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What are you working on (in November)?


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Show off what you are working on in November, be it a scrapbook page, a tutorial, or anything else you want


We are curious and want to see, learn and get inspired.


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I have made another small email greeting/tag... i like to include them in emails to family and friends... have used Cassel's Eyelet 4 Matt freebie  and chain bead tube for the pearls.... the fan and roses were created with a script from joannes digital design.... the papers created with the help of 2 old plugins.. eyecandy 4000 and paint engine.


best wishes to everyone,



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Look how much fun I had using Cassel's Accordion script. I was going for a pamphlet kind of feel to it. I never would have been able to do it by myself. If I had had more time, I would have made a more interesting background for it with some drop shadowing. Unfortunately, I only have a couple of hours to come up with an idea and produce the daily theme pic for my gaming group.


~ Michele

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Nice work, DeLoris. I haven't tried the overflowing yet.


Thanks so much, Dawn and Cristina. Full disclosure, I didn't make the original paper with all the geometric shapes. I found it during my search to get ideas for the game design theme. Sometimes I look through my own images and google for an hour and suddenly something strikes me. If I have enough time left, I'll try to make my own version using it for inspiration. For this one, I didn't have the time.


~ Michele

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Dawn the colors in your tag are so calming.


Michele, love the accordion effect


DeLoris, I am sure you and Heidi will spend lots of time playing with the new toy.   I like the overflow effect with the flowers.  I tried it last month with water.  I hope to try it with something else this month

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Thank you ladies for the comments.  I live alone, so PSP keeps me out of the bars!  LOL  I have lots of free time and this is why I love this forum and the campus.  I've spent years scrapbooking pages for my photobooks and didn't take the time to learn all the things PSP has to offer.  Cassel's Campus and Facebook Group has given me an outlet to learn things I never took the time to learn before.  Since my grandson doesn't want his picture taken anymore and I can only take so many pictures of Heidi, this give me things to do.


Here is the 4th lesson in Corel's Presentation.  It was making work overlays and using different artistic effects.





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This is the last effect in the Corel Presentation. I like the vignette filter, but did not care for the graduated filter. In my PSP 2019, there is a lag time in using both of these filters. When I make an adjustment, I have to wait for it to change. The graduated filter I just did not understand how to manipulate it to get the same effect that I got in the vignette one only using color. A class on that filter would be GREAT!





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Hello DeLoris, you have achieved nice results  from Carole's Corel class video and also Your overflowing effect above looks great... well done to you! for all the effort you have put into doing them... I am looking forward to watching the overflow masterclass when it is available as i think the idea is really nice.


best wishes to you,



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