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What are you working on (in June 2019)


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Dawn, Annie, and Libera thank you so much for your kind comments. :) <3


Dawn, the visit to the museum was really nice and although we had been there before, we spent about 4 hours looking at old vehicles, going up and down of airplanes, boats, submarines... The photos show the last part we visited.


Debbie, the sunset image is amazing. Great work!


Trish, all of your work is great, and I love the stags greetings layout. Beautiful!


Sharon, this is so cute! The "Pop-Up" class is really great and it is amazing what one can create using the Pick Tool. Lovely job!...


And by the way, I am also not receiving any notification that someone has posted here... probably a glitch.

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Debbie, Trish, Sharon, yes, really neverending inspiration again, wonderful sunset, mary poppins, clever to show before and after, I like the mask with the deer and the vector tube work too and thanks for showing the pop up tutorial, really funny with the children. Nice sunday to all of you!
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To anyone wondering, I have not received notifications for any post in the forum in a while too. I'll have to dig into that because it is quite annoying. I am subscribed to all the threads and as admin, I should also receive notification of any new thread too (so if you post a question or such), but nothing for a week or so.


So, if you are posting a question and I take a while to answer, I apologize for it.

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I also didn't get any notifications or I would have posted earlier. EVERYONE's work is simply wonderful. I love seeing all the different styles our members have.


A friend of mine who is a quilter has a birthday today. Conveniently for me Cassel has a creative scrap on quilting so I put this together for her. The tag is from the Coffee Shop Blog and the font is Monterey BT.


I haven't been able to do much this month because of an injury, but I hope I'll be able to do more sooner rather than later.


Love to all.


~ Michele

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April, Annie and Libera, thank you for your remarks, I wish I could take credit for the back papper or middle as it is, but it was from a kit I got years ago.  If you would like a copy let me know.   Micfin that is beautiful reminds of the lavender fields in Norfolk, so simple and so effective, beautiful xx



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Hi Michele, :)


I missed seeing your work here! ...I'm sorry to hear about your injury and I do hope you get better soon... I haven't tried the quilted texture yet but I sure have to... Your card is lovely and perfect for someone, who is a quilter. I love the color and font too.


Like Dawn always says...


Best wishes <3

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Sue sent me a challenge 10 days ago :-) ( I was interested in the way she realized her flax flower ecard on the top of page 1) and I had to find out how do I adjustment layers. The different puzzle-works are rather a modest and simple result but I learned now how it works, so another learning by doing. The word "learning" belongs to the picture I found on Pixabay. Puzzle number 1 is my very first result. On Puzzle number 3 I played with the effects balls and bubbles, glowing edges, colored chalk, unfortunately the adjustment layers disappear a little bit.



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Michele, I love your card ... so Elegant ... well done ! ... i am sure your friend will enjoy receiving it.   happy to see you posting again.... take care of yourself.


Sharon... your bead art page looks great..


Libera,  your challenge results turned out great .... puzzle 3 caught my eye, nice colours... it is always great to learn new ideas  for our projects.


best wishes to you all,



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Merci Sue, I would like to try it again with another picture and less intense colors. At the beginning I did a few mistakes but reading again what you wrote helped me to find out where I was wrong.


Successful experimentation Sharon, first I thought is was cross stitching.

Did you see the 2 answers for you under PSP-Stuff/Smudge tool from Dennis and me?


Thanks a lot, Dawn and Sharon, that you like the puzzles.

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I downloaded the bear, and then  the bows.  What can I  do with the bow I thought, and then I created this using a photo  I took yesterday. For the background  paper I  used the photo, seamless tiling, blur, and flood filled, used two  colours from the  photo, placed those layers above the photo and reduced the opacity, used the kaleidoscope.  Created a frame, 3 borders, using an inner bevel, flood filled the centre border with   the polka dot which I created myself,  patterns, changed the angle and size, and flood filled.  For the side borders, I used the selection tool, selected a section of the frame, and promoted to another layer, duplicate.  For the bows, I  duplicated the first one,  image, mirror horizontal, merge down,  duplicate, image, mirror vertical, merge down.  Drop shadow.  Doing it  that way,  every bow is placed  exactly where it should be and  so is the shadowing. For the  inner frame, I  used the selection tool, flood filled with  the silver patters, contract by 10 pixels, delete,  effects, 3D effects, chisel, I used transparent, chose a white colour, size 6.  I do enjoy  looking at everyone's creations, there's so much talent and imagination. Great work.
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Sue, your bird photo is lovely! I didn't know they were such a colorful creature. If you get a chance, post another with the autumn colors.


I've been going through more tutorials. Photo tutorials this time. I tried the Curved photo and Accordian fold tutorials. I combined them together in one image with a graphic from Pixelscrappers. I also tried out the Slanted Slats script from Cassel in another image.


I'm still not getting notifications but I did get the email from Carole explaining that she's working to resolve the issue. Computers! Either you love them or hate them!

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