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  • in reply to: Up-to-date Challenge – 2022 #65619
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      The last go round this was a fun project … and I am sure it will be this time, too!  Looking forward to seeing all of you and your work!  Now that we “kind of know” what we are doing … might be fun to step outside the box.

      in reply to: October QUOTE Challenge – Fear #65618
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        Great job, Anne L …  I think all of those things you pictured not only take getting over your fears … but it could also be said they are things to take much pride, satisfaction and pleasure in as well!  Every one of them.  Nice quote – thought provoking.

        in reply to: October Theme Challenge – CAKES #65617
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          Beautiful Trish!  So glad to see you again.  Haven’t seen you in quite a while here.  Hope you’ve been well.  I need no reason or occasion for a cake either.  It’s one of my favorite food groups!  LOL

          in reply to: October Theme Challenge – CAKES #65491
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            Cakes … a topic I am well versed in.  LOL  Making them as well as eating them.  Who can resist a red devil’s food cupcake?  If you can, you are a stronger person than I!

            in reply to: October QUOTE Challenge – Fear #65489
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              When I was younger and lived in Maine year round, skiing was a way of life.  I always marveled at people who seemed to be made of jelly -or some form of fluid rubber- easily mastering moves the norm wouldn’t attempt.  You did not see fear in them.  I know for a fact they took their share of falls before conquering some of their complicated moves.  I still to this day enjoy watching some of the real daring and even hot dog moves of the pros.  These photos came from and were contributed by Vidar Nordli Mathison, Todd Trapani and Matthiew Petiard.  I sort of miss those days, but kind of like the hot sun of Florida now.

              in reply to: September RANDOM Challenge – 5+5+5 #65262
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                I’ve not got a computer set up as yet that has much of anything on it … so my entry here was just elements easily obtained from PSP itself.  5 shapes, 5 colors and five letters from frame fonts to make the internal shapes.  While not especially hard, it was still fun.  I did find on this old computer an entertaining comic line art script to give it some extra vibrancy, which I suspect will not look good and a bit blurry at 600 … but was truly vibrant and clear when larger.  I love a synthesizer and all the aspects it can bring to music .  🙂

                in reply to: Alphabet game – CAREERS #65247
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                  • Enthusiast


                  in reply to: September 2021 – BINGO game #65166
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                    I’m finally back home to Florida.  Haven’t played for quite a while and I have to say there is loads to look at and smile about here.  Appreciating you all.  I was a passenger in a car that had an accident … so am pretty slow moving as yet … but getting better.  Making resettlement here a long process, that’s for sure.  I played with the Bingo card.  Don’t think I have ever seen this option before, but it was fun to play with and make shapes, and choose options, etc.

                    in reply to: September SKETCH Challenge #64645
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                      A cruise ship that often goes by out front.  I don’t want to go on one, but they are very pretty to watch.  I used a font called Amontesa and I purchased a ton of navigational maps which I used on the background.  The ship is interesting to watch as it goes by as I hear the arm on the top extends out and holds a small swinging pod-like vehicle that you can go up in for an extra fee and take pictures as it swings 360′ around the ship.  These pictures do not show it fully extended, but you get the idea.  It’s really a couple miles away, but these ships are pretty big and it feels like you could just reach out and touch them sometimes – like they are skimming the tops of the cottages on the shore.

                      in reply to: Alphabet game – CAREERS #63962
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                        X ~ Xylographist  (the art of making engravings on wood especially for printing.)

                        in reply to: The BIG 10 Showoff #63797
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                          Having a little fun with the fake ID template Carole posted.  The hawks have come out to the country early this year.  I am NOT happy about it.  But it’s Mother Nature at work so not for me to decide.  However, this fella has almost taken up residence on my garage roof … eyeballing the critters and birds below.  I liked it just fine when they were all in the city.  I go out to try and shoo him away but he is not intimidated by me one iota.  He does make for a beautiful picture with the zoom lens.  My computer with all my favorite Scrapbook Campus stuff is down in Florida … but Carole, I sure am glad (along with all the others, I’m sure) that you have been successful with this Campus and that we all found you!  May you have many many more years at it – and with us, too!

