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What are you working on (in June)?


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Michele,  I appreciate very much your comments on my project  and I am also happy that I can once again participate in the forum.


Cristina, my friend did install Firefox to do testing with and it did work so we will leave it on my computer in case the problem returns. Thank you so much for your comments, they are always appreciated..... I did miss not being able to participate.


best wishes to you both,



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I had some fun making a birthday card yesterday for one of the members of my gaming group. First I rotated the main yellow flowered paper on image 1 by 90 degrees. On image 2, I used a copy of the original paper and first applied a kaleidoscope effect, then a seamless tiling effect. I copied it to image 1 and moved the layer down. Going back to image 2, I selected and resized it so I could use Cassel's Bow9 script on it. I just loved the way the bow came out. The font is a cute one called StitchCross that I picked up for free somewhere along the line. (Added various borders with different effects, too, obviously.)


I hope to have the time to get back to the Campus's tutorials soon.


~ Michele

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Everybody has been so busy and creating some good stuff. Love to see the different things being done. I too have been doing things . I have been practicing drawing and painting. I am no artist but can trace with the pen tool, love them nodes. Here is what I came up with, a Dog Rose.


I also extracted a peonie and coloured in a rose from a line drawing, sorry don't know whose drawing it was as I have had it on my PC for a very long time so I can't credit the original artist. Anyway, thanks for looking. Sheila x

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Hi Michele. Thanks so much for your kind comments my friend. As for the alpha, well … I found on the web a sample of an alpha that I liked. Copied it into psp, then copied the letters I wanted with the pen tool using a solid line setting size 1, putting each letter on a separate layer. The initial outline was plain the scratchy bits came later. After the initial outline I clicked inside the letter with the magic wand and then expanded by 5 or 10 (whatever suits you) and then, adding a new raster layer, flood filled with a floral pattern set to a percentage to suit the size of the letter (alpha). I then went back to the original solid thin outline and added the scratchy uneven bits again using the pen tool, solid line, size 1. I then merged the outline layer with the pattern layer, making sure the outline was on top. After that I simply placed each one in the correct order to form the title. I like using the pen tool in the mode Draw Point to Point - Bezier Curves just in case I need to add a curve or two. It was a bit fiddly but very rewarding. I hope this helps Michele, I'm no Cassel when it comes to tuts, LOL! Maybe Cassel can make sense of what I have been gabbling on about and create a tut for us!!! <3
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Thanks for your lovely comment Cristina, much appreciated. Here is a copy of what I spelt out for Michele regards the title, hope you can make sense of it! (As for the alpha, well … I found on the web a sample of an alpha that I liked. Copied it into psp, then copied the letters I wanted with the pen tool using a solid line setting size 1, putting each letter on a separate layer. The initial outline was plain the scratchy bits came later. After the initial outline I clicked inside the letter with the magic wand and then expanded by 5 or 10 (whatever suits you) and then, adding a new raster layer, flood filled with a floral pattern set to a percentage to suit the size of the letter (alpha). I then went back to the original solid thin outline and added the scratchy uneven bits again using the pen tool, solid line, size 1. I then merged the outline layer with the pattern layer, making sure the outline was on top. After that I simply placed each one in the correct order to form the title. I like using the pen tool in the mode Draw Point to Point – Bezier Curves just in case I need to add a curve or two. It was a bit fiddly but very rewarding. I hope this helps Michele, I’m no Cassel when it comes to tuts, LOL! Maybe Cassel can make sense of what I have been gabbling on about and create a tut for us!!! <3)
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Thanks for all the encouraging words, ladies. <3


Sheila, those flowers are gorgeous. I've never seen a dog rose; it's so pretty. Great job.


Wow, Annie. That sounds like it was a lot of work. I'm impressed with how you knew what you wanted and figured out how to get the result. If you don't mind, may I save your pic with the directions you wrote? I would love to try something like that one day.


I always learn so much from the projects everyone posts.


~ Michele

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My daughter's cat "Mama" had hernia surgery Friday.  She is the love of the family and everyone was worried about her.  She is a ginger tabby and she rides in cars like a dog.  Go for a walk, she will walk with you.  Does she need a leash, Nope!  She is amazing!  I did pages for her surgery day to go in my yearly photo book.  They put pj's on cats now instead of cones around their heads.  It is adorable!  She hates it, but she is adjusting and feeling better every day!





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Annie another lovely page... you seem to be enjoying the Basic scrap course 1 and your projects are looking great.


As I love making cards whether it be for sending via email or the traditional way with paper etc. PSP  really does help me achieve in both areas of my craft work.. I just love the program and I learn something new with it every day.  This project is done for a friend  and to be sent vial email as a cheer card greeting.  it is good to have a sense of humour  when you get into your 60's or older  because some days when health issues are not that good you can feel very vintage...... I have used Cassels Chain bead tube and Bow 13 script as well as her tutorial for Tulle lace which I have made for the background. The vintage photo is an online freebie and the Parchment frame is from a purchased kit I got some time ago but the site where I purchased it closed down last year. the floral cluster was made using a psp tube and a free swirl brush . I enjoyed doing my last project with a double page so I have done this one as a double page as well.



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Thanks dear Dawn for your lovely comments on my results.  I must say that your card is a pure vintage delight.  Lovely work my friend.  Like yourself I don't always work with photos but I am starting to appreciate it.  I need to get a new battery charger for my camera and then I will take more shots of … something, :)  So much to learn here Dawn and Cassel is so thorough with the tutorials, I am really loving it.  Hugs......Annie T
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