
Corrie Kinkel

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  • in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #53431
    Corrie Kinkel
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      • Superfan

      Monique, glad to see you back to scrapping!

      Annie, a lovely tribute to Jasper.

      I’m a bit sad this challenge is over now. I have learned many new things and I hope to put them to good use. I loved seeing all those nice, interesting, moving pages. Carole thank you so much.

      This is day 7.  I did not know this new manner to move a mask, I just copied my mask and then merged down and moved it. I liked the way Carole gave her mask a little blur  and I did likewise; I didn’t know that you can do that. To make the polkadot paper I tried some colors and settings and at some point forgot to do it on a new layer. I really liked the effect I got and decided to keep it. Furthermore a simple frame, text and a little angel. As I had the same theme for this 7 days I used the same fonts on every page.

      See you all around

      in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #53346
      Corrie Kinkel
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        • Superfan

        Here is my day 6 and Ann we must have had the same idea! At first I tried a darker color for the background but found that it overpowered my photo and so I did one with an almost white color. That suited the glacier much more, it gave an icy/snowy feel to it. Further a very thin frame, picture tube for the rope and an ice-axe from Pixabay. The font is the same as on all the pages a Dream Koda and Bahnscript for the subtext.

        Carole, I used the same waterbrushes as before and used the opacity setting that solved the problem. But this time that did nothing, so I then set the opacity to the original intended 100 and hurray it worked. I think your gremlins decided to pay me a visit! No, no, in the end I think there must have been some kind of update running in the background! And thanks for upgrading me to Enthousiast!

        Annie, thanks for all your comments on my pages, yours were fab too. All the pages are lovely and so different.

        Now up to day 7

        in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #53123
        Corrie Kinkel
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          • Superfan

          After all the trouble I had with the brushes yesterday, day 5 went smoothly for a change! I stayed with my mountain theme and used an iconic mountain flower to make my mask. And that only needed some text and some flowercorners.

          in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #53063
          Corrie Kinkel
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            • Superfan

            After a lot of trouble with the brushes that caused PSP to close on me a couple of times and with the help of Carole I finally got there! Here is my day 4. I once made a helicopter ride over the region in which the mountain cabin from day 2 is located. This is one of the photos I took about that. In the photo you can see the shade of the rotorblades.

            In the mean time there are so many new posts it took me some time to go through all of them and it are way to many to comment on all separately. So very nice work from all of you, it was a treat to look at them after all the troubles.

            in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #52944
            Corrie Kinkel
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              • Superfan

              What a nice work from every one, the same tutorials and all so different.

              Here is my day 3, I’m also a bit behind. It is an other mountain view and this time you donn’t have to hike to the top but you can go with a cog-railway . I do not know of this is the right word for I train that uses between the rails an extra sort of rail with cogs to help the train going up steep slopes. And when you get there the view is breathtaking.

              in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #52814
              Corrie Kinkel
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                And here is my day 3. Again a mountain scene. This one is about the mountain cabin, called Maiensaess, that the inlaws of my daughter own. You can only get there by foot with all your belongings and lots of fresh food in a backpack! Minka that must appeal to you. Over the years I have been there a lot of times; it’s a lovely place and so quite with very dark skies, no lightpollution. The only way to get bigger supplies up is by helicopter.

                in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #52746
                Corrie Kinkel
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                  • Superfan

                  And here is my day one, also very minimalistic. I go this whole challenge with my love for the mountains combined with my love of photografy. I have a lot of photo’s on this subject and it costs me a lot of time to select the ones I want to use.

                  in reply to: February Theme Challenge – MAIL/LETTERS #52619
                  Corrie Kinkel
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                    • Superfan

                    Annie, you have been busy, love it but I cann’t keep up with your pace! It takes me more time to make something. I look forward to the Love Challenge, my first! See you there.

                    in reply to: Alphabet game – MAIL/LETTERS #52617
                    Corrie Kinkel
                      • 1078
                      • Superfan

                      E = Email   which I get much more then written letters nowadays!

                      in reply to: February SONG Challenge – The Sound of Music #52615
                      Corrie Kinkel
                        • 1078
                        • Superfan

                        I love this SONG Challenge because the Sound of Music is a favourite of mine. I have seen it many times; first alone  then with my children and lately with my granddaughters. They sing Do-Re-Mi quite often but I prefer: The hills are alive …… My daughter moved to Switserland just over 20 years ago and since then I visited there a couple of times a year. Always when I’m in the mountains this soung comes up!