                          in reply to: Alphabet game – CAREERS #63786
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                            • Enthusiast

                            O – Ornithologist

                            in reply to: Alphabet game – CAREERS #63216
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                              M = Mason

                              in reply to: Alphabet Game – HOBBIES #62879
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                                • Enthusiast

                                V ~ Volleyball … used to play it all the time, but joints don’t like it anymore.  So maybe I should change my v = a Vegetable Patch!

                                in reply to: What are you working on (in August 2021)? #62878
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                                  Annie T … can’t help but laugh at your reason for new glasses.  I am OLDER than you … so that must be the reason I have about 25 pairs of glasses!   Just teasing you, truly.  I have glasses of just about every color and shape but I don’t think I honestly worry about much of anything other tha I guess I just like having a glasses collection.  Good thing my prescription rarely changes!!!


                                  Lovely things to took at everyone.  I like seeing what everyone is doing.  It’s very inspiring!

                                  in reply to: Magazine Challenge 2021 #62370
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                                    • Enthusiast

                                    okay … just once, I would like them to go in the order I put them.  LOL LOL

                                    in reply to: Magazine Challenge 2021 #62367
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                                      • Enthusiast

                                      Val – My Dad was a Scout Leader here in Maine for many years as my brother was a Scout.  I have allowed Scouts to camp in my woods from time to time to earn badges.  Always makes me a little leery with campfires, etc., but we have never had any incidents.  They have always been well supervised.  🙂  Loved your pages.

                                      In keeping with my theme, From the Window, I tried putting two on the pages today, but I really wanted to use the birds large to see the unruly feathers.  So only one to a page, but I did alter the template a bit.  Not much, but enough for the lesson and to get the drift of what is done.

                                      Back to outdoors to get ready for whatever “On-ree” is bringing to us.  I think I am ready for whatever blows our way … just a few more planters to move.  I laughed when I saw the weather channel spelling it that way – like we don’t know how to say it.

                                      in reply to: Alphabet Game – HOBBIES #62353
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                                        O = Observation … sometimes we just call it “People Watching”  I do it all the time at the beach.  You never know what you might see!!!

                                        in reply to: Magazine Challenge 2021 #62267
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                                          • Enthusiast

                                          No animals this day … as a storm came in.  Eventually, when the heaven’s let loose, we didn’t even sit out there.  It was a pretty light show, but I have a healthy respect for lightening.  So we moved into the middle of the house.

                                          in reply to: Magazine Challenge 2021 #62204
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                                            Getting mine in early for the day as I have a zillion chores to do.  Lovely work from every single person contributing.  I applaud everyone making their own personal choices as that’s what we should all be about.  Art is individual and somewhat personal.  Try telling some of the absolute masters in past years that they had to follow rules … I guess that probably wouldn’t have gone over, nor would we have some of the great works we have today.  I notice that more and more magazines … not necessarily the ones solely selling advertising for the dollar, but source references, etc., are using very modern thinking on their pages.  I love it.  Expressionism to it’s fullest.  I even see scrap embellishments thrown in but even then rarely a shadow.  It just doesn’t work all that well on print … depending on the paper used.

                                            My contributions are somewhat dull this time around with pictures I took through a window.  I am always amazed that many of these animals will come that close to the window, but I will admit, the window is somewhat tinted and I am not sure how much THEY CAN SEE in?  They sure can see movement though and I think that scares them even more.  Animals are always on guard from fast moving predators.

