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March SKETCH Challenge (2023)


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Learning scrapbooking is often done with practice, looking around for inspiration, and trying to recreate projects we admire. Sometimes, we can be inspired by finished projects, but sometimes, we also have to use our imagination to interpret something.

This challenge will give you an opportunity to envision something from a “boring” base, and you will have to imagine the end result differently. The sketch is only a written idea, and you can fly with it, modify it, and customize it to fit your vision, your photos, your supplies.

This sketch has lots of room to add stories about your photos, or you can focus on the stories instead of the photos.


And if you want more information on using sketches, check out this article.

Post your project in the gallery.

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I used a kit called ps-rachel martin xanthe for any papers and elements. The photos are random from Mike Hindle on Unsplash. The font is Bungee Inline and I used the technique taught by Carole in the Text Workshop-Lesson 5 but this time I used a "fatter" font and added texture. I took the title from the name of the kit.


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A couple of days ago we went to a gardencenter because we needed some compost and this lovely flowers caught my eye and of course I couldn't resist taking a picture of them. And I needed a change from the Build a Kit Workshop before I will wrap that up! The fonts I used are: Christmas seasonal (why it is called like that is beyond me), Floral dividers (a dingbat) and Century gothic. Background papers come from my stash. I made a simple mask for the biggest of the 2 photos inspired by some of the ones Sue Thomas has done some time ago. This is just a starting point for me in making more and different masks myself.

Sketch Challenge-March-20233-600.jpg

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Corrie: Nice! And you're already going into garden centres and seeing the alluring colours. Lucky you. Ours won't be open for a few more weeks. We can't even plant most annual flowers until well into May in case of frost and cold nights. Our weather has been mostly wet and chilly for March, but I guess that's better than the snow we often get. I AM ready to see colourful beauty again in nature.

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9 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

Corrie: Nice! And you're already going into garden centres and seeing the alluring colours. Lucky you. Ours won't be open for a few more weeks. We can't even plant most annual flowers until well into May in case of frost and cold nights. Our weather has been mostly wet and chilly for March, but I guess that's better than the snow we often get. I AM ready to see colourful beauty again in nature.

Julie thank you, our gardencenters are open year round and they sell houseplants as well and all kind of pots and accessories. Most have a small café and we go there often, a specially on gloomy days or weeks for a coffee and a stroll through the glasshouse. Spring isn't great here either, I want a bit of sunshine and am fed up with the rain, wind and cold. The only plus point is that's good for the groundwater levels which were very low after 2 uncommonly dry and hot summers we have had.

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I like these challenges. It keeps me on my toes trying to create something worthwhile. I have no gift for layouts so using someone else's ideas is helpful.

The background paper is from Digital Scrapbooking, Melo Vrijhof, called Animal Kingdom collage paper. I added the outlines of gnarly tree branches to the background and adjusted the opacity. The frames are vector shapes with effects added.

The photos are by Bobbi Goodrich, a US photographer and artist. Her work is outstanding. I've had them for years and wanted to do something with them.

2023 SBC Sketch Challenge Apr 1_600.jpg

Edited by Julie Magerka
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11 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

Julie thank you, our gardencenters are open year round and they sell houseplants as well and all kind of pots and accessories. Most have a small café and we go there often, a specially on gloomy days or weeks for a coffee and a stroll through the glasshouse. Spring isn't great here either, I want a bit of sunshine and am fed up with the rain, wind and cold. The only plus point is that's good for the groundwater levels which were very low after 2 uncommonly dry and hot summers we have had.

When I lived in Toronto, the garden centres there were open year-round for the reason you mentioned. I used to love going to them during the doldrums of winter to see the greenery and breathe in the smells. It was reassuring. But - sadly - none of them at that time offered a coffee shop. That would've been great.

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