                        To make this I re-used a template (wise words) because I was in a bit of a hurry to finish it before the Love Challenge starts tomorrow. The forget-me-not background is a free one I got from Creative Fabrica some time ago and I had the other papers in my stash. Photo’s are mine and the edelweiss embellisments I found on the internet. Music notes are picture tubes that came with the blogpost from Carole  (thank you). The font is Stay Outside.

                        in reply to: February SONG Challenge – The Sound of Music #52553
                        Corrie Kinkel
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                          • Superfan

                          Carole I got  the mail with the link just now, maybe I was to impatient, sorry!

                          in reply to: February SONG Challenge – The Sound of Music #52551
                          Corrie Kinkel
                            • 1078
                            • Superfan

                            Carole, the download link you mentioned above about the musical tubes does not work! The post itself is okay. See you tomorrow at the masterclass.

                            in reply to: Alphabet game – MAIL/LETTERS #52550
                            Corrie Kinkel
                              • 1078
                              • Superfan

                              A = Announcement

                              in reply to: February Theme Challenge – MAIL/LETTERS #52482
                              Corrie Kinkel
                                • 1078
                                • Superfan

                                Annie, nice work about the Australian mail! Barbara I got a couple of telegrams for my wedding 50 years ago this year! I did not dare to take them out of my wedding album because I probably would damage the album.

                                Last year around Halloween I got a letter from my granddaughter in the States; normally we use skype or a videocall. The family is there for one and a half year now and she learning to read and write in English. Before that they lived in Switserland and there it was German. I’m Dutch and she was insisting that she must write to me in Dutch! It’s written down phonetic but I could figure it out! Green is her favourite color so my background is green! The rest of the colors I took from her artwork.

                                in reply to: Alphabet game – MAIL/LETTERS #52480
                                Corrie Kinkel
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                                  • Superfan

                                  U = Urgent

                                  in reply to: Love Story Challenge 2021 #52443
                                  Corrie Kinkel
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                                    • Superfan

                                    This is the first time I participate in this challenge. It’s about masks and that will be very useful, because I like masks very much and try to use them with more or less succes. I think I will center it about a hobby because my loved ones have explicitly asked (read forbidden) me to use pictures of them! I know I can blur their faces but I don’t like that; it ruins a hopefully nice LO, at least in my opinion. If I make one with the grandchildren in it – which I love and sometimes do – I have to keep it private and cann’t post it here or on facebook. See you soon!

                                    in reply to: Alphabet game – MAIL/LETTERS #52410
                                    Corrie Kinkel
                                      • 1078
                                      • Superfan

                                      J = Journal

                                      in reply to: What are you working on (in February 2021)? #52385
                                      Corrie Kinkel
                                        • 1078
                                        • Superfan

                                        Annie, nice!!!  In the Netherlands we also have kingfishers, also with those vibrant colors and with the same way of living. They are an endangered species but are on the way back now and seen more often. I found this picture on line. I would love to take one of my own but they are so quick and you always encounter them unexpectedly, its just a blue flash.

                                        in reply to: Alphabet game – MAIL/LETTERS #52383
                                        Corrie Kinkel
                                          • 1078
                                          • Superfan

                                          E = Envelope

                                          in reply to: What are you working on (in January 2021)? #52311
                                          Corrie Kinkel
                                            • 1078
                                            • Superfan

                                            Val, thank you! Annie nice new picture and I like your Rock Parrot.

                                            I collect turtles (not the living ones!) and I have a lot of them and showcase them in a cabinet. So I just did another wordcloud on and no surprise it’s a turtle. I just filled the shape with my name and I’m thinking maybe I’ll use it sometimes as a “signature”.

                                            in reply to: What are you working on (in January 2021)? #52258
                                            Corrie Kinkel
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                                              • Superfan

                                              Annie thank you!!! I read you did win in the bootcamp draw a couple of days ago. Do you already know what you are going to buy in the store? Lucky you.