                                            in reply to: August SONG Challenge #62193
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                                              I’m going back to my sisters era … I miss her so much.  She had big blue eyes and liked anything blue – especially songs with blue.  Blueberry Hill, Love is Blue, and Blue Velvet, blue was her thing.  🙂

                                              in reply to: August PALETTE Challenge #62164
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                                                • Enthusiast

                                                Congratulations, Diana, on your anniversary.   The 18th would have been mine, too.  🙂  Happy day to you both and flowers and champagne are a great way to do it up!  LOL


                                                I am only just now getting around to the Palette Challenge … I had fun with it making my own template and then filling it.  I also used Carole’s Background maker script.


                                                in reply to: Magazine Challenge 2021 #62087
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                                                  I took a little liberty of resizing one picture and adding a third on page 2.  Birds that NORMALLY would never come so close to the house (within six feet), but I guess the lure of a fresh drink will do it. There are no streams or rivers near me but they know they can get some water here.  The turkeys drink forever and then just sit around in the shade for a while.  If you have seed out there, they will eat you out of house and home … but that’s okay, I have more.

                                                  in reply to: Magazine Challenge 2021 #62025
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                                                    No adverts for me as I am sharing my finished project pages with my friend that was here and watched the birds to begin with.  I do know how to make adverts as I have made them for many years in real life work … but keeping my page clean to share with her.  Doesn’t take much to make an inactive friend happy so that’s what I am doing.  Besides, you folks know all about the animals in my shares.  I don’t need to tell you about them … now if they were Annie’s T’s beautiful and colorful birds that would be worth a story!  LOL  Love the different takes on one topic and always enjoyable to see where everyone goes with it.  Thanks for sharing them.

                                                    in reply to: Magazine Challenge 2021 #61909
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                                                      Kept mine simple again … I had purchased a new camera and so I was learning how to use that as well.  Some shots came out better than others, but that’s all about learning, right?  No fanciness to this one.  The font was just Copperplate Gothic.

                                                      in reply to: Magazine Challenge 2021 #61854
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                                                        Hello everyone!  I recently had company for a few weeks that required oxygen 24/7 and not much movement … so I kept her entertained with the view from the front window.  My pictures will be the wildlife we lured in … with food, seeds and water.  We ended up with all the little’s (rodents) … birds … bigger birds … and toward the end, unfortunately, birds of prey.  So that’s what I will be using as we go along.  Same view … taken through the window … but different animals.  You will see, too, we had a little fun with them along the way.  The animals are very clever!  Kept this first one pretty simple — made a few because of the simplicity … so sending them all.

                                                        in reply to: Magazine Challenge 2021 #61479
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                                                          I’m in for this as well.  I’m STILL in building mode here at home, but the work there progresses along without me now.  I’ve never done a Magazine Challenge or a Publish It Challenge – at least not that I recall.  Maybe it was right before I joined the campus.  Sounds like great fun and a new adventure.  Got my theme in mind and collecting and generating photo’s as I type!  Looking forward to it and to seeing all of you again.

                                                          in reply to: Alphabet Game – HOBBIES #61418
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                                                            T – Tennis

                                                            in reply to: Alphabet Game – HOBBIES #61309
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                                                              G = Golf

                                                              in reply to: July SKETCH Challenge #61068
                                                                • 335
                                                                • Enthusiast

                                                                Hello everyone.  So happy to hear the folks on the campus are safe.  I wish they all were.  🙁  I have my barn project going on still and company from Florida for two weeks … and I am a bit thin for time.  But I do love Carole’s Sketch Challenges.  Mine is simple … it seems like every year there is a predominance of animals here.  One year it’s deer, the next raccoons, the next fox families … and on and on.  This year it’s chipmunks!  There’s too many to name and we wouldn’t know the difference anyway so we just call them all CHIP.  There are a lot of them darting everywhere, eating all the sunflower seeds and making a whole lot of entrance and exit holes in the yard!  I don’t have the heart to hurt them … Next year it will be something else.  At least these guys don’t chew the screen doors open and try to come on in and be a family member like the raccoons do!  I didn’t do and journaling on them – just changed up the sketch a bit.  Kept the colors simple and cheery like they seem to be. They always look so happy.  I took these pictures through the window from inside the house sitting at the dining room table.

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