
Dorothy Donn

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  • in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #41031
    Dorothy Donn
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      Most of the month was spent hunkered down in Lab 5. Tonight I finished Module 11I guess I was a bit slap- happy tired because this is what ended up as the fun font..

      I should have called in monster mash after mixing a metafile with a vector with a picture tube  and an old paper.

      I hope you all get a smile out of this one LOL

      (LOVELO is the font.)

      in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40966
      Dorothy Donn
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        I admit I have not visited as much so I went all the way back to March 10th. Here are my numerous comments:

        Minka: The Vase is beautiful. It truly would go perfect in my dining room.
        Living so close to Norfolk tug boats really fascinate me. I love yours.
        I was blown away by your Mnodes. What a contrast! Love it.. Your series of first hand social distancing made this crisis up front and personal. I just saw your owls. Wow I guess I too need to learn more about lace.

        Bonnie: That two year is so cute. He look a wee bit mischievous too. I used to have to do the bulletin board so I totally understand. 89th Betty birthday WoW! Made the idea of hiking in Colorado seem like an everyday thing but nicely done as well. Your sunrise was so serene

        Trish: Your papers are so pretty and I just loved those swans. You irish page was well green lol. No I relly like that one too. That late night was worth the time for sure and the stars ne does look faded. I have had that happen a couple of times as well. I just saw Dreams. A wee bit dark from you usual but I loved the golden touch which I think always looks better with dark colors.

        Helen: Your memories of your mom tugged on mine. No matter how old we get we will always miss them so very much.

        Christina: That is the best use of slats I have ever seen. Well done

        Sue: I will never get enough of your wildlife. That tiny just want to hold him/her.
        I guess I will have to try that script you all are talking about so much.

        Lynda: I truly enjoy Cassel’s bow & ribbon scripts. They totally induce hypnosis watching them.
        Your playing with the Photo Splash script on my second favorite flower was most interesting. What you then did with the iriss was fantastic.

        Annie: Your puffin was pure fun. I loved your changes to him too. He has to be a male all puffed up like that. <nod nod>

        Every One:  Have you seen the corona virus scrapbook kit online yet? What are you thoughts about such a kit? Is it tacky? tasteless? or timely?

        in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40965
        Dorothy Donn
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          I guess we all remember the eye from Jasc’s PSP?  I started playing around with it and some older filters to numerous to name but Micrograhicx  made a lot of them back then. Here is what resulted and I am not really sure why?  <nod nod>

          in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40962
          Dorothy Donn
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            One serious page done for the family scrap album. This goes into Vacations.  John’s sister came down from the North Carolina mountains to join us on the beach . She was a devotee of Edgar Cayce (an American self-professed clairvoyant who gave more than 14,000 psychic readings while allegedly in a self-induced sleep state . Cayce maintained his subconscious mind (which he identified as the “mind of the soul”) would leave his body and retrieve knowledge from the spiritual realm where all subconscious minds are connected .) and wanted to visit his Society on the oceanfront. There was a lovely garden there, so we paused for some pictures.

            in reply to: March Scravenger Hunt Challenge #40697
            Dorothy Donn
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              Trish:  Thank you. . I appreciate your help. 🙂

              I totally love those swans of yours and your title was perfect for them too

              in reply to: March Theme Challenge – EMOJI #40624
              Dorothy Donn
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                Annie:  This is so odd because I know I have seen some babies in Walmart that look just like these you have created.

                It’s in the eyes I think. Well done good friend 🙂

                in reply to: Covid-19 – Are you affected? #40571
                Dorothy Donn
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                  They announced the first case in Norfolk this morning and last week the first couple in Virginia Beach. The gentleman in Norfolk recently returned from overseas (Norfolk is a large Naval Base town) and the couple just returned from a river boat cruise on the Nile.  The outbreak to the north of me in Williamsburg is in nursing home with about 17 folks infected.  I am self isolating since I have age, (also 77) previous conditions of stroke, heart attack and breathing problems of asthma, bronchitis, and copd.

                  I sent John to the stores to stock up on food and meds on March 2 when hardly anyone was thinking about what might happen here so we should be fine.  We also withdrew some cash from the bank just in case it does get really bad, but then again I am too used to hurricanes and know the break downs that can raise their ugly heads afterwards.

