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  • in reply to: July PHOTO SWITCH Challenge #45257
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      Hi again Bonnie!


      I’ve had cats before … but mine were mousers and really independent.  That’s a smart cat that will shake hands and do a high five.  Pretty darn cute and THAT makes her a very special cat!  She’s cute!

      in reply to: July PHOTO SWITCH Challenge #45242
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        Sorry Bonnie … My computer died and had to get another one.  Am sad without that one, but I should have known it was coming.  It was old but I loved it.  Am ready to roll now if you are still game.  :o)  I took this picture in front of my house  last fall when the cruise boats were going by every day.  Will be interesting to see if anyone is cruising again this year!

        in reply to: July PHOTO SWITCH Challenge #44648
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          I’m game for this!  Where is everyone?  This is a really fun one.  Hope someone else joins up!  :o)  I need a partner!

          in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2020 #44175
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            I think I had a brain drain … could not remember about linking! Had to pull out my trusty Carole Asselin Tips and Tricks for PaintShop Pro book, page 110! Some of the best money I ever spent! LOL Still don’t like how it came out, but I am way behind on chores, so that is how it is going to stand for now. I spent too much time this morning on making new stamps. I sure hope since I am not in Maine anymore for the winter, that somebody in the neighborhood is looking out for Rocky. I do know he got me through a very rough patch. If you could see those pictures full size you can actually see the window and me reflected in his eyeball. He would nuzzle right up to the window to get food. Guess he didn’t stash enough away for a harsh winter.

            in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2020 #44108
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              I, too, am at a disadvantage of not being where my pictures are … but I did find one BIG picture of mine — one of the cruise liners that passes by the field in front of my house in the summer and fall. I used that. The lighthouse one is mine, too … all of the other pictures of the actual cruise boat I got online. I find this liner fascinating when it comes as it has a big crane boom structure that slides in and out and apparently for a few extra dollars you can go up and take pictures as it swings around all sides of the ship. It’s really high in the air, too! We can see this boom LONG BEFORE you can see the ship as it makes its way out of the harbor. I don’t long to do a cruise, ever, but they sure are pretty going in and out. I can see why some love that kind of vacationing. I used to run out with the camera every time various liners went by, but they are so plentiful now I would spend most of my day on the front lawn. LOL Still, every now and again I catch a new one.

              in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2020 #44104
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                Gerry – What a wonderful way to remember your friend. The whole thing was moving – the stamp project and the back story. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend, but you made a wonderful remembrance.

                in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2020 #44080
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                  Isabel … you just write here and don’t include a picture. Same as you would if you were posting something. 🙂 Good job on your leather tag, too! I like that coordinating blue leather.

                  in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2020 #44074
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                    It wasn’t quite big enough to make into a background … so I just used it as a lone picture. Minimal words- just where it is … took me longer to make the two itty bitty stamps!!! LOL They need to be bigger, but it was fun to make them and unfortunately, all the time I have today. I have loved seeing all the pictures and travels. I think this has been the most fun challenge so far with all the participation. Lynda – LOVE LOVE your leather tags! Might have to steal … oops … I mean borrow them. :ox

                    in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2020 #44019
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                      I get to head home next week and can you tell, I am a little excited about it? I haven’t seen my house in about nine months and I am really really happy to be getting back there. Florida is nice, but time to be home! Another colorful one – date stamp from Cassel’s scripts … the pictures used Cassel’s Add Borders script … and I attempted a leather tag. There is no official icon for home, so I just made up one. It’s all about learning, right? I left the fonts unshaded and just wanted to see if they look better that way. I know they sure do print better that way. Live and learn. I am loaded with wildlife in Maine and keep a camera at the ready as I feed anything and everything that comes along. I draw the line at bears, though, Art. Weird picture puzzle skies are some of my favorites. You often see them on the puzzle boxes and say … no sky looks like that. But some do! Usually just before or after a storm.

                      in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2020 #43953
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                        A friend and I went to Sea World in Orlando, Florida, at Christmas 2019. It was a lovely experience … they had bells ringing, carols playing, decorations galore and festive treats!  There was a spectacular Laser Light show as it got dark featuring a whole lot of Christmas trees on the water all timed to music and sights.  Just as it got dark enough, they had snow jets blowing snow all over the place.  I kind of laughed as I came 1500 miles to get away from snow!  It was fun though.   It was a wonderful day!  We went just prior to covid-19 hitting the states.  Don’t think I would be too comfortable in those kinds of crowds now, so happy we went when we did!  It was a colorful and joyous day spent with a friend who would probably not be physically capable of doing it now.  Good timing! i tried to put the colorful day in my piece … and also used Cassel’s date stamp script! I am just getting to play with some of her scripts and they are soooooo much fun!

                        in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2020 #43874
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                          I’ve had to sit around and wait for some business affairs to come in … so I worked on day 2. I took a hint from Lyn’s nice pretty vivid colors and broke out of my usual box of neutrals. LOL Not too long ago I went on just a short day hop to a place where you get on an overly large air/pontoon type boat and they take you out to the mangrove islands in the Peace River where all the Woodstorks hang out. Once the young is hatched, the females take to the air and it’s the males job to raise and protect him. You can see them EVERYWHERE in the tall bush islands and when it gets hot they spread their wings out and stand there for hours on end in the hot sun protecting/shading the little one. It was cool to see. Off in the distance you could see the females flying and feasting making up for a lot of lost time, I guess.

                          in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2020 #43853
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                            Art ~ That bear looks very absorbed in eating his fish … but I sure hope you took that with a lens from far away! That’s not a big enough fish to keep him busy for long. LOL Great picture.

                            in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2020 #43852
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                              Ann – You and hubby look like you are having so much fun! Love the hats! Can’t wait to see what you make.

