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  • in reply to: Greeting Card Workshop (2022) #86471
      • 858
      • Superfan

      there has been lovely cards made for day one so far… enjoyed viewing them.

      I will be making cards for various occasions .. Day one is a Birthday card.

      happy card making to everyone.


      in reply to: What are you working on (in Nov 2022)? #86308
        • 858
        • Superfan

        hello Lynda.. Thanks so much for your kind comment in your post #86069. Your blending pages look great especially the ones of your Mother and granddaughter.

        I have not been here for a while but it has been a pleasure to view  everyone’s creative projects.

        best wishes to everyone,


        in reply to: What are you working on (in Nov 2022)? #85720
          • 858
          • Superfan

          Thank you Julie for your kind word on my page… i am sure you will enjoy doing a version of this layout.

          Hello Susan happy to see you have a go at this kind of layout… you should be pleased with your result it does give a very pleasing effect.

          Sue your page Come gentle Spring is lovely… very much admire your work with your bird photos they are always a joy to view.

          best wishes,


          in reply to: What are you working on (in Nov 2022)? #85493
            • 858
            • Superfan

            Marie-Claire, just want to say thank you for posting your Autumn memories page last month it certainly  gave me a light bulb moment to create my own and from viewing last months projects it did that for other folk as well. Yes it is a fun project to do.. I enjoyed creating my own template and have more ideas to try. I was happy to be able to incorporate brushes into the fonts as well.   it is amazing how we can all inspire each other here in the campus.

            best wishes,


            in reply to: What are you working on (in Nov 2022)? #85492
              • 858
              • Superfan

              Mary , just want to say that I  have enjoyed viewing your projects for quite some time and look forward to seeing more of them.. well done!

              best wishes,


              in reply to: What are you working on (in Nov 2022)? #85491
                • 858
                • Superfan

                Thank you Susan, Michele, Ann, Mary, Corrie and Marie-Claire for your kind greetings on getting to 5oth Anniversary with my husband and the card created. …. I would just like to add that our anniversary was in April but when deciding on the greeting for this style of card thought to make it a 5oth card as other folk  will be having their 50th anniversary  and this card will come in handy to send. Your kind thoughts were appreciated.

                Corrie, congratulations on your 50th Anniversary last year.  it is indeed a milestone isn’t it.. the years go by very quickly. I have been thinking of all the memories hubby and me  have created during these years and am so grateful we are still together… Hope you are improving in health since your operation and also now having covid as well.. I wish you a speedy recovery.

                best wishes to you all,


                in reply to: What are you working on (in Nov 2022)? #85406
                  • 858
                  • Superfan

                  would like to say first up that I enjoyed viewing all the postings for the month of October and especially Marie-Claire’s autumn memories page it is really beautiful. Ann  your calendars above are really nice also a great start to November.

                  I was so inspired by the layout style of Marie-Claire’s page that decided to have a go at it myself… I have not used or downloaded a template from anywhere  as i wanted to create my own from scratch….. my hubby and i celebrated our 50th anniversary this year so thought it would be good idea to create a template for  an anniversary card to have on hand to send when needed…. have created my own template  over the past week and posting it below. . the font is raustila.. had to join a couple of the letters and also used a swirl brush and joined it to text frame.


                  in reply to: Greeting Card Workshop (2022) #85402
                    • 858
                    • Superfan

                    I have registered  for this card workshop as  cardmaking is my main use for PSP…. look forward to seeing everyone’s  creative projects…. best wishes to everyone


                    in reply to: Calendar Workshop 2023 #83518
                      • 858
                      • Superfan

                      Gerry, like the changes  you have made to the template  so it fits to what you need for the end result.

                      Carole,  probably will make a couple for this year after i finish the ones for 2023

                      here is my May desktop calendar for computer… The  Kookaburra photo is from pixabay.  We have these wonderful birds visit our yard nearly every day… once again  will add the special dates etc in coming months

                      best wishes  to everyone,


                      in reply to: Calendar Workshop 2023 #83505
                        • 858
                        • Superfan

                        have spent some time this morning looking over everyone’s calendars and they are all looking just beautiful. so many different ideas and they all will make great calendars.

                        here is my March and April Computer Desktop Calendars. March photo is a sacred kingfisher  from pixabay.   for April my husband wanted  the fairy wren bird we have here in Australia that I painted some years ago when  learning to paint in oils.  in the coming months  will add all the special dates to these calendars before they get used for the computer screen


                        in reply to: Calendar Workshop 2023 #83502
                          • 858
                          • Superfan

                          Hello Ann Seeber.. Thank you for your greeting #83410. In answer to your question, yes they are Rainbow Lorikeets and we have plenty of them in the area where we live here in Australia. they are really beautiful birds.

                          Corrie Thank you for your greeting #83463. I am hoping to continue to participate in the campus as I am able. So happy to hear your surgery went well  and  sending every best wish your way for your recovery process.

                          Carole Thank you for your kind words #83470  on my Jan and Feb calendar  pages. ..glad I settled on the idea to do them for our computers. my hubby is looking forward to having them on his computer screen next year.

                          Bonnie Thanks so much for your greeting. Hope you have an enjoyable trip.


                          in reply to: Calendar Workshop 2023 #83408
                            • 858
                            • Superfan

                            Gerry  Thank you for your kind comments. ….. it is wonderful you do Calendars for your Mother. My 98 year old Mum had Dementia before she passed away and  I personally know how visuals  via cards and calendars can be a great help for their memory. she never forgot who we were right to the end.

