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What are you working on (in May 2019)?


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It is a new month and new projects.


Show off what you are working on in May, be it a scrapbook page, a tutorial, or anything else you want.


We are curious and want to see, learn and get inspired.


These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming!

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Hello fellow scrapbookers! I've really been sidetracked with various things, but I'm about to get them sorted out. I updated my digital camera to one that is from this century (my prevvious one was a little old). So, now I'm learning how to be a photographer. I'm using PSP for my photo adjustments now so I'm really buckling down on learning it all. I've already learned my first photo lesson. Don't take pictures of flowers on windy days!
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I like very much to participate in the challenges as I see them as an opportunity for me to practice everything that I learn in the Campus, but lately, I have not been very creative, so that's why I am missing many challenges.


For this layout, I used the template "Around the World" from Scrapping with Liz (Lilypad).


Elements: Compass (Corel Travel minipack freebie); Heart (Janet Scott-PixelScrapper-crochet heart-be mine kit); Font: Kato



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Hello Cristina, your page is very nice and you have done a great job getting all the photos in.... the layout you have chosen is very effective.    I have been having health issues and also haven't been feeling very creative since I finished my cards last month.. hopefully my brain will kick into gear again soon.


best of wishes to you,



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Dear Dawn, thank you so much for commenting on my layout. <3 ... Sometimes templates with multi photos come in handy, and I like this one because it is so different from the ones you generally see for multi photos.


I am missing you here but I know that here and there life interferes in our creativity... But I do hope that you get better soon so we can be inspired by your great work.


Best wishes to you :)

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I had seen a picture that had used PSP's DISPLACEMENT MAP EFFECT so decided to try the effect. Visited the sea front and photographed the sea wall (made of Granite blocks) and a near by Brick retaining wall. When I tried to use these for the effect I found them unsuitable as they had to much texture/detail. Back to the sea front to photograph the ripples in the sand(a much simpler texture). Wrong time tide in! Spotted a shoe floating in the sea (it looked so lonely) took some photos as it floated about. When I looked at the shot on the camera screen the ripples on the water looked good. Took a few shots of the rippled water.


Back home download photos to the computer and check them out.


Floating Shoe a very minimumalist shot but looks good, Sea Surface a reject?


What would the floating Shoe look like as a 'painting'?


I then tried the PicTo Painting plugin that came with PSP2019 ULTIMATE. Itcompletely changed the look of the photo and what a change!


A new source og Backgrounds !!



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Michele, your card is lovely!


And thank you for commenting on my layout. <3 ... I needed more than a week to finish this layout... Just finding the right photos for the right space took me a long time... Maybe others would make it faster but I am a very slow scrapper... And you know, there is this detail that doesn't look good, that element doesn't fit, and so on... :)


James, you achieved amazing results with your photos. Great work.

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Cristina, my idea was to show how easy it is to create a background. The photo was converted to the painting effect with just 1 click using PicToPainting , I do not have the skill/talent to create the painting. I do not want to take credit for the work of others.



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James, it's wonderful that you have such an experimental and creative drive. That shoe does make me feel very lonely. Nice work.


shutterpixi & Cristina, thank you both for your kind words. Hope you had a great day.


~ Michele



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James, I like you, installed everything when I upgraded. All the other plug-ins and programs work except for Pic To Painting. It will open, show my selected image and allow me to to select a preset. When I select to preview it just spins, and spins and spins. I cannot close the window and I have to use task manager to stop it. Task manager tells me that Paint Shop Pro is not responding. All is fine when I end Pic To Painting. Maybe they could make it a standalone and it would work on my machine. I have a feeling my machine may not be capable of intensive graphics.




In the meantime, I've been playing around with the vector spiral. I really like it! Thank you Carole for telling us about it!

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Sharon. I have a new computer with a powerful i7-9700k cpu , 16Gb of memory and a GeForce GTX1060 3Gb video card, so have alot of processing power. I run Win10 64-bit Home edition opperating system. When I load PSP2019 the programme uses 500k of memory and Pic2Paint uses another 100k taking the processing memory use to just over 3Gb about 19%. I do not know how much memory is used on the video graphics card but think about 450k at peak processing.


If your computer is running a number of background tasks it could be starved of memory for processing the Pic2Paint. You say that you have to stop the programme using Taskmaster , can you check there to see what is using all of your processing power.


If anyone else is using Pic2Painting could they please lets us know the time it takes for them to process a picture , with my setup it takes about 7 seconds.



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I bought   2 of  the lace picture tubes a while back, and use them a lot I my projects. I never thought to use the blend mode to create even more variations until I read the blog. I used the gradient technique on one of the lace tubes, to match the colour scheme I used  in this scrap page of my son, daughter-in -law and granddaughter.  Thank you for the tip Carole!
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