                  Did I ever mention waking up to a tiger in my backyard after Hurricane Andrew?   We lived just under a mile from the Miami Zoo back then.  After that storm a lot of South Florida folks moved here to Virginia Beach. Same weather conditions here thanks to the Gulf Stream.

                  May I wish you all well as we the world  keep pushing forward towards a better day.

                  in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40537
                  Dorothy Donn
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                    Finished a Lab today (Irish) and forgot to upload a play page of my sweet little girl.

                    in reply to: March Scravenger Hunt Challenge #40512
                    Dorothy Donn
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                      • Enthusiast

                      I used part of a Kit called Fly Boy created by Marie Stones and can be found

                      All the objects for the scavanger hunt were created by me, myself and I alone. Yeppers it’s all my fault. <giggles>

                      Lined paper – guilty of doing it myself                       Scribbled text- guilty of making that too

                      2 paper flowers – yeppers  I grew them myself         Shaped paper clip – goofed and used one I made then made yours

                      1 round photo of a stranger –  Herma collection         Bottlecap –  followed Cassel’s lesson

                      Sticker – a combo of element and planes in an old tube.  Only took me three days of trial and error to finish all of this.

                      Cassel, one question?  How do you save the things you make to use in a kit? I first saved them all as jpg then as png. When I opened  them they all had a white background. I tried a gif but the quality was not good enough. I then used them all from the psp image for this one I am posting.

                      I feel I have learned a lot.  Thanks for this challenge.


                      in reply to: Lab 5 Module10 Experiment 4 Sketch Idea #40392
                      Dorothy Donn
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                        No Cassel.  These are from my licensed Hemera Technologies Big Box of Art Collection.

                        in reply to: March TUT/TECH Challenge – Stellated Shapes #40326
                        Dorothy Donn
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                          Here is my attempt at this. Not sure about it but to me it is pretty.

                          in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40317
                          Dorothy Donn
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                            I guess I can jump in again Because I loved glitter. Not sure what color you need. I will post some samples of gold and my favorite dazed and confused ones lol

                            The main tool to makes these for me was using Animation shop . To have moving glitter you have to make it a gif file. Then you can open that one and it will load as a single image and ccnvert to jpg.

                            in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40264
                            Dorothy Donn
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                              While browsing the internet I discovered the on line archinve of the Williamsburg restorations. I looked up the Rogers house and found that the well I was standing next to had been there long before I  was born.  I just had to make a page of that!

                              in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40119
                              Dorothy Donn
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                                Playing With old and new filters and got one result that is strange but fascinates  me.

                                What do you think?

                                in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40117
                                Dorothy Donn
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                                  • Enthusiast

                                  Colleen:  PS  My Favorite gold texture for all things Egyptian

                                  in reply to: What are you working on (in March 2020)? #40112
                                  Dorothy Donn
                                    • 202
                                    • Enthusiast

                                    Colleen:  In response to your #1 question  I use textures for chrome and silver. Just open a texture in Paint shop Pro and  I park it aside.  Then go into your material palate and use the pattern, then you can play with the settings to make it bigger or smaller, twist and turn it etc. Then you can use the selection tool to pick the area you want the chrome etc and flood fill it with the texture.

                                    The other suggestion is Super Blade Pro. It takes longer but it performs well in small areas for me like on  jewelry trim.

                                    I sure hope these suggestion helps you .


                                    PS some samples for flooring etc.

                                    in reply to: March Theme Challenge – EMOJI #40105
                                    Dorothy Donn
                                      • 202
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      <Drags self out of lab “Oh Mah goodness, I forgot about the challenge.” races to see what has been don

                                      Minka Thanks for pointing out which way to go and  the reminder to buy some cuties. All were so cute  and neatly done

                                      Annie: The hippie in me, myself,  and I want to thank you for such a way out well done job.  <Puts shoes back on>

                                      Trish:  Faith and begorrah  what a wearin’ of the green for those little  guys. Not just cute but pretty too. WTG

                                      Christina and April: So nice to see ya pop in to visit. Thanks for the things you do.

