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What are you working on (in May)?


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Here goes nothing. I jumped off the fence and signed up for a membership. This is what I did with Lab 5-9. It's my first "real" scrapbooking page. I used a couple of flowers from Pixelscrapper and changed the hue on them. I made the background paper using a brush from a free set by gvl on DeviantArt. The main font is Baratta and the small font is Arista 2.0 Light. I took the picture about 10 years ago when I was on a walk. You never know when something will catch your eye.


Hope everyone in the northern hemisphere is finally enjoying Spring.


~ Michele

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I have been working on making Wombat things for my Son for his upcoming website and new business.


His nickname has been Wombat since, oh, forever.  He calls his home WombatManor, even his car tag is Wombat.  Now, a Wombat is an Australian Marsupial, has a live young which lives in her back facing pouch.  They are great diggers and live in a burrow they dig with their long strong claws.


I have an ornament of a Wombat which I took a photo of, took it into PSP2018 and worked on it, cutting it out and made many adjustments till I got something I liked.  I made a tube of it and when I used it this frame is what I got.  I had no setting on it for I wanted to see what came out.   I used the vector paint script around a heart shape.  I liked what I saw.  It had one Wombat  on the frame with the script so I added some more.















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This is another image I have done for.   Cass's Neon Script in this with a cut out Wombat.   These are still works in progress deciding on wording and Fonts.  I will take this into ParticleShop and use a Fur Brush to bring out the edge fur.  Cheers..Jan



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hello Michele, your Classy Classical page above is absolutely beautiful !... I love the effect of that script.. I don't have that one yet but your creation has inspired me to get it some time soon.... the colours are stunning...... your Mother's Day greeting was also a lovely thought to give to all the mum's in the campus who had their special day on Sunday.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been playing tonight and did a vectored drawing of a petal and decided to make a flower. I then decided to make it into a spray with leaves. The leaves were made with a brush shape. I used Cassels technique of shading and used the lighten darken tool to give depth. TFL.




Sheila x

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Wow @Sheila, that is GREAT!


@Mara, I am impressed how you turned that old wrinkled photo into a great one; just like new!


@micfin, slats can give such a great effect to a picture. It is a super simple technique but has such an impact.

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Hi Scrapbook Campus Members.  I have just finished one of the Master Classes - Alpha Making 2 and it was terrific.  Threw this one together last night but I don't feel it does the alpha justice … the alpha could have been larger to feature more.  Anyway … a learning curve.
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