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What are you working on (in October)?


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I have been working in different layouts and for this one, I also used the house template freebie but it has nothing to do with the House Theme, that is why I am posting here.


I added Cassel's custom confetti Valentine freebie, and for the background, I did as suggested in the email: a gradient and grungy overlay.


I also used Sheila Reid's elements from 2016 "For the love" freebie.

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I saw some time ago a bright yellow with white polka dots background layout and decided I wanted to do something similar.


From Cassel: Doily freebie; Chrome Hearts (Lab8 Module 06); Post-It Note -heart shape- (tutorial); Bows 6 & 9 (Scripts); RicRac ribbon (Free Script).


After I had finished I thought the yellow layer was too bright and started to play with the blend mode so I added a white layer underneath... I liked very much the Luminance effect and now I am undecided which one to keep. In order to soften the yellow layout, I used larger polka dots.


Here are the two layouts

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hello Cristina, have missed seeing your projects.. hope everything is ok with you...... all 3 of your pages above are lovely.... my eyes are especially drawn to the one of Olivia at 3 months with the luminance blend mode  ...  and your post it note is so very cute!... well done Cristina!


best wishes to you,



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Great posts.   Love the house template ones.  I just received mine hope to work on it.   Michele a very appealing project with the fashions.   Cristina the blend modes worked great I like it better too.   I did a simple page, I started with a very neutral paper.   I used an adjustment layer, my first time.  It was the brightness/contrast.   I increased the contrast so it would show up more.  Then added my pictures I made my own mask with a soft brush.  Used my most fav Cass Clip to it to clip the pictures to the masks.   I used the Luminance Legacy blend mode too, at 61 so the pictures blended in with the paper.   My grand daughter and I were both looking up so I added some butterflies.
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Christina, the house frame, make s a nice frame for anything.  I love what you did with it!  Both your baby layouts are sooo cute!  I love the gray background best.  It makes the photos pop!


Royanne, I love your page!  Anything with grandkids grabs my attention.  Well done!





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Thanks, Cristina and Royanne, for your kind words.


Cristina, your house project is wonderful. A house is just a building without loved ones in it. Love your layouts for Olivia. It's close, but I have to pick the one with the luminance layer. The yellow color overshadows the pics a little too much. If you had your heart set on the yellow, maybe try smaller dots. I think a lot of little white dots might really tone down the yellow.


Royanne, yours is lovely. The subtle tones are perfect for the project. I like your quote, but I always say that grandchildren are our reward for not killing our own kids. lol :p


~ Michele

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Dawn, Royanne, DeLoris, and Michele, thank you so much for your kind comments on my layouts. <3


Dawn, thank you very much for asking, everything is fine :) ... I am usually a slow scrapper and lately, even more... Doing and redoing layouts until they satisfy me. LOL ... Best wishes to you too. <3


Royanne, your page is so lovely... great layout!


Michele, I agree with you, the yellow layout overshadows the photos, and that's why I immediately liked so much the gray... I just didn't want to let it go the yellow LOL


I think it is unanimous, including me, the layout with the luminance effect is the one. I will use the other one another time. Thank you all!



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I posted this in another thread but I think it may be better suited for this thread. My pickleball group held a celebration for the new tennis/pickleball courts the city renovated for us this summer. Four of our number formed a small band and performed "The Pickleball Song" for us. The words on this page are from this song. We all love to play pickleball and we love to eat and visit just as much! Our group ranges in age from 18 to 80 and our membership is multicultural. We number more than 50 so not all are pictured. This is the template Carole gave us just recently.
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Bonnie, the use of the template is great.  We started playing pickleball in our small community hall once a week.  There are a few of us that go south in the winter where we learned how to play the game.   Those that stay here in the winter use our community hall to play.


My husband's name is Ken.   On the internet I found a Ken doll taking a white poodle for a walk, with a PINK leash.   It was in a JPG format, I erased the white poodle and put our little chihuahua on the end of the rope.   I found a double frame and tried to line them up the best I could.   I was constantly LOL doing this one.    The path that the Ken doll is walking is the same path that Ken used but a different picture.   I had a bit of trouble on the fine details of the leash a few extra pixels here and there.  Hope you have a chuckle or two like I did!!!!  The JPG image below is a bit off, my Ken is not that dark and the Ken doll is not that bright on my original.

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This is not in the least bit "scrapbooky," but it is definitely "Halloweeny." I started with a stock photo of a woman screaming then added and distorted a clipart hand.  Used the time machine, added a vignette, a mask, some texture overlays, and some other adjustments and effects. I even used Local Tone Mapping although I really have no clue how it works. :) The font is Raven Scream free from Sinister Fonts. I hope nobody has nightmares!


~ Michele

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Hello Michele  ... you chose a great picture  it suits the "Halloween" theme well.... the effect you created is good.


My two new email greetings below... I have used Cassel's Corner Punches and Lace Tube and Seed bead tube and a heart shape with the Vector tube script ... also Lab 8-09 Letter Tile tutorial..... the Iris flower I painted a few years ago and scanned into computer to use...the bow was made with a script using the dot background pattern which was made from Cassels Polka Dot  tutorial. the flowers are PSP tubes


best wishes to everyone,



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Michele, I commented already on FB, but have to repeat here seeing in a higher resolution... this is really very good! ...And I don't remember using the Local Tone Mapping... Still so much to learn


Dawn, I mentioned before and will repeat, I love your work and to look at all the little details... Beautiful cards! As Michele said, you are an artist!

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I wanted to create a layout to practice two techniques from the Lab 8 module 10, the crayon rub and the filled cutout, but although I tried hard to incorporate the second one, nothing I was doing pleased me... So I only added the crayon rub (flowers and leaves).


I was inspired by a page I saw on the internet to create this layout (tree with buttons)... I copied the tree from a 200-pixel outlined image from the internet and enlarged it thanks to what I have learned from Cassel's Vector webinar and other vector tutorials.


From Cassel: Paper butterflies freebie (paper butterfly script), buttons (tutorial) and String white-black Tube.


The papers are freebies from snip snap scraps design and the font is Emily regular.

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