                                      Having some time off today  I tried my hand too. I took a peek where Annie went and all I saw was a pirate face so here is my toss in for the challenge

                                      {fFONT – Double Feature    BUNDLE – Arragh by PSMelo     TUBES – dixie-darlin    TEXTURES  – dixie-darlin}



                                      in reply to: Lab 5 Module 10 Experiment 2 Element #40099
                                      Dorothy Donn
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                                        • Enthusiast

                                        When I click on the link you posted above here  it opens the page that I posted.

                                        I do not get a download.  It just opens to that gibberish.

                                        in reply to: Lab 5 Module 10 Experiment 2 Element #40077
                                        Dorothy Donn
                                          • 202
                                          • Enthusiast

                                          Cassel I get the same thing as I posted here


                                          in reply to: Lab 5 Module 10 Experiment 2 Element #40074
                                          Dorothy Donn
                                            • 202
                                            • Enthusiast

                                            This is what I get when I click on it in your note here of from the lab link.

                                            PaintShop Pro Image File ~BK..ú R@. ~BK ,~FLÿ~FL ùÿÿ~BK P~BK8~FL ´L@~FL:àL@~FL~FL~BK~BK22~BKú ~BK ÙÿØÿàJFIF,,ÿÛC ÿÛC ÿÀ22″ÿÄ ÿÄ#!A 1ÿÄÿÄ!A!”QÿÚ ?ïàr÷Ú¬:ë6Êk¸ZZùMG¯SœŸQŠïí¶‘Qãß)ö㑲ÕlðéÕ¥{¢Ö=Bʼ¢åOÒN2î-¦šÔÉ.GmߧÔ0Ô¥µå ¶ÿ¿¿¤%ê*]}vaÏÇ_µ>PÉulXµ¸Ô2;éV”JŒ=7¦þ_KàšSò¹qŒb½tí÷}#c èYsdÉ.Nø¨A/®ÊnRn¿i%i÷ò˜àÿÙ~BK‚(. ÿØÿàJFIF,,ÿÛC !”$”$ÿÛCÿÀ ú”ÿÄÿÄ2!1AQa”q2¡#‘BR±ÁÑðÿÄÿÄ)!1AQa”q¡±#2ÑÿÚ ?ý–8ùžGŠãîfåU1nz÷3>¡Ò}UÆõäч5Sw¨‹–ê˜ÜoÔøoêþýs‚½ÇÄÓUª©îõ¸ÆÕ„}w£©Ï½“zÝwó.MSM½öÓñ æo×ÙÕZþÞÖµ§¯q¨õ¯r¿€ÑÊ 9WbÕ¹©Õ\mÎjž+úª?ªªf"ß×q×ünS¹v~m¹¥Jéþ€Å㺻'¨¯_œœ›”öY‰¢"-Dûýæ}odžw›î:cöêã׏5¼æ™‰ˆüb=Ïþ/tOu;eŠ#¶˜†Z9@Šç¶¡óùÜ,+ÔÑ“‘n×tøî«[Kܧº™‡ŸuOû}AÔÖ9,ÞFübZó8Öã¶jkS\NûþYä›Ä~¹uq)‚÷ÿžÓZëÔngé±r.QG©liĵmSDF¢˜ÔCsG(éÉò˜ø4÷ä^¢Õ÷WTD$çÒŸ×ýoªíZ³w‘ÊâÅqg_®'é景ý«ÔÄêfŠ¢¨‰þê@t^7IÛ¿o;7..Õ½ä×LÍ>f|j#ë+r´›M(Ô´äWrLa´Í}LÆ€ |\¹G–-ÝŠýJ#¬°ù\ÞýŽ*Þ6têm×sqO‰‰˜™1¸ñ´7Ã][k ý®ªµM7mÜÕº¢å5ÅQçÌLyׯz–sy‹Åuüº«Ç­°[/\n’þ¾ÿqòºÑÊΣmqv™«[}]‰š&”tóŽ‡âúÓ‰êìÌ>VôæqSú­dî?\y˜™‰Å_I†w¼Öb5½ÿ‡V=rÒö›ÄMczŸ¯¿§¤Ç‘Š|C- 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                                            in reply to: Howdy Fellow campus folk #40036
                                            Dorothy Donn
                                              • 202
                                              • Enthusiast

                                              Merci Jnet

                                              Je suis sûr que je vais Jnet et je vous remercie pour l’accueil chaleureux

                                              in reply to: Lab 5 Model 10 #40021
                                              Dorothy Donn
                                                • 202
                                                • Enthusiast

                                                Thanks Cassel   Just keep watching what I do and you will end up with a years worth of tips  to use.

