
Corrie Kinkel

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  • in reply to: Alphabet Game – REUNION #51397
    Corrie Kinkel
      • 1078
      • Superfan

      S = School

      in reply to: Alphabet Game – REUNION #51185
      Corrie Kinkel
        • 1078
        • Superfan

        K = Kids….as in do you have kids?

        in reply to: Alphabet Game – REUNION #51114
        Corrie Kinkel
          • 1078
          • Superfan

          G = Garden, because many reunion parties are in a garden

          in reply to: What are you working on (in December 2020)? #51113
          Corrie Kinkel
            • 1078
            • Superfan

            Sue, you are right I have all of those cornerpunches on my wishlist along with more scripts. I’m building my collection and buy a couple every month or so. And I know what to ask for my birthday in april.

            Annie, you always manage to cheer me up, thank you and much love to you too!

            in reply to: Alphabet Game – REUNION #51055
            Corrie Kinkel
              • 1078
              • Superfan

              B = Birthdays

              in reply to: What are you working on (in December 2020)? #51054
              Corrie Kinkel
                • 1078
                • Superfan

                Thank you Annie, I treated myself to this very nice corner flowerpunches from Carole as well as the maskmaker script! I think I will use those often. Espacially the maskmaker script because I’m no good with extractions, my hand is to shaky for that. But with this script I can get round it! Your page is also very nice with the wordart from Sue. I have downloaded it, maybe for use in the next year. I’m finished now with all the christmas and new year cards and so on. I look forward to new projects!

                in reply to: Let’s meet… with PSP #50953
                Corrie Kinkel
                  • 1078
                  • Superfan

                  I just saw this post and here I am!

                  in reply to: What are you working on (in December 2020)? #50949
                  Corrie Kinkel
                    • 1078
                    • Superfan

                    I haven’t been here for a couple of days and there is so much to see. I cann’t comment on all the posts besides to say they are all in their own right delightful and I follow up with my own New Year’s wish. I used the colors of 2021. At first I thought they were rather dull but in making this LO I think they are lovely. They have something light which I can use to celebrate the coming year. The quote I used is from the song “Happy Xmas (War is over)” by John Lennon and Yolo Ono which I found very fitting for the period we live in.

                    I wish you all a very good and happy 2021 in which we maybe can go back to a more normal way of life. Until then don’t give up hope, there is light at the end of this particular tunnel. See you all in January!

                    in reply to: Alphabet Game – SNOWMAN #50947
                    Corrie Kinkel
                      • 1078
                      • Superfan

                      G = Gnomes to keep him company

                      in reply to: What are you working on (in December 2020)? #50822
                      Corrie Kinkel
                        • 1078
                        • Superfan

                        Dear Annie, my thoughts are with you my friend!

                        in reply to: What are you working on (in December 2020)? #50792
                        Corrie Kinkel
                          • 1078
                          • Superfan

                          I love all the work everybody has been doing, lovely to browse through this pages. I wish you all merry christmas where ever you live on this planet of ours. I hope that you will be able to celebrate this year despite all the covid-19 difficulties and problems , lonelyness and sorrow. At least we are in this together and somewhere in 2021 it will go better. Until then be careful and stay safe.

                          in reply to: December COLOR Challenge – 2021 #50790
                          Corrie Kinkel
                            • 1078
                            • Superfan

                            Annie, thank you for asking. My husband is slowly recovering and definitivly on the mend, but it still will take more time. As we are in lockdown at least until January 19 Christmas is not what is is supposed to be. We can have only 3 visitors per day plus children under 13. So it will be a lonely affair for a lot of people. No church on christmas eve and the next day only 30 in church. There will be a lot video streaming ofcourse. For us my son and his girlfriend are coming sunday, they live not in the neighbourhood so we don’t see them every week. My son has been visiting often since his dad was in hospital and then at home, but now they come together. We only see my daughter and the grandkids, who live in America on Skype! I’m a big fan of all the modern means of communication. I hope that you are well and can celebrate this Christmas. I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!

                            in reply to: Alphabet Game – SNOWMAN #50789
                            Corrie Kinkel
                              • 1078
                              • Superfan

                              D = Drips, when he is melting in the sun

                              in reply to: Alphabet Game – SNOWMAN #50659
                              Corrie Kinkel
                                • 1078
                                • Superfan

                                B = Buttons

                                in reply to: December TUT/TECH Challenge #50658
                                Corrie Kinkel
                                  • 1078
                                  • Superfan

                                  Here are my gnomes. The first is a bit shaky, but after some very useful tips from Carole I managed to do more decent one! The second one is in the colors for 2021 and I see now the dropshadow on the hat should be under the pompom.

                                  in reply to: December COLOR Challenge – 2021 #50567
                                  Corrie Kinkel
                                    • 1078
                                    • Superfan

                                    Annie, lovely work with such “dull” colors and still so X-massy in style! You are so creative!  Love it.

