
Project 365 – Are you ready?

Last week, we had a quick look at the whole idea of a Project 365. Did you decide to start? Did you already get some of those pictures on a daily basis? If so, let’s continue that journey. If not, no problem; you might want to consider one later this

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Scrapping in the New Year – Project 365

Digital scrapbooking can be an ongoing activity or revolve around a specific project. You might want to create an album for your last vacation, or simply bring out the old photos stacked in a box. Another new type of project has recently combined some photography goals and digital scrapbooking goals;

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Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in Digital Scrapbooking

Considering that digital scrapbooking does not take up physical space and can be much less expensive than purchasing the same amount of paper, brushes, and other elements in paper scrapping, it is very easy to gather a lot of supplies. How many digital supplies do you have on your computer?

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10 more Common Mistakes in Digital Scrapbooking

Last week, I posted 10 mistakes that were commonly seen while digital scrapbooking, and several scrappers added a few more to the list. So here is a follow-up with more mistakes one can see in digital layouts. 1- Missing Shadows This can either be a beginner’s error or a slip

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10 Common Mistakes in Digital Scrapbooking

Whatever program is used for digital scrapbooking, the scrapper is responsible for doing everything. That means sizing, shadowing to writing to texturing, while paper scrappers do not usually have to worry about it. Unfortunately, a lot of details escape the mind of the user and the resulting layout will make

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More than scrap – what else can you do?

Although digital scrapbooking supplies are naturally used for digital scrapbooking, you can surely give them a second life. I have found that every now and then, a project comes up and even though it is not scrapbook related, I will open my graphic software and dig into my digital supplies

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14 Tools to Create Color Palettes

Maybe you are a designer who likes to create scrapbook kits within a pleasant looking color palette, or maybe a scrapper who is struggling to find the perfect color to accent a scrap page, many tools are available for you. In the previous article, we listed many tools that you

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14 Color tools to pick colors from your photos

Choosing colors to use in your layout can be done in many ways, one of which is to start with the photos you want to use. As the poll on last week’s post indicated, most people do exactly that: they base their choices on the photos themselves. You can often

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6 ways to choose colors for your layout

When you start a project on a scrapbook layout, how do you choose the colors you will be using? Do you look for the overall color of the photos? Do you look for accents in the photo? Do you just choose a kit with a similar theme as the photo,

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8 ways to use bad photos in a scrapbook page

Are you taking tons of photos of people, places and events surrounding you? Do they always turn out great? Out of 100 photos, how many you would consider real keepers? How many you would immediately toss out? If you have that many photos, you probably can spare half of them

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For Photos That Matter