                                                in reply to: Lab 5 Model 10 #39995
                                                Dorothy Donn
                                                  • 202
                                                  • Enthusiast

                                                  No problem Cindy. I am sort of new at this too so I might not be right but you are more than welcome to tag along with me if you want. 🙂

                                                  I look forward to seeing your work tool



                                                  in reply to: March Theme Challenge – EMOJI #39969
                                                  Dorothy Donn
                                                    • 202
                                                    • Enthusiast

                                                    I made this years ago after seeing one on the internet. Working in the Lab has kept me busy  so I will just upload this oldie goldie of mine

                                                    in reply to: Monogram Maker online #39803
                                                    Dorothy Donn
                                                      • 202
                                                      • Enthusiast

                                                      Diana:  That looks so cool. I do hope you post where we can play too. Your end result is very pretty too. 🙂


                                                      Me bad and off to

                                                      in reply to: What are you working on in February 2020? #39791
                                                      Dorothy Donn
                                                        • 202
                                                        • Enthusiast

                                                        April Dawn:  Thank you for the lovely comments. I sure appreciate them 🙂

                                                        Cristina: I am so glad you have enjoyed my layouts 🙂

                                                        Trish: As usual your work has made me a happy camper. Now all I need is to get out and go fishing and hope to catch  one that big. I doubt it cause a local caught a 810 lb. Tuna here

                                                        Diana: What a lovely setting for your grandsons!  I like your poetic flair as well. Rules are made to be broken is my attitude when it comes to the creations we all make.

                                                        Annie; That is so pretty and I love the colors. That German scene is delightful. I just may sneak over and try my hand  at one of their Tuts.

                                                        Here is the very first page of my “our 50 years together” which I am starting hopefully in year 49. These are the cars we bought the first year we were married. This photo of his car was taken the day the Army sent him to Korea.  The next of my car was taken 15 minutes later when a bad storm was starting to blow up. These were taken in Miami Florida. My car was called Tweety Bird and his was called Yellow Bird.

                                                        in reply to: February COLOR Challenge #39750
                                                        Dorothy Donn
                                                          • 202
                                                          • Enthusiast

                                                          Annie: So many joyful things you have created. It really shows you enjoy working with this color.

                                                          Trish: Wow  what a delightful mix of colors using both the flowers and giving that fantastic bird.

                                                          Lynda: You brought back some pleasant memories of the Valley of Fire except mine was outside Los Vegas. I will add your valley to my list of things to see.

                                                          A couple days ago I looked up what things are orange just out of curiosity and an old friend popped up. This did take me three days as I had to make everything except the brads. I hope you enjoy a flashback!


                                                          in reply to: Alphabet Game – INDOOR PLANTS #39622
                                                          Dorothy Donn
                                                            • 202
                                                            • Enthusiast

                                                            I= Ivy

                                                            in reply to: February RANDOM Challenge – Initials #39522
                                                            Dorothy Donn
                                                              • 202
                                                              • Enthusiast

                                                              Sometimes a secret hobby slips out. I took the letter A and kind of  made it more modern

                                                              in reply to: What are you working on in February 2020? #39388
                                                              Dorothy Donn
                                                                • 202
                                                                • Enthusiast

                                                                Trish and Annie: Thanks for the kind comments ladies. I sure need them after being at work today. It is great to be with some “sane” folk who are not screaming at me because they have to pay some more on their taxes. <sigh>

                                                                I actually bought a kit today from Tiny Turtle designs called “Love Candy”

                                                                I guess it means I am actually hooked on scrapping. I also took their link to very many and got the gal for this attempt.

                                                              Viewing 30 posts - 121 through 150 (of 202 total)