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What are you working on (in September)?


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a few weeks ago I did a little tag for sending in emails and I used lessons from Lab 8-08... Oultined Polkadots for the background pattern and Simple brads for the centre of flowers...l also  did the straight pin lesson and added a created heart ribbon element. Cassel's Word Insert script was used for the word hello and Cass Petal Font 1 to create the flowers.... the other tag was created from a tutorial written by Jamima at Everything PSP ... the materials were supplied to do it but I changed the colours up a bit and added a free poser girl image . the poser girl  looked like she was thinking about something so I added the little verse to indicate what she was thinking about.



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Annie, your layout looks really great, and the cover you chose is perfect... I guess what Michele has is contagious... I downloaded the font ;)... I think I have more fonts than I can use in a lifetime :D


Dawn, your tags are beautiful, and I love to look at all the details. As Michele said, always great to see your work. <3

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Well, this started in September (Sunday)  LOL  I won't put the page here that tells the story.  You won't be able to read it.  It is on Facebook.  I saw a mouse Sunday and I just freaked out!  I don't drive, so I couldn't go buy traps.  I called my daughter who lives in town to see if she would go get some, but she didn't answer, so, I sent her a text.  I called my daughter Heather who lives about 20 miles away to tell her what was happening.  She offered to bring up her cat.  Her cat is named Mama and is quite unique.  She is more tempered like a dog that a cat.  She likes car rides and if you go for a walk, she will walk with you without a leash.  She loves to snuggle on your shoulder with her head buried in your hair.  It was finally decided that she would bring Mama up.  Mama is great at catching anything!  As soon as Mama came in, we took her to the refrigerator where the mouse was hiding.  She smelled it and just waited.  I walked Heather out and when I came in Mama had it in her mouth heading to my bedroom.  The mouse got away and went under my bed.  Mama just sat and waited some more.  I kept checking on her, and in about 1/2 hr she had it killed!  When she walked away from it, I threw it in the field beside my apartment.  I made 2 pages for my book.  1 tells the story and the one here with pictures.  I've since set sticky traps around (away from Heidi) in case another gets in.  Ewwwwwww!
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Fabulous page to tell your story DeLoris, I love it. You make me laugh. I love little meecies. My daughter has had a fascination with them for many years and we had many an elaborate set up to accommodate them. As for little field mice, if we ever come across any we trap them and let them loose back in a field. However, I know heaps of people who can't abide them and are genuinely fearful of them. Each to their own my dear friend, show me a snake and whilst I may not want to kill it I would be paralysed with fear! :(((
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