qui sont très variées et superbes.</span></span>


Coucher de soleil à quelques minutes de chez moi.  Je suis dans la bleuétière et je revenais de la chasse.





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hello Trish, you have created very nice projects..  I particularly  like your sunset mask one.... it really caught my eye.


hi  Jnet.  a nice sunset photo ... also creating a sunset calendar would make a great gift  for family or friend


best wishes to you both,



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