                                              Karon thank you. It took me some time to come up with the idea how to make this layout without any photos or embellishments. Your Kings Cross I lovely.


                                              in reply to: January RANDOM Challenge – Word Cloud #52256
                                              Corrie Kinkel
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                                                • Superfan

                                                Bonnie, I love your christmascards, what a great idea! I’m almost sorry I play no pickleball. I had never heard of  it before I joint this group; I suppose it is not played over here. Besides scrapbook I get to know a lot of other things.

                                                in reply to: What are you working on (in January 2021)? #52209
                                                Corrie Kinkel
                                                  • 1078
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  I posted this also in the Random Challenge, but I repost it here because everybody seems to be here with all these lovely projects. The info about it is on that page.

                                                  in reply to: January RANDOM Challenge – Word Cloud #52207
                                                  Corrie Kinkel
                                                    • 1078
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    When we were doing subway art I looked also into wordart and already made a couple. I did them on the site of Creative Fabrica where you get the opportunity to try it. So I decided to use one of them (a head) on this LO. Also I used the ShadowText script I won on last sunday’s Facebook draw. Other than that it are just words!

                                                    in reply to: What are you working on (in January 2021)? #51933
                                                    Corrie Kinkel
                                                      • 1078
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      Annie what a nice and colorful birds you have in Australia, I’m getting envious. And your page is as always superb! I still have a lot to learn but okay I started out only last march……. I have not done much this month,  I ran a bit out of inspiration after all the calender work and christmas cards. Besides there were a lot of other things that needed my attention. I mostly scrap in the evening, but that is also the time that I can skype with my daughter and grandkids in the States and the girls can of course always interrupt what I’m doing. So there passes evenings that I’m helping with homework (they still have homescholing) by listening to a bookchapter they have to read, doing maths or just chatting to kill the time until their next call is due. Isn’t it nice to be able to do so despite the great distance there is between us!

                                                      I have installed the Laplacian Enhanched plugin and I was able to install the 64bits with Edge; Chrome is a no go. Here is a before and after example of it on a (boring) photo.


                                                      in reply to: What are you working on (in January 2021)? #51893
                                                      Corrie Kinkel
                                                        • 1078
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Minka, I have the Laplacian Enhanched also installed, but I could install it as a 64bit using Edge and it works perfectly. I have the latest update from Microsoft. Your use of the plugin is great, I have still to start playing with it.

                                                        Annie, Cristina, Ann you all created lovely pages! I spend a lot of time this evening going through everything, so I sure am forgetting some to mention.

                                                        Lynda, I have been following yesterdays proceedings on the television for as long as I could stay awake (through the time difference the inauguration started over here at 5 pm). My daughter and her family live in the States so it is extra important to me what is happening there and it is very hopeful to see change coming!

                                                        in reply to: January SKETCH Challenge #51890
                                                        Corrie Kinkel
                                                          • 1078
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Minka, thank you so much. It was a bit of luck that I could take this pictures because we don’t often have the necessary weatherconditions. And snow is these days not so common as it used to be when I was younger. Instead we have a lot more rain due to climatechange and the temperatures are higher too.

                                                          in reply to: January SKETCH Challenge #51830
                                                          Corrie Kinkel
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                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Here is my take on this sketch challenge. I took the sketch as a starting point and used 3 photos that I took a couple of days ago after a cold night. I was looking for an idea how to use them but was not satisfied with what I had come up with; so this sketch challenge came at the right moment! The background is a simple black one  but with an overlay from the free InkyDeals that Carole mentioned on Facebook. The winter wonderland font is Childish, a free one from Creative Fabrica, they have a free one everyday. So I could have posted this LO in the Freebie Challenge too.

                                                            in reply to: Alphabet Game – REUNION #51825
                                                            Corrie Kinkel
                                                              • 1078
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Y = Yoohoo, calling out to attrack some ones attention

                                                              in reply to: What are you working on (in January 2021)? #51399
                                                              Corrie Kinkel
                                                                • 1078
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Just as Bonnie I used Carole’s template for 2020 and came up with this one, maybe I should have posted this in the freebie challenge. Lynda very creative! Everybody has started the new year with such nice work. I cann’t keep up but come here often to see what’s new. Best wishes to you too Cristina.

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