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What are you working on (in August 2019)


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libera, thank you! <3 ... Carole has excellent tips on this section of the site also. Sometimes I remember how much I've learned in the last three years since I found this site.


Annie, your layout serves as a guide to showcase all the possibilities of the pic-to-painting plugin. :) Nice work!

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Dawn - Glad to see you back and doing more of your gorgeous cards!  Hope your health continues to improve.


Cristina - The Monet in Training is cute and such a nice way to incorporate the Painting on the Wall technique!


Trish - Great use of masks!  You have quite a variety of effects from them.  Very nice!


Annie - Your Gradually Speaking and Pic-to-Painting work is wonderful!  The photos you chose are beautiful and your results are really excellent.


Libera - Good job on the silhouette!  Thanks for the reminder about the tutorial on how to create them.  Sometimes we forget about all the great info on this site.  You did very well with the silhouette and I look forward to seeing the text added!


Lynda - Nice looking ice cream!

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I was messing around with with scripts and tried ssoftpokadots, found that you can make any size dots so I made them large enough to accomodate photos and I made a template out of them. Always looking for a way to showcase the ridiculous number of photos I take while traveling.  Hope you like what I came up with this time.
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Libera .. Thank you for comment on my card. Carole has wonderful tips and lessons and the silhouette technique is sure to be one you will enjoy using in your projects.


Annie .. your Pic To Painting sampler looks great!


Lynda .. your ice cream looks inviting and the layout you did for your US South looks terrific.. a great idea for displaying you photos. Thank you very much for  your comment on my card... much appreciated.


Shutterpixi .. Thanks so much for your kind comments .. I am glad you like the card.


Best Wishes,



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I had to play with "my" triangles, didn't know exactly what I would like to do and this was created while I was doing it ....

The little challenge for me - as I never worked with triangles before - was to find out how to hide parts of it. Just a first exercise. I worked with the pen tool.



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Thanks a lot shutterpixi! The "pinwheel" was a little bit tricky for a first test and therefore not perfect. I add a green version with one of my favorite sentences said by Carole "Have fun" :-) The figures I found them on Pixabay as well as the alpha letters if I rember well. Well I had fun and so much that I nearly forgot a work date ...
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I purchased Cassel's new flower punches and have been having a bit of a play.. Thank you Carole for creating these new ones they are lovely! ......  the rose image on the front and back papers is a freebie from Pixabay..... the lace overlay is from a purchased kit . the rose is PSP tube


best wishes,



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