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Embroidered Patch

Brian Dowling

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These are website decorative elements made featuring the 'Embroidered Patch' script.  I was trying to create that jacket or rucksack patch look of years ago... (why did they ever go out of fashion?).  I wanted more of the script's serge stitching to show so found it easier to create as simpler a picture as I could... simple as in the number of colours.  I split the colour blocks into separate layers and ran the script on each one separately.  For each block the script creates more layers which I merged down so I ended with the same number of layers as colour blocks.  I then tweaked the colours... mostly I made white whiter.  I might move one block up or down to see what is best.  The Three Lions was trickiest as it was easy to lose some details and took more goes.  For the outer edge I had the settings  for piping to 10 and backing to 30 on the internal blocks it was set to 5 and 5.


No other scripts were used, except for in the Eire patch, which if you look carefully had a 'Stitched Edge 2' script run on the shape to create that stitching your mum did to sew it on your jacket!

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