
Julie Magerka

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  • in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #72586
    Julie Magerka
      • 144
      • Junior

      Making the plaid pattern from Lesson 2 Masks:   At minutes 4:41 to 4:55, Carole copies and pastes a small selection from which to get the colours for the plaid. It’s the pasting part that is NOT working for me. Is it paste to a new LAYER or to new image? When I do Ctrl+V it doesn’t work the way it did in the video. Any help appreciated.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Julie Magerka.
      in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #72551
      Julie Magerka
        • 144
        • Junior

        I have tried to work on Mask assignment #2. It has been a distracting week for me with deadlines all around for other work I do, and a vet emergency (that worked out, thank goodness). I continue to have so much trouble with all the steps to convert to  a mask. I have spent too much time on it already, and just gave up on the plaid part. Wouldn’t work for me at all! This is as far as I got, and it’s a mess, but I know folks here are kind. I will continue to practise!!!

        in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #72197
        Julie Magerka
          • 144
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          If I told anyone how long this took me, and how many times I had to watch the steps and re-watch and then again, before I could even get any steps to work…you wouldn’t believe me! I must be thick as two boards b/c that was a real challenge for me. But it’s done, and I don’t think I will ever convert a .psd template to a mask again in my life. Whew.

          in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #72089
          Julie Magerka
            • 144
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            Oh blessings on your head, Sue Thomas! I was feeling so lost…..

            in reply to: Masks Workshop 2022 #72056
            Julie Magerka
              • 144
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              Day 1 of Mask Challenge:  Oh-oh. There is no helpful video with Carole’s soothing style to walk me through this mask stuff! I feel adrift already!

              in reply to: Quick Page Workshop – Feb 2022 #71898
              Julie Magerka
                • 144
                • Junior

                My QP-7. Again, a bird theme. Easy pix to find on the ‘net. I’ve got to say, if I spent half as much time tidying and cleaning as I do choosing pictures and making a “quick” page, I’d be in good shape. Alas, this is more fun! Liked using the selection tool & inverting to eliminate some of the photo overlaps.

                This has been fun; the best part is seeing the different projects that come out of a single layout. I wish the “lurkers” would post their work too!

                • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Julie Magerka.
                in reply to: Quick Page Workshop – Feb 2022 #71867
                Julie Magerka
                  • 144
                  • Junior

                  Ann Seeber – love your meme with your fur-friend! So clever.

                  in reply to: Quick Page Workshop – Feb 2022 #71864
                  Julie Magerka
                    • 144
                    • Junior

                    My QP-6, a bit late. I was thrilled to learn the selection box technique for adding continuous text! It has solved the problem that I had, wondering why I couldn’t add a “text box” as I do in word processing! Hooray!

                    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Julie Magerka.
                    in reply to: Quick Page Workshop – Feb 2022 #71704
                    Julie Magerka
                      • 144
                      • Junior

                      QP=5  These two critters were brother and sister, and they adored each other. Not mine, but belonged to a member of my family. We all loved them dearly, and they are now over the Rainbow Bridge, together again. Happy to use their pix here.

                      in reply to: Quick Page Workshop – Feb 2022 #71619
                      Julie Magerka
                        • 144
                        • Junior

                        Day 4 QP. All images from unsplash. Had to fiddle & tweak a bit to get the 3 smaller pix aligned and within frames.

                        in reply to: Quick Page Workshop – Feb 2022 #71617
                        Julie Magerka
                          • 144
                          • Junior

                          Lemurs! I adore them. Love the pix!

                          in reply to: Quick Page Workshop – Feb 2022 #71506
                          Julie Magerka
                            • 144
                            • Junior

                            QP – Day 3. There are so many clever and creative QPs being showcased here. And fun to see!

                            When I mentioned the white border on QP-2, I saw a white border on the image in the video for that QP, or at least I THINK I did. But now I notice that others don’t show that either.

                            in reply to: Quick Page Workshop – Feb 2022 #71413
                            Julie Magerka
                              • 144
                              • Junior

                              Here’s my QP-2 for today. My great-niece from many years ago. She’s a teenager now! For some reason, and I redid it a few times, the white border around the photo did not show. Hm-m-m-m.

                              in reply to: Quick Page Workshop – Feb 2022 #71290
                              Julie Magerka
                                • 144
                                • Junior

                                I did my first Quick Page today. For once, I felt quite competent. The steps involved are things I’ve used for a while. I can’t wait until I get a challenge that stumps me! (That shouldn’t take long ;-)) I don’t have a large collection of pix, so I have to work with the ones I have. I don’t think the image matches the feel of the QP, but hey!

                                in reply to: Helping new DIAMOND members #69286
                                Julie Magerka
                                  • 144
                                  • Junior

                                  Hi, I don’t have much to add that hasn’t been said. I need “categories” by project types or by tools used. Some sort of index (aphabetical as suggested). I wonder if having the tools used listed as part of the Master Class (when it’s not self-evident) might work? (e.g. this project uses Gridlines; this project uses Warp Brush; etc.) When I look at the classes, I usually have something specific in mind that I want to learn or improve on. (e.g. how to create a scalloped border). I love the access but I still feel a tiny bit lost with so much to choose from.


