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Scrap Bootcamp - January 2019


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Well, here is day 5...I tried to do it like Carole did because I wanted to learn everything so I didn't stray much on this one lol. Still not real sure about the drop shadow on the thicker elements, I think I did this right, but not sure? The brads are the only things I changed the drop shadow on and I couldn't find anything like the butterfly you had to try that one :(


Everyone has awesome looking pages...I have a LOT to learn! I agree with Casey, will have to look on youtube to learn more. Carole, you said there is more in Campus then bootcamp....but you have to pay for that don't you?



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@Angel, yes, much of the additional content is paid, but not everything. Yet, it is up to you to decide if you want to search all over the place for free tutorials or pay a little and have everything at the tip of your finger. Either one is fine, and you will never be excluded from the Campus :)
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Day 4 page... I think that I'm learning a lot here about how to use the tools I have not used in a long time. It has been 10 years since I last used corel of any kind. Sad to say as then I knew it in side out.. I like a lot of the ones I'm seeing so for..


Nana Ray

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Here is my Day 5.  I used the kit that was suggested and it had some of the some elements as Carole used so I went with the animal theme from the trip.  The photos are all different size but I aligned them at the top and bottom to make it work the best.  Everyone on here is so creative.
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Hi there, Im Deb from Queensland, Australia.  I have started a bit late due to moving house, but hopefully catching up with you all.  I am tasked with scrap booking our family history to bring to life old family photos for future generations, instead of having them packed away in my spare room.


I have just done lesson one in the scrapbook boot camp and wanted to share my homework with you.  I like the dark gray background and like the palettes to be docked, mainly using the material palette at this stage.


Have a great day, this is my page.



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This is my Day 5. I decided  to not put my photos in a row, I liked the idea of having a lace-edged mat under them instead. The background and the strip are from a set called "Tropical Blooms" from digitalscrapbooking place. The mat was made using another paper from the same set although I recolored it to match my shirt, and I then drew a vector circle the same size and used the cass-LaceEdge 6 font, letter b, to make the lace edge. The elements are all from a set called Tropicana, a freebie on the web,


I belong to a caravan club and the photos were taken during their National Rally last September. There were lots of great outfits, grass skirts and flower/coconut bras - and that was some of the men! - as well as lots of shirts and colourful leis. We had an absolute ball!

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I'm still a day behind but this is great because being new to scrapbooking, I am finding many wonderful examples here. I'm learning from them.


I also did some exploring on the Internet as I don't have any decorations in my files. I found that there are many free sources of accessories with transparent backgrounds like the snowflakes in my submission.

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Here is my page from Day 5. I used papers from a free-to-use kit by Nellie Belle called Friendship From Georgia, then I used some elements from Pixel Scrapper. I used the glitter swatches from today's lesson to turn my photo corners sparkly. You really need to enlarge the page to get the full impact of the courtyard photograph. I need to lear more about photo editing to make that picture better.
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Here is my Day 4 - Layout #2


For this layout, I used the "Great Outdoors" Kit from KAagard.


The bow I made using Cassel's Bow6 script... also added a lifted end shadow following Cassel's Realistic Shadows Masterclass... this is something I am still learning how to do. The Adhesive Tape was also made with Cassel's script.

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I have a question about changing this label using PSP.


I would like to change the black part to a gold gradient.  Then make that gold gradient part have a beveled shape so it looks like it frames the pink area.  Thanks for all your help!



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Here is my homework for day 5.  Couldn't figure out how to use the glitter tubes you supplied so opened a glitter page from my many, many supplies and recolored it to gold to make the background behind the 3 pictures.  I liked using the 3 pictures in a row, - something I haven't done before.  Also had trouble getting the pictures to snap to the guides so just used the guides to resize the photos.  Actually, my program was sort of acting up in the it didn't want me to use the arrow to move things and so I had to resort to the move tool (which I haven't ever really used).  I closed the program and reopened it and still had the same issue.  So I closed it again.  After this submission is posted I will go back and reopen it again to see if it straightened out.  Learning good things in the workshop.  Thanks, Cassel.



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Bootcamp day 3 image. This is technically my very first real digital scrapbook page. I've done other PSP pages and graphics, but this is my first scrapbook page. I would have liked to be able to use a light fill for the background of the text box to make it more readable so maybe in a future project... I am the one in the middle.
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