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What are you working on (in January)?


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Michele your Pink Performance pages are lovely!  the particleshop plugin does create some nice effects. I also use it .


Cristina your Frames  and the photos you chose to put in them are beautiful ! well done... I will have to look at the class and give it a go in the near future.


Sue your frame looks great!


I haven't been posting lately as my Mother (98 years old) passed away on the 11th January and my brain is working a little slow at the moment. I popped into the forum this morning (my time)  and it has been a joy to see all of your lovely projects. I am going to try and do something creative today as I know Mum  would want me to continue in the things that bring me joy..  whether it be a post for here or just do some colouring  on  cards.


best wishes to everyone,



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Oh Dawn, I am sorry for your loss. It is obviously something that will shake someone. Take the time you need. Remember that PSP and scrapbooking should be a fun activity. If it brings you joy to think of your Mum while doing so, go ahead. If it is still too hard, just take a break. We will all be here for you when you need us. We are all a big family.
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Dawn, I am so, so sorry for your loss. :'(  ... I remember the lovely page you created for the 2016 Calendar Challenge with her photo. Lovely lady.  I know how you feel as it happened to me too... I am kind of slow in creating layouts for the challenges but this helps to keep my mind occupied.


Take your time and when you are ready, post your lovely cards and layouts. They are an inspiration to all of us.


Best wishes to you. <3

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Dawn, you and your family have my sincere condolences. I lost my mom two weeks shy of her 90th in 2016 and I know how difficult it can be. Remember that each person grieves in her own way and on her own timetable. Do whatever you need to do; we will be here when you are ready.
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So sorry for the loss of your precious mother Dawn, it is a life event of significance. I lost my lovely Sister last August so can empathize a lot with you here. Grieving takes time and emotions will be all over the place for some while. Do take solace in nice calming activities and when it gets rough, its perfectly ok to cry and be angry, all part of coming to terms with your loss. take care.




Sheila xx

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Cassel, Cristina, Michele and Sheila........ Thank You for such thoughtful words of condolence on the passing of my Mother.  I appreciate each of your caring messages very much.


Cristina in your message you indicated that you are also grieving the loss of a loved one and maybe  this has happened recently. My Heartfelt condolences to you and your family also at this time ....  like you I am trying to keep my mind occupied by doing some of my card making .....  memories of our loved ones  remain forever in our hearts. ....


best wishes,



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Dawn, thank you so much. <3 It was also my mother... She fell at home, had 2 fractures (hip joint and leg), operation... Slowly over the last 5 months, her health began to go downhill. Like you said, their memories remain forever in our hearts.


Best wishes <3

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over the last few days I have been thinking about Friendship whether from within the family or from people I have just met and I have again realized just how special it can be...... here is my first step forward...


Cassel's lace edge font was used on the circle shape and Cassel's twisted stings tube was used to create the spirelli effect on circle. Cassel's Petal font was used to create the flower that I made some time ago. the friend sentiment was free online clipart (author unknown).  ....... best wishes to everyone



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<span style="color: #1d2129; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; white-space: pre-wrap;">I tried a mask! I used two drop shadows (plus and minus) on it. I don't know exactly what I was going for, but I kind of liked the effect. The original pic was a freebie from Alex Green Art. I cropped the flowers out of it and flood filled the mask layer. The font is Loveya Script.</span>
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This is the layout I made to practice the Lab8-01 Techniques: Plaid4 - Paper Cutout - Wood Burning. Great tutorials as always!


Shadowing is something I am still learning and I am never sure if it is correct.


I used Cassel's Wooden Alphabet & Digits freebie. I will try and see if I can come up with something for the Word Challenge - Between

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Cristina, Thank You very much for your kind comments on the Friend card  I made... The layout you made along with the elements you made look great on your snapshots of the forest page. I hope you both enjoyed your day out.. A lovely page to add to the family memories album.


Michele, Thank you also for your kind comments on my friend card.... you asked about the background under the circle with the  flower if I made it... no I didn't.. the rose embossed overlay is from a purchased kit that is no longer available as far as I know as the site closed last year .... Your project above looks great... the photo, font, and the effect you have achieved make a lovely cheerful card!


best wishes to you both,



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Dawn I'm glad you liked the card, I forgot to say that the elements were from a set called A Mother's Love Combo (DBTHans). The poem I found online.


My mother died in 2005, two days after her 94th Birthday (she was born on 11th November 1911!). I had been lucky enough to see her in the July of that year. As a sign of sympathy two of my friends gave me a Mother's Love rose. We dug a small bit of garden and planted the rose at the approximate time her funeral was taking place in England (10.30 pm our time). Two weeks later my sisters took her ashes to where my father's ashes were - and would you believe that on the same day the first rose actually bloomed! Each November I now have a wonderful display of roses to remind me of my Mum.

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Thank you Cristina .....  I hope the days are becoming easier for you to and memories for you bring joy to your heart.


Marlene what a wonderful way to remember your Mum. the roses would look lovely blooming in November.


I have done another card to add to my collection that I am giving to my sister-in-law. (it is taking awhile because I want to fill a box that I have) something for the men in the family and for any occasion..... this a purchased coloured digital stamp and sentiment from a set called the 3 tenors from Beccy's Place here in Australia. I  have added Cassel's music tube and Corner punch from set C and the plaid paper I made some time ago.


best wishes,



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I wanted to give the Framing 101 class another look before it disappears. These are my second attempts at each of the three methods Cassel taught us. Hopefully the notes I took were complete enough so I can use what I've learned going forward. I added some stock photos after the fact. In hindsight I probably should have picked the photos first. :p
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