                                    in reply to: Alphabet Game – SNOWMAN #50566
                                    Corrie Kinkel
                                      • 1078
                                      • Superfan

                                      A = Another snowman or snowgirl to keep him company

                                      in reply to: Alphabet Game – SNOWMAN #50451
                                      Corrie Kinkel
                                        • 1078
                                        • Superfan

                                        W = Wobbly , because they never stand straight

                                        in reply to: What are you working on (in December 2020)? #50382
                                        Corrie Kinkel
                                          • 1078
                                          • Superfan

                                          I have all my holidaycards ready for posting tomorrow and was able to finally finish my snowman LO. I almost forgot I had him waiting. So I made something with a lot of separat elements. The garland with icicals was a freebie from Carole, just as the angels and the speechbubble. The background paper is from a christmas kit  by Marissa Lerin  at Pixelscrappers that I adapted somewhat. The photo under the mask is my own, it is the big tree on the marketplace where I live. This was just fun to create.



                                          in reply to: December SONG Challenge – Christmas #50370
                                          Corrie Kinkel
                                            • 1078
                                            • Superfan

                                            Annie, you had a lot of work to do on this delightful LO! We are all so far apart from each other and we all know the same songs; it’s a small world after all and somehow connected.

                                            in reply to: Alphabet Game – SNOWMAN #50367
                                            Corrie Kinkel
                                              • 1078
                                              • Superfan

                                              T = Top Hat

                                              in reply to: December SONG Challenge – Christmas #50275
                                              Corrie Kinkel
                                                • 1078
                                                • Superfan

                                                Annie, thank you. Our climate in the Netherlands is very moderate with once in a while some snow but mostly windy and rainy in winter. When I was young it was colder than now with the climate change.  In those days we had natural ice and could go skating on inundated land, canals, lakes. Now you have to go to an icerink! But every year comes the question will we get a white christmas? The answer tends to be no!

                                                in reply to: Alphabet Game – SNOWMAN #50251
                                                Corrie Kinkel
                                                  • 1078
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  P = Pole, that snowman need something to lean on!

                                                  in reply to: Alphabet Game – SNOWMAN #50250
                                                  Corrie Kinkel
                                                    • 1078
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    P = Pole, those snowman need something to lean on!

                                                    in reply to: December SONG Challenge – Christmas #50249
                                                    Corrie Kinkel
                                                      • 1078
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Finally I have something to show for the Christmas Song Challenge. Because I’m late making my holidaycards I made a card that I can print as a double card. Here I’m only showing the front, as the backside is mostly white with only my logo on it. The song I thought of at once is “Silver Bells” . This one is a old one and performed by many singers in many different settings/films. Now I have to print and post my cards, luckely most are here inland. The ones that had to go to the States are posted weeks ago and then you have to hope they arrive in time!

                                                      in reply to: Can you help me? #50125
                                                      Corrie Kinkel
                                                        • 1078
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Hi,  1,4,5 and 6 worked for me. By 5 and 6 from GD I get to see the files and can then use the GD download button, just as in the email you send me. I’m on Windows 10 with the latest updates installed and on Chrome browser.

                                                        If you want me to test more I’m more then happy to do so. Ofcourse we have a time difference of 6 hours, so my answers may come a little bit later.

                                                        I looked at the results from the others and there does not seem an obvious denominator between us.

                                                        Good luck!

                                                        in reply to: November Scavenger Hunt Challenge #50045
                                                        Corrie Kinkel
                                                          • 1078
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Thank you ladies. When I’m need of a specific element/paper and I don’t have the time to make it myself or when I cann’t  I always turn to pixelscrappers.

                                                          in reply to: Alphabet Game – SNOWMAN #50044
                                                          Corrie Kinkel
                                                            • 1078
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            H = Handkerchief

                                                            in reply to: November Scavenger Hunt Challenge #50005
                                                            Corrie Kinkel
                                                              • 1078
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Okay, it is december by now, but I started this one in november . It is a quicky because I used a template from PixelScrapers but left out some of the papers and elements. The papers are from the Fire-and-Ice -kit I have just as the other elements. I did not make anything myself, not enough free time left.   Nice to do for a change between all the christmassy cards etc. I like these scavanger hunts. Now back to the Xmas LO’s.

                                                              in reply to: What are you working on (in November 2020)? #49955
                                                              Corrie Kinkel
                                                                • 1078
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Thank you Annie, the subway art is lovely, do give it another try. I’ll certainly will over the next month, its also great for birthdays etc, You can make it so personal for the recipient of the card. I’m also working on the scavanger hunt at the moment.

                                                                Michelle, I like your background made from that gorgious dress, it looks very much like a painting from Monet.

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