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Travel Tale Challenge 2018


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First of all, come and say HI if once you register for this challenge.


We want to know who else will be there, on our side to challenge us.


Remember that it is NOT a contest. It is a friendly challenge to get you to do something you might not have thought of doing before.


Once the Challenge is started, on August 19th, you can post your pages, and your stories (if it is too small to read, you can always copy and paste the text, if you want).


Remember to resize your image to about 600 pixels before uploading it so it won't slow down the site when we have lots of your masterpieces. If you are using double pages, it might be better to split them in half and post both halves separately, otherwise they will be too small to really see.


Now, pack your bag and grab your ticket. Take off will be soon.

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Hi Cassel!  I am so looking forward to this, it is something I have been wanting to do for a very long time, I just wish I had this opportunity before my dear husband passed.  We did some traveling before we both got too sick and I can't wait to put some of the pictures we took on our last trip to California and a couple other places.
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Welcome to Sheila, Cristina, Marlene, Deloris and Elaine. Many others have registered but I guess they are still too shy to post in here!


Get ready now and gather some photos and stories for the travel you would like to document. Although you might not use all the photos during the challenge, you would at least have enough to pick and chose depending on the template and the tutorial. And then, you can also continue further, after the challenge.


And share this challenge with friends. They might have an interest in scrapbooking, or be just curious about it, or just want to find a way to create a photo album using PSP.

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Hy registered to try how is the world of scrapbooking. Will try to give extra time fo, but sometime day's too short :-)




I'M french talking so excuse some error of interpretation use Google traduction but sometime the meaning is not the same .




Have fun all

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@Gail, that is an interesting take on the tutorial: you only used the outline with a 3D effect. I think I might steal your idea for a future tutorial!!!


@Lois, I have never been to France. Maybe I can travel with you?



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Wow what wonderful ideas you all have,


here is mine for day 2


the route is for cars because I  couldn´t find a route for trains,


text says -  I we gor by train from Aachen , through Hamburg to Friedrichskoog-


pict - our trainstation in Aachen, a view from train to Hamburg Speicherstadt, station in Friedrichkoog and a Googlepic from the Klinik (healthcare for Mums and Kids )



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