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What did you do (in October)?


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Thanks for your sweet notes, Dawn and Christina.  I'm very hesitant to share as I look at everyone's work.  You all are so professional in your work here; so I set my sites a bit higher each step taken.  I'm going to attempt to share a Halloween Card for my older sister.  I had fun doing it and Cassel hasn't seen it yet but encourages me to share.
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Shirley, we have ALL been beginners at one point. We all learned step by step, with tutorials, on our own or with guidance. Everyone in here has been very supportive. Some members are total newcomers to using PSP so you will just encourage them to share also. Every new project you post will be a step forward. We all here for you and with you.
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The images below show a card I made for my older sister who was born on Halloween. The colors are not as vibrant as in the original; after scanning, I did some color adjustment in PSP which helped but still not what I wanted. I do cards often but this is the first time I used PaintShopPro to do the work. The card base used three different papers, a sign, cake, and tree that I found just looking for Halloween ideas. I found some witch feet that I used on the top of the cake, adding a ribbon between the bottom and mid layer. I did add some shadows.

The words, grass, and some of the pumpkins were fussy cut and added on top of the originals with spacers behind. After doing the card base I made 9 tags which I scanned all on one page to give you an idea.  Again the tags look much better in real life.  Finally, to explain it I wrote a poem for her.  It just folds over the card which was mailed this afternoon.  I'm so excited.  I just discovered we can click on pictures and they enlarge to see them better.  Also, I didn't mention that the top opens and the tags are inside the folded cardstock with the threads hanging out.

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Hello Shirley,   I agree with Cassel, we have all been beginners at some stage, so please continue to share your creations with us.  Your card and tags  are very nice and I am sure your sister will enjoy receiving them, knowing that they were made by you..   I especially like the poem that you have written for her.  Look forward to seeing more of your projects.....  Best wishes to you!



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Shirley, talking for myself, I am in no way a professional. Like you, I started with the Basic Course last year and now I am learning with the great tutorials of The Lab. I think the main goal here is for us to have fun working with PSP, learn and support each other. For me, I love to see all layouts, beginners or more advanced.


Your card is lovely and what a great idea to have the pull tabs! Your sister will love the card and the poem. Great job!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,  I'm a bit late in getting back to you ladies who commented on my work here (Sheila, Cristina, Micfin, Dawn) and I do so appreciate your encouraging words.  It took me a few minutes to find this page as I kept looking at all the work that has been shared in the last few days.  What an exciting group!  Look forward to everyone's work as we move through the next few weeks.



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