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June Tut/Tech Challenge - Vignette


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The Campus is the perfect place to learn more about photo editing, various techniques, or PSP in general.


This challenge will give you an opportunity to practice some of those techniques or use some tools.


This month's Tut/Tech Challenge is to the Vignette effect from PSP. Use one of the default preset or create your own. Put the focus on the subject of your photo, or simulate an old picture. Be creative.


HERE is a tutorial to help you out.


Why not show us the before and after?  It is always inspiring to know how one starts with an "ordinary" image and creates a masterpiece using PSP and a few clicks.

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When I first watched this tutorial, I thought it was awesome to be able to add a vignette effect to a selection. (Now I realize you can add any effect to a selection.) I took a pic I had previously downloaded from a wallpaper site and played with it. I liked the idea of a light vignette for this pic. Added a few poinsettias from a tube, lowered the opacity of them, and created a simple frame. I didn't want the font to overshadow that sweet face. Oddly enough the name of it is Summery. :)


I can't wait to see what the other campus members come up with.


~ Michele

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Thanks Michele. Do you think he is a dandelion or a Dandy Lion? LOL! Interesting effect Vignette. I agree with the lighter touch for your Christmas Chick and I had to go darker for the lion otherwise I lost the wind blown effect of the dandelion. Definitely makes you think about what you are trying to achieve. <3
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Hello everybody!  I needed a quick birthday wish for my brother this past weekend. He drives heavy equipment,  and this is what I came up with. I started with a stock photo....adjusted brightness/contrast.... applied vignette & lowered opacity....added text. Very quick and he loved it! Enjoy! Nancy
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