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Publish It Challenge - 2019


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Annie, you will lead us through another trip around the world!


Alicia, that color really reminds me of that National Geographics! Good choice and looking forward to see more of that park. Be careful in choosing the colors for the background/text. Maybe in full size, the text is easy enough to read, but just make sure. Sometimes, it looks ok in accents but not for text. :)


Jean, if you keep your projects in layers, you have all the opportunities to change things. In fact, as new tutorials are available, I actually expect participants to go back and make some changes in previous pages, so that is totally normal! And when you think of it, it is one of the greatest advantages of DIGITAL scrapbooking!


Marlene, often, an "ok" photo is still worth showcasing as it still is meaningful!


Barb, nice cabin. I can imagine spending a quiet weekend in there!


Christopher, I love that font. Can you share what it is? Looking forward to seeing more beautiful flowers.


Sharon C, don't worry about changing things. You probably will change even more! Those gnomes were gardening with you?


Mireille, superbes photos!!!!


Sharon W, what is challenging you with several photos? These templates are meant to be the easiest ones to use for single or multiple photos.


Sue, I agree with you that we discover many parts of the world and many participants' worlds.


Elaine, that is such a sweet idea. There are so many reasons to scrapbook and document stories and showcase photos. Yours is quite touching.


Wanda (Sue), I love how you took liberties and created that title. It is so cute!!! And that is a fun use of the out of bound technique on the last page!


Barbara, did you take those photos? They are great.


Faye, the redone page 1, is perfectly using that template. You got it!


Betty, great photos, however, you probably would prefer it without distortion. When using a template that includes a mask (like the ones provided), you should not resize the photo sideways to make it fit. Always use a corner handle to resize otherwise, you will squish the people in it. If needed, resize the photo so that the width shows the people, even if the height is smaller than expected. You will see further in the challenge, how to tweak those templates :)


Marisia, interesting to see that you changed the idea for the topic of the magazine.


Lynda, a nice souvenir of that trip with all those stories!


Kim, a trip through music and dance. That will be colorful!


Helen, did you squish that bus? Make sure the resizing is done with a corner handle if you are using the Pick tool. And by the way, what is a mystery bus trip? You get in and don't know where you are going?


Patti, great photo of Lydia.


Jnet, that is a great yet subtle accent to add those corners!


I am happily impressed to see 29 participants post their projects! For the others, the lurkers, com'on and join in! We all get inspired and if you have troubles, don't hesitate to ask as we are all here to help you.

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Hi Cassel:  Yes, all the photos are mine.  I'm feeling a little whiny right now.  Today's challenge doesn't make sense to me in terms of magazine flow.  It seems more like a title page or the first page of a new chapter.  I suppose I'm breaking the "always be positive and cheerful" code of forums such as this, but I feel disappointed about today's activity.  I've developed a couple of different pages, but nothing I want to upload at this time.
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Barbara, the idea behind the templates in this challenge is to have pages made quickly with little "embellishments" to tweak. Although some magazines will have a lot of text and a few photos, some others will be mostly for photos, which is a bit the goal here, but you definitely have the option to add text if you want, at any point. And further down, you will see how to create your own template so that if you want, for example, to have a long story, and just a little photo, you will be able to do it too. :)
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Thanks Barbara, We did enjoy our stay in NOLA. This is the third time I've been there. We stayed at Pontchartrain Landing not far from all the happenings. My cousin and a very best friend of my oldest son lives there. Always something to see. We were actually there this time for a Cousins family reunion. We had family from California, Texas, Connecticut and us, from Illinois. A good time was had by all ;-)
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