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Mitered corner script, is there a class or blog or video where this script is used?  When I want to make my own border, how do you start?
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I don't have a ready-made video on using this script but it is very straightforward:

open the ribbon or the element you want to use for the frame/edge

run the script

follow the prompts asking about the type of element and the final dimensions you want

watch it work

Are you running into issues?

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This is the link  to a video on how to use the mitred corner script.  It is in the store, under lace brushes.   I knew I had seen a video somewhere, it took me a while, but then I remembered. It's in an unlikely place.  The most important thing to remember is to make sure that your ribbon, lace, or what ever you are using is  completely horizontal, otherwise, you  will encounter problems.

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No problem!   I have my uses, sometimes!  :-)   Perhaps you can  add that video to the  mitred corner script in the store.  It's there then for anyone  who  purchases the mitred corner script.
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I should definitely do that. I wish I had the time to do a video for EVERY product in the store!
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I only discovered that video, when I purchased your lace brushes.  The Mitred corner script, was included in my very first order from the store.  I discovered the hard way, if you can call it that.  That the element has to be  completely horizontal, that is why I mentioned it.  As for EVERY product,  having a video.  Well, I don't think everything  needs a video.  The majority of the  products, especially the scripts  have more than  adequate written instructions. When read carefully, to be  understood.
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I will say, that I can create a  circular element  better than using the  circular element script.  I use the  'creating lace'  tutorial in the  creative scrap instead.  I don't  get any small gaps for some reason.
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The majority of the products, especially the scripts have more than adequate written instructions. When read carefully, to be understood.

Problem is that you have to purchase it before getting the instructions, and many people are still very unsure about using scripts (or purchasing them). I am still surprised to hear people say "scripts are above my head", or "but I don't know how to use scripts". And videos would also be to show the versatility of the script and the end result.


Believe it or not, someone had asked me what to do with a window (from the Wooden Window script) once done. He had NO CLUE how to use it.

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Possibly someone who was brand new to psp. :-)    I regard myself as an  average person. I read instructions, until I understand them. You have to take the time to learn.   Having common sense is an asset, something which is lacking  in society today, especially in the younger generation.   For those that say they don't know how to use scripts, point them in the direction of the two or it is three masterclasses you have done over the years. You are the rocket  scientist, who creates them, for  us to use with ease.
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Thank you Sue and Carole for looking at my problem.


Sue, your comment That the element has to be completely horizontal to begin with, that's the answer I was looking for. What should I start with before I run the script. With the link to the video with the lace bruches it is now super clear! I had in mind that I had watched a video somewhere where the mitered corner was explained, but I wasn't sure anymore and couldn't find it anywhere.


Carole, to use the script then is very clear indeed. Follow the prompts and it will work by itself, very good script, I actually didn't manage to formulate my question clearly, but Sue gave the answer


I am someone who always reads the instructions, but it is not always obvious when it is written in a language other than your own, and sometimes 1 misunderstood word confuses everything


With the link to the video about the lace bruches, it has become completely clear


Thank you!! now i'm going to practice a little ?

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Not everyone my age has much or little knowledge of English. Especially manuals that deal with specific things are not always clear when it is in another language.

Some people my age  have never worked on a computer, and don't start doing so until they are retired

It's different for the younger generation, of course ?

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Marie-Claire, you may already know, but I'm going to  mention it anyway, just in case.  Use a guide when creating your lace or ribbon with either a tube, or a brush.  That way you are guaranteed to  get it perfectly horizontal.
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I have the mitered corner script too and like Marie-Claire I was a little put off when trying to execute it the first time. I always read the instructions very carefully but sometimes it can be difficult because they are in English. The use of a good oldfashioned paper dictionary next to my computer is a great help for understanding. Besides that I like to find out for myself how it has to be done and I use that script now without a problem. I just checked the video if I do it correctly and it would have been great if this video was available with the script.
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thank you Sue for bringing it to my attention  (#74993)


Corrie I use google translate, it works very well, but from the explanation I did not understand that I first had to create a ribbon or lace or whatever separately. Now with Sue's explanation, and now that I've seen the video my euro has fallen, as we say here ?

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Wonderful Marie-Claire.     I would say "the penny has dropped"   or " the penny has finally dropped.   In other words understood!  :-)  Depending on how long it  takes me to work something out.
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I can't even imagine trying to learn/work with PSP with instructions in a language other than my own! It's challenging enough without trying to figure out words and expressions in that language. I admire those that are doing that! And, to use an idiom, I "take my hat off" to you. To me, this whole mitred corner thing sounds a bit daunting.
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Julie, the instructions for that mitered corner, if you want to do it manually (not with a script) is available HERE, inside the vault. Just if you are curious.
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Meanwhile I just tried two frames with a lace ribbon, they are a bit too wide but it was just for practice, and made a frame with the edge-font2 from Carole's store, and it worked without problem :-)
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Thanks Carole. I will try that. I like to know how the script works before I rely on it. Or, at least I think I do. The whole mask process was a real learning curve. But I'm glad I went through it.
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