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Love Story Challenge


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I followed  to the letter the instructions for  the mask. I learned something new this evening, and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  I had been pondering on  what I was going to create for this year's St David's Day card. This is what I came up with. The background paper is one of my photos, which I then used again in the mask. The love for my homeland.   You can take the girl out of Wales, but you can't take Wales  out of the  girl.  I included the  corus  of  the Welsh National Anthem. ( Land of my fathers)


PS  I had trouble  uploading  image, after 3 attempts it uploaded.

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@Leslie, how about you start a specific thread in the PSP stuff section of the forum? We can give more details both ways to help you out and help out others who might have the same issue. I think it will be useful to everyone else as you are certainly not the only one stumbling with this. It is actually a lesser known technique so it is just not as obvious.
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@Micfin, don't worry. I'll add it manually, and yes, you should get the emails in order, no matter when you start (you might just be one day behind others, but you will get them all).


Edit: Looking at the backend, you should have received Day 1 and Day 2. Can you check your spam folder?

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For some reason, I was having a really hard time with the mask yesterday. PSP just didn't seem to be responding. But today, everything worked fine! It actually worked out better because I changed my focus. The top is our two grandchildren from my son. We lost our granddaughter from our daughter at birth, but we had this photo created for her memory, so I wanted to include it. Now all our grandbabies are included! I deleted the third photo as I felt the two represented what I wanted to represent. Thanks, Cassie! I am learning a lot.
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Hi everyone,


I am a little late with my day one page but its probably due to time zones. Anyway, my first page is of my husband who passed away a few months ago.  Although I use PSP almost daily I have never done scrapbooking before but wanted to give it a try.  I could not get the mask to work on the smaller frames either so I just did what I could.





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Hi Everyone,


Sorry I am late with my first page but I signed up late yesterday.  Mine is for my husband who passed away recently.  Although I do use PSP daily, I have never done much scrapbooking but I did want to learn.  I could not get the mask to work on the smaller frames either.


I seem to be having a problem even posting here....







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I love looking at all the pages created here! I did todays of my dearest friend Richard. I love him sooo very much and couldn't imagine my life without him! I used Feel The Love page kit by Kimeric Kreations to make it. https://www.thedigichick.com/shop/Feel-The-Love.html

This challenge is a lot of fun and helps us realize how much we love our friends and family!




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My husband and I are very much into Rotary, so I did today's challenge with a photo of us at the Rotary International Conference which was held in Atlanta, GA. The background is the Rotary logo used as a pattern and the yellow and blue are Rotary's colors. Is the background too busy?


I'm still working on the plaid pattern!



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@Leslie, if your mask is white, it means it is not masking anything. The mask should be a combination of black and white (or grey) where the black will block. Check back the steps, and look at the Layers Palette and see when you see (or should see) the mask get some black. It should be when you move the floating layer and deselect. You'll get it.
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