                                  Thanks. Julie

                                  in reply to: The BIG 10 Showoff #64112
                                  Julie Magerka
                                    • 144
                                    • Junior

                                    @Nadine, thank you. Those old pix are so special and so valuable and help to preserve the history of a village.

                                    in reply to: The BIG 10 Showoff #64060
                                    Julie Magerka
                                      • 144
                                      • Junior

                                      I am so impressed with what I’ve seen posted in the project submissions. I too wish I could comment or at least “thumbs up” the work that’s on here. So much creativity, so much enthusiasm. It’s just so inspiring!

                                      As I mentioned before, I generally use PSP for improving old pix or for cards for family & friends. Here’s a sample of an old photo I tried to improve some time ago. Photo is from about 1900-ish. The changes at least make it printable.

                                      in reply to: The BIG 10 Showoff #63404
                                      Julie Magerka
                                        • 144
                                        • Junior

                                        The best thing I ever did was sign up for Boot Camp. That was the kick-starter for me.

                                        The one webinar/class that really helped me was restoring old photos. While this project does not use very old ones, I find that the techniques Carole demonstrated were so valuable. I am not a scrapbooker, but since I have learned so much from Scrapbook Campus over the last year or so, I apply those skills to the writing projects (with pix) I do on the history of my home town in Southern Ontario. I have published one book and am working on Vol. II. Now I can really improve the photos that I find or are generously shared with me, and make them more easily viewable in print. Now I also try to make my own cards; sometimes they look pretty good, and sometimes not so much. But it’s so much FUN. And the friends/relatives seem to enjoy them too.

                                        I wish Carole “toutes les felicitations” on her accomplishments. I too am self-taught with most of my computer skills (except for a great friend who helped me along the way, but sadly died last year), and I admire anyone who has the patience to work through the many frustrations and trials that come up during the process. It is gratifying to finally figure something out. Without Scrapbook Campus I would still be wondering how to use PSP. I’m still a novice, but the resources offered here are amazing! Merci beaucoup. Keep up the good work!

                                        Julie Magerka

                                        • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Julie Magerka.
                                        in reply to: What are you working on (in April 2020)? #41463
                                        Julie Magerka
                                          • 144
                                          • Junior

                                          Hi Lyn Lou, haven’t quite mastered that one yet! But you’re right. Always learning….

                                          in reply to: What are you working on (in April 2020)? #41454
                                          Julie Magerka
                                            • 144
                                            • Junior

                                            With ongoing practice and help from Cassel, I keep working to improve old and damaged photos that are kindly shared with me for work that I do on the history of my home town in a monthly series of articles. Prior to getting the hang of using PSP for this, I just used the pix as they were. Now I can make them better so they print better. And I’m delighted with the results and with the help I get from Cassel.

                                            Just showing a sample here. The shot is from the tiny village of Merlin, ON.

                                            Julie (Belle River ON)

                                            in reply to: Bootcamp – November 2019 #36420
                                            Julie Magerka
                                              • 144
                                              • Junior

                                              Hello everyone, I just want to say that although I have not worked my way through all the boot camp videos yet, I am working at it and enjoying it so much. I am very impressed with the work I’ve seen others post and wish you all well for future projects.

                                              Mostly, I want to say to Cassel how great your style is, both in layout and design and in instructing! I was a college professor for over 30 years, so I recognize when someone is doing a great job at explaining and training. You’re a natural. I would take any course you’re offering!

                                              Thanks to all!

                                              in reply to: Bootcamp – November 2019 #36096
                                              Julie Magerka
                                                • 144
                                                • Junior

                                                I had some time, so I worked on a Day 4 project using what free papers and images I could find online. It’s the first time I’ve had any success using layers, so I’m rather pleased even though it’s not as very polished and has a very personal addition. I’m liking this program (PSP Pro 2018) better than I have since I bought it last year. Many thanks for such helpful tutorials.

                                                in reply to: Bootcamp – November 2019 #36083
                                                Julie Magerka
                                                  • 144
                                                  • Junior

                                                  The more I watch, the more impressed I am. Thank you for taking such a hands-on, simple approach. I really enjoy watching! Learning so much I wasn’t able to pick up in other videos. Thanks.

                                                  in reply to: Bootcamp – November 2019 #35859
                                                  Julie Magerka
                                                    • 144
                                                    • Junior

                                                    I have been digitally scrapbooking for 10 years on a Mac using a program called iScrapbook. However, last year I decided to buy PSP Pro 2018 and learn it on my own. Yikes, what a learning curve it has been. I use it for all my various projects, not just scrapbooking. I thought I would sign up for your online course and see what I can learn. It appears that you are going just where I need to go. Thank you so much for covering the very basics with layers. The sandwich analogy was perfect!

                                                  Viewing 24 posts - 121 through 144 (of 144 total)