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Theme Challenge - SEASONS


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This month, the theme is SEASONS. Do you have obvious seasons in your part of the world? Do you have a preferred season? Do you happen to have photos of the same area at different seasons? That might even be a cool way to blend in multiple images.


Add stories to those photos but you know that you can also tell stories without photos!


Let's go!

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To the best of my knowledge I have 5 white tailed hares, that reside in and around the farm.   Now that we have snow I'm able to track them.  They all have  different sized feet, and  length of stride.  Now that they have turned white, they are more difficult to  find.  For those that don't know they are nocturnal animals.  From dawn til dusk, they  blend in exceptionally well with their environment. Sitting out the day.  This one decided to spend the day not far from the stables.  It was a windy day, which meant that the blowing snow created a snowbank around the hare.  I took photos  every couple of hours, as the day went on, the wind died down allowing the sun to evaporate the snow that covered the hare, which kept  it warm throughout most of the day. Snow is a  wonderful insulator.  I always say that snow is Mother Nature's duvet, when it  blankets the  landscape, during a harsh Canadian winter.  Just before dusk I went  to check on the hare, and it had gone, leaving behind a perfectly shaped snow mould of  itself.


I used word art which I created  some time back, and  one of Carole's snowflakes.  I used a scalloped  template which I also created.  The background paper is one of my snow photos.    Photos were taken on the 17th November of this year.



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Sue, Your photos are amazing!  The photos and what you have to do to get them -- including cutting up fruit, LOL!  I cannot believe you trudge out in the snow just to get a pic of a rabbit, but these are exceptional, so it is well worth it.
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Suzy, thank you for your kind words.  I appreciate that you realize what I have to go through sometimes to get the shots I'm  looking for. I have to say though, I absolutely revel in  being in the great outdoors at any time of year, regardless of the weather.  While I'm still  able  I will continue with all the outdoor pursuits, from hiking in snowshoes throughout the winter months, riding, kayaking, cycling, all with my  camera in tow.  Plus of course, crawling through the undergrowth during the summer months looking for insects to shoot.  Again, thank you!
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Sue  beautyful photos and a matching layout!


I didn't have a lot of time because I'm busy printing  calendars and cards for European and home use; the ones that have to go overseas are already on their way. I go to fysiotherapy 2x a week, go for a walk almost everyday and the walks are getting longer too. Besides that we had a couple of visits to make that were postponend until I was able to come and a funeral to attent. It was a busy week to say the least, therefore I used a quick page that I altered a bit. The photo I took today (on my walk) of the oaktrees nearby that still have their leaves in a very nice color. Due to the warm months October and November there are a lot of trees that haven't shed their leaves yet, which is very uncommon in December. I don't know if we have to thank or damn the climate change that is now so noticeable. When we married in November 51 years ago  it had been snowing a little bit and it was freezing cold! Quite a difference to today.

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My interests stretch far  beyond Mother Nature on our beautiful blue planet, it extends to the  wonders of the night sky.


December's full moon is appropriately called in the Northern hemisphere  the Cold Moon.  This year's full moon falls on the 8th December.  Last night's star gazing gave me such joy, even with frigid, blowing snow  winds. The shots taken last night were taken 2hrs apart, you'll see how the moon rotates. And yes, the moon does rotate. The moon is in it's  waxing gibbous phase, with Jupiter clearly visible, the other 2 planets make their way across the sky this month too, which are also clearly visible with the naked eye, they are Mars and Saturn.  The constellation Orion is front and foremost in the southern sky, quite a spectacle sight it is too, with Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky is now visible, along with the reddish star Aldebaran, again all visible with the naked eye.  I could go on, but I think you get my passion for  the night sky.   I don't have  a fancy high tech camera, but  it's perfect for my needs, when using the right settings.  It doesn't support zoom lenses, yet it takes adequate moon shots.


I created the page last year, the photos were taken  last night at what many will call unsociable hours, well after mid night.  I never tire  taking moon shots.

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Sue, those are spectacular! My daughter has been using the moon in her art lately so I'm well "mooned." ;-) I see the individual shots, which you said were new, are labeled with the year 2023. The images must really take a long time to travel to Earth! :-D j/k


(One of Deb's linocuts, of a series of 12)

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