
Travel Tale Challenge 2020

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Travel Tale Challenge 2020

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    Gerry Landreth
      • 173
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      I continued with the postcard theme. The etching wasn’t clear when I put them on the fridge so I uploaded them individually.

      Carole – Thank you again for another interesting and challenging week.

        • 335
        • Enthusiast

        I think I had a brain drain … could not remember about linking! Had to pull out my trusty Carole Asselin Tips and Tricks for PaintShop Pro book, page 110! Some of the best money I ever spent! LOL Still don’t like how it came out, but I am way behind on chores, so that is how it is going to stand for now. I spent too much time this morning on making new stamps. I sure hope since I am not in Maine anymore for the winter, that somebody in the neighborhood is looking out for Rocky. I do know he got me through a very rough patch. If you could see those pictures full size you can actually see the window and me reflected in his eyeball. He would nuzzle right up to the window to get food. Guess he didn’t stash enough away for a harsh winter.

        Lois Duckworth
          • 69
          • Junior
          Corrie Kinkel
            • 1078
            • Superfan

            My day 5, including the stamp. This page took me, luckely, not so long to make as the last one!!! I have learned so much during this challenge, which I can use on many other projects in a different form. I love all the work from everybody, it certainly keeps us busy.

            Lois Duckworth
              • 69
              • Junior

              Here is my result for Day 6.


              Isabel Vasquez
                • 50
                • Junior

                Day 6 I tried to use the template, but I didn’t have that many pictures. I enjoyed making the Postcard. Thanks Carole, I have learned a lot in this challenge. I will try to work on the next challenge tonight.

                Lois Duckworth
                  • 69
                  • Junior

                  My result for Day 7


                  Lois Duckworth
                    • 69
                    • Junior

                    Thank you so much Carole for the wonderful Challenge.  I learned so much.



                      • 2522
                      • Superfan

                      Alicia, it is interesting to see that you caught those missing shadows. Don’t they make a difference? I like the way you framed the left photo on the Tongariro page. Something that could never be done in traditional scrapbooking.

                      Lyn  Lou, when you post a double-page, you CAN resize it a little more than 600 pixels. It would just give us a bit more chance to see the details of your project. As you could see, on the stamps, the holes were NOT misshaped, they only showed a grey and white checkerboard behind and the “misshaped” holes were just holes overlapping the edge of a grey square of the transparent background.

                      Minka, when you get a chance to access your photos, you can always replace the ones you have OR add more pages with your own. I hope you will include that story with at least some of your pages! Rocky is such a cute fellow. I love to hear of some cute wildlife befriending humans, as long as they keep enough independence to survive if we are not there.

                      Brian, seeing that face in the stamps, I was wondering if you had a personal connection with him. That would be cool. You know, following the instructions is only for the first time. Like a recipe, try it as is once, and then, you can adjust to your liking the second or third time. In this case, it is about the technique, and then, you go with the flow. You know, that text on the postcard could definitely be a common thread in an album telling your adventures, step by step, town by town.

                      Gerry, the use of the pinboard is a very interesting one. And the pushpins have great shadows. The engraving on the wood is probably the most realistic one of the three.

                      Lynda, make sure that when you put the stamps on a project, the background is not white; that will help the viewer see the effort you made in adding those even holes.

                      Isabel, that was a great photo to turn into a stamp. I hope you will ALSO show that photo in larger format, somewhere on one page.

                      Cindy, I love your little planes to show the path taken. That is cute as typically, we would see only one plane. You know that the templates provided do not have a mask group so you have to either create your own mask group OR trim the photo to fit the spot you want to use.

                      Corrie, if you have more photos, you can always create more pages! The PixelScrappers has several other double-pages if you want to use more. The Chihuly page is SO colorful!! WOW!

                      Euka, those “work in progress” pages are great and don’t hesitate to repost when you add to them.

                      Lois, that “simple” page of the route from Toronto to Cape Cod with the datestamp is so inviting! I like how you used a different background color for the stamp. And it matches the image perfectly! The text on the postcard is the perfect story to incorporate on a page!

                      Cristina, it is fun to see the progress of the same pages!

                      Ann, you don’t need to add a background to your silhouette. You just have to add the silhouette to an image with another layer. It can be a solid color, or it can be a paper from a kit.

                      Isabel Vasquez
                        • 50
                        • Junior

                        Day 7  I was having a little difficulty  with the challenge. I was not concentrating, I hope I got it right. I learned a lot of new things in this challenge. I am also going to upload the photo I used for the stamp.

                        Barbara Hall
                          • 99
                          • Junior

                          Cassel: I’ve been out of town for the past 5 days without my computer so I have a lot to do, but I just read the comment you made about the similarity of the passport embellishment I used for day two with one you had designed.  I downloaded that from someone’s designs for a blogtrain about travel–I think maybe it came from pixelscrapper. Perhaps that person liked the way yours looked and made one like it–who knows?

                            • 252
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                                • 252
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                                Lynda DiGregor
                                  • 1047
                                  • Superfan

                                  What I did here was try to recreate a sign I saw  while at  Montezumas Well in Camp Verde, AZ


                                  CARVE YOUR NAME HERE

                                  because the trees are alive and this sign is dead

                                  Lynda DiGregor
                                    • 1047
                                    • Superfan

                                    Another sign at Montezumas Well in Camp Verde.