                              in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2020 #43851
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                                Thank you, Lyn. Love the colorful theme on yours and the photos are gorgeous! I envy you that trip. Must have been truly lovely. That was a lot of things to see (and experience) in 14 days and I can just imagine those memories will be with you forever!! Awesome page.

                                in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2020 #43837
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                                  Ooops, so sorry. Posted it in the wrong place. Anyway … here goes again.

                                  I don’t really do too much singular travel anymore … so for this challenge I got all the pictures off of my husbands old Ipad before he passed. We took a week when he got sick and went to Bar Harbor, Maine. A beautiful place with the Bar Harbor Inn, Acadia National Park, the shops, the dining, cruise liners, a four masted schooner, a horse drawn carriage ride. It was a lovely place and very treasured memories for me. He captured it pretty well with his photos. :o)

                                  in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2020)? #43833
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                                    I don’t really do too much singular travel anymore … so for this challenge I got all the pictures off of my husbands old Ipad before he passed. We took a week when he got sick and went to Bar Harbor, Maine. A beautiful place with the Bar Harbor Inn, Acadia National Park, the shops, the dining, cruise liners, a four masted schooner, a horse drawn carriage ride. It was a lovely place and very treasured memories for me. He captured it pretty well with his photos. :o)

                                    in reply to: Travel Tale Challenge 2020 #43668
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                                      Hi everyone! I should have been traveling as of tomorrow morning … but plans got changed and now I don’t get to go for two more weeks. I have time to play, too! Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with. Will be fun and an opportunity to see loads of different ideas! I’m in!

                                      in reply to: Theme Challenge – OUTER SPACE #43486
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                                        To me … this would be the ultimate “Take a Walk on the Wild Side!” You’re a long way from home 🙂

                                        in reply to: Alphabet Game – OUTER SPACE #43482
                                          • 335
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                                          S = Sirius the Dog Star or Brightest Star

                                          in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2020)? #43462
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                                            Thanks, Michele. Maine is pretty … if you know where to look. LOL I had some friends come up to visit last summer and they wanted very specific things to do … hiking, coastal, rving … and a lot of atv’ing in the woods. They were in one of those big fancy bus things about two blocks long pulling a trailer with all the atv’s, bikes and motorcycles on it. They said they LOVED the state but not the roads and not the distances between things. You just can’t please everyone. Can you see driving one of those big buses on dirt road in the woods? Get real. I just laughed, but they were serious??? Down here in my Florida neighborhood, we’re not supposed to feed any wildlife as it calls other more seriously dangerous wildlife to eat what you are feeding. So I love to get home where there are no alligators, no poisonous snakes and I can attract my birdies.

                                            in reply to: What are you working on (in June 2020)? #43449
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                                              I’ll be returning to Maine in 11 days. I’m in close down mode here in Florida and trying to get everything settled before taking off. I’ll have to quarantine for two weeks in Maine – so I’ll be on the computer a lot when I get there! 🙂 Mostly I can’t wait to get home where I can feed the birds!  Instead of a road trip, unfortunately it will be an air trip, but the birds will be worth it.

                                              in reply to: Alphabet Game – OUTER SPACE #43446
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                                                F for Falcon … the Falcon 9 rocket that recently launched from Cape Canaveral, FL.

                                                in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2020)? #43404
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                                                  Today marks a special day for us in Florida. A return of a manned space launch from Florida shores. A big deal to us. And two lucky guys get to go the the Space Station. I love everything about space. I wish I was younger and I would have been all over and about that program! Even now, I am totally fascinated by everything they talk about. Love it. We’re getting toward the very end of May … can’t believe June is almost here! I’m not so sure but watching all about the space program was at least NOT WATCHING about covid-19. I think we all need a break on that! If you haven’t learned about Covid-19 before now, you have been stuck in a cave somewhere! It was refreshing to listen to something else … and have it go well!

                                                  in reply to: May RANDOM Challenge – NO PHOTO #43308
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                                                    Annie .. loved your story of growing up. You say you were dirt poor, but you had very RICH memories and that is what truly counts.

                                                    Shirley .. Yours is lovely too. Great color combos.

                                                    I’ve been busy with home projects, but I will try to give this one a go in the next couple of days. I’ve been missing seeing all of your lovely creations, reading all the chatter and just being a part of Cassel’s crew. :o)

                                                    in reply to: May SCRAPLIFT Challenge #42656
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                                                      My try … it was hard to fit 5 things on there! LOL

                                                      in reply to: May Theme Challenge – RAIN #42569
                                                        • 335
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                                                        wow … that’s hard fitting all those 5 things in. LOL Kind of busy, but there you have it. Life is sometimes BUSY, in my house, more often than NOT!

                                                        in reply to: Alphabet Game – RAIN #42553
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                                                          X = xeric …characterized by or requiring only a SMALL amount of moisture. (a sprinkle will do …LOL)

                                                          in reply to: What are you working on (in May 2020)? #42312
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                                                            Anyone remember going to camp when you were a kid and having the rain hit the metal roof? It made a loud but calming noise. At least I thought it was – the loud pinging as it bounced off again. I’m still trying to get the gist of working with scrapbook stuff and merging them with whatever else you might have. Hope you are all having a splendid weekend.

                                                            in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #42280
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                                                              Love it, Shirley. Great job. We NEVER would have guessed you were the short one!! LOL LOL Love your smile 🙂

                                                              in reply to: Wise Words Challenge 2020 #42152
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                                                                What a fun challenge. I have loved seeing what everyone has made … every single one! Super impressed with all of them and how creative they have been. New skills, new avenues and a whole bunch of different directions taken with them. That seems what it should be all about. Sad to see it end – new faces and wonderful works!

                                                              Viewing 30 posts - 241 through 270 (of 335 total)