                                    I wasn’t happy with the original as it did not have lettering that looked much like the real sign so I took another shot at it and here it is. I think it is more representative of the photo sign although I could have used bigger text.

                                    Lynda DiGregor
                                      • 1047
                                      • Superfan
                                      Krystyna Nicholls
                                        • 23
                                        • Rookie

                                        Hi Cassel, the paper background with the words was not my work, but from a kit called GS_CincoDeMayo Paper 3 found via a link you provided when I first joint Scrapbooking.

                                        So, Day 5 Postage stamps – here is my attempt.  There are three, the one stamp, sheet of stamps and one cut from the sheet of stamps. It is of the pyramid at Mexico named Chichen-Itza, not my photo for this one.

                                        Janice Etherton
                                          • 7
                                          • Rookie

                                          I reworked Day 1 project and would like to know if this is any better.  Thank you for the suggestions.

                                          Art Kuiper
                                            • 47
                                            • Rookie

                                            I have had a frustrating day with the Day 7 challenge. I wanted to carve our names in the gray section of this image but after several attempts it came out looking like graffiti. I like the result for the image but I will have to try again on getting the engraving part right. I’ll be back with better result, soon. But first I have to do finish Day 5 and 6.

                                            I find this Travel Tale Challenge more like a master class as I am learning so much about image design and Paintshop Pro features. Seeing what others do with the challenges opens my mind to new ideas that I can use in future projects.

                                            Mary Solaas
                                              • 555
                                              • Enthusiast

                                              This is my Day 1, Day 2, Day 3.  Been quite a learning experience.  Finally realized I had to save my passport date stamp as a .png in order to have a transparent background.  This is my first attempt at a double page and separating it!  I decided to continue on with the 1st page I did.

                                              Brian Smith
                                                • 11
                                                • Rookie

                                                Carole and others …. I’m about ready to finish this off,….BUT I ran into some problems with the “Cut Out” thing. Like I have said before, I find it easier when there are pictures….I am not sure of the layer placement and I just end up getting flustered. In the BIG image I tried using TEXT for the cut out on the wood like frame. (Font size was 200 and I doubt in retrospect that the  10 Horizontal and 10 Vertical offset is going to be noticed. ….I got the leather luggage tags re-stamped (LynDi 🙂 .. with the holes added ….(grins)….Assembly day tomorrow (Lord willing)…I see allota nice work being done. All for now.

                                                  • 108
                                                  • Junior

                                                  Could not get anything to link for Day 7 and the mark left behind … what I wanted to create was supposed to be a rough carving on a prison wall from 1890. (I looked online and in the help without much success re linking).   Port Arthur was set up as a Penal Colony for convicts sent out from Britain.  Both Day 6 and Day 7  photos are mine – with the postcard  photo taken from our Balcony prior to departure.

                                                  Thanks Carole for the Travel Challenge, it is always great to learn new things in PSP and thanks to all who posted their amazing travels both taken and yet to travel.


                                                  Lynda DiGregor
                                                    • 1047
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Definitely getting a travel education. I don’t know where to start so I just have to say everyone is doing a great job even when they get stuck. There is much to look and an added bonus of a few good chuckles. Happy to see that everyone seems to be having fun.  Thanks to Carole.  🙂

                                                    Sawnie Robertson
                                                      • 10
                                                      • Rookie

                                                      Here is my post for travel to Nova Scotia in a Travel bus. We enjoyed the trip. I particularly liked Peggy’s Cove .   Posting is for 7 days of travel.


                                                      Lynda DiGregor
                                                        • 1047
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        These are front and back covers

                                                        Krystyna Nicholls
                                                          • 23
                                                          • Rookie

                                                          Hi all,

                                                          I am a little behind with my projects, but I must say there have been some fabulous work being produced here – so inspiring and creative.

                                                          For my Day 6 the postcard.  I have kept it to a minimum, but I did try out creating my own font.  Paintfont referred to in Cassel’s notes is no longer known by this name (so it says), and is called  So I gave it a go.  My handwriting looks like a bit “young” shall we say, but I get the gist of the programme – it’s all trial and error.  I shall probably give it another go, so the next time it looks all joined up.  It’s weird watching your own handwriting being pulled in as a font.

                                                          I also added the swirly lines you would see on a stamp after its been through the mail.  The lines are another area I need to practice more with.


                                                          cindy harris
                                                            • 449
                                                            • Enthusiast

                                                            Hi Best Teacher,     Your right  I realized that about the Planes, you know I love tubes got carried away Plus I love color.     

                                                            <b>Love my Script I bought in your store, its fantastic. You can tell how much I love it on my homework,  only took me days I know but I got it down now.  As you can tell by the homework, it was fun once I got the Script.   Now got to learn my puzzle one, and the well all of those can’t wait!     thank you learned a lot for real.   I am going to write you about it now on email.  Thank you for always answering mine and helping me.  thank You.</b>


                                                            Brian Smith
                                                              • 11
                                                              • Rookie

                                                              Carole and others …I have learned I need to work on the “Text on a Path” (reverse needs a 2nd layer)… and “Linking Layers” (using the Cut-Out tool thing)…Other than that, all went well…Planning Ahead was important I think. towards the end, my machine really started to slow down…BUT I’m never in a hurry …

                                                                • 252
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                                                                Day 7. It doesn’t look right to me, but it is my result  from following the written tutorial. I have  centered all my challenges from perth Australia, and Carole, they do have those rather large spiders which absolutely freak me out.

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