                            Still more lovely work since I was here earlier… a joy to view them I still go back to the beginning of this thread to look at them all again.

                            below is my February Desktop Calendar … when it gets closer to the new year i will add birthdays  to the calendar.



                            in reply to: Calendar Workshop 2023 #83376
                              • 858
                              • Superfan

                              I had a bit of a light bulb moment on what to do with the calendars as usually we have calendars with boxes for writing events . .. so decided to see how they would look as a background calendar for my computer desktop . finished the calendar placed it on a 1920×1080 pixel page so it would leave room around for desktop icons etc.  tested it out and it looked good and my hubby was so keen on the idea he wants to have them also…  image below  is how it will look on computer hope it is not to blurry as of course  had to reduce the size


                              in reply to: Calendar Workshop 2023 #83372
                                • 858
                                • Superfan

                                Hello Cristina, Fiona, Susan and Monique… Thank you so much for your kind well wishes for my health.

                                Still working on my calendars but had not settled on what I wanted to do with them until today .  Every one has done lovely work on their calendars and it is has been good to view them.

                                best wishes to everyone.


                                in reply to: Calendar Workshop 2023 #83272
                                  • 858
                                  • Superfan

                                  Hello  Cindy, Thank you for your greeting. .. like you i know what it is like to have health issues  all the time. I hope you find joy in each day doing something that makes your heart happy.

                                  Thank you Cristina…. not sure all the worries have gone, however the heaviness in my thoughts has lifted.  Hope you are keeping well my friend.

                                  Hello Corrie, hoping all goes well for you in your surgery and then recovery.


                                  in reply to: Calendar Workshop 2023 #83164
                                    • 858
                                    • Superfan

                                    Hello Everyone, haven’t been around the last couple months as I have had more health issues which was  a bit unsettling as they were checking for cancer and  I was not motivated to do anything much on computer. Thankfully  biopsy found no cancer.  Thought I would come and give the Calendar workshop a go .


                                    in reply to: What are you working on (July 2022)? #80089
                                      • 858
                                      • Superfan

                                      hello Sue, just a note to answer your question… if i am up early between 4-5 am i will come and check out the forum for a bit.. but it is not  till after breakfast that i take a longer look  with a second or third cuppa.  i often still think of Annie..  however you also have your own very special way of  communicating.. and it is appreciated. Take care and best wishes


                                      in reply to: July DIY Challenge (2022) #80086
                                        • 858
                                        • Superfan

                                        hello Anne, your page is lovely… Foxy is a real cutie

                                        best wishes,


                                        in reply to: July DIY Challenge (2022) #80082
                                          • 858
                                          • Superfan

                                          Sue your juvenile robin page is wonderful … love how you arranged the shapes and added elements.. one thing for sure they will not go hungry they seem to enjoy what you put out for them to eat and of course a great photo opportunity for you. .. you showcase your photos so well  and i look forward to viewing them… best wishes to you


                                          in reply to: What are you working on (July 2022)? #80081
                                            • 858
                                            • Superfan

                                            Mary  your Lab 9  Botanic Garden is lovely.. always nice to see photos of other places in the world.

                                            Pirkko your 2 pages are so cute and did put a smile on my face.

                                            Ann  your family history page is a great way to record the events of the time .. nicely done.

                                            best wishes,


                                            in reply to: What are you working on (July 2022)? #80080
                                              • 858
                                              • Superfan

                                              hello Sue, what a great page .. you showcased this robin  enjoying his  food real well.. The layout does compliment your photos and i enjoyed viewing the page very much … best wishes to you.


                                              in reply to: July DIY Challenge (2022) #80028
                                                • 858
                                                • Superfan

                                                Thank You Cristina..  i enjoyed  doing this challenge as i have not done one for ages.

                                                Lynda Thank you for your comment and if you ever get to Australia there would be a lot for you to see. Your page is lovely ..

                                                Corrie.. a lovely page  .. glad you are still experimenting with sketch and water colour technique  as you are achieving very nice results.

                                                best wishes ,


                                                in reply to: What are you working on (July 2022)? #80027
                                                  • 858
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  hello Cristina.. Thank you kindly for your comments on my work.. you have always been encouraging  and i appreciate it very much.. Hope you are keeping well and i look forward to viewing more of your work when you are able. Best wishes are sent your way.


                                                  in reply to: What are you working on (July 2022)? #79984
                                                    • 858
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    hello Mary, lovely work on your lab 9 mod 8 Columbia River. it is always nice to see photos of other places.

                                                    hello Bonnie and Ann … you both have created  very nice projects.

                                                    best wishes,


                                                    in reply to: What are you working on (July 2022)? #79983
                                                      • 858
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      hello Corrie, very pretty cards  and they will surely give joy to those who receive them.. look forward to seeing more when you make them.. best wishes to you,


                                                      in reply to: July DIY Challenge (2022) #79980
                                                        • 858
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        hello Susan, Thank you  for your kind comment … appreciate it very much.  i have a great fondness for birds and your page is very nice… you did well on taking the photos .

                                                        best wishes,


                                                        in reply to: July DIY Challenge (2022) #79917
                                                          • 858
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          i have not done pages like this for a couple years now as i mainly do cards… however, thought i would give this challenge a go ……  Dawn.


                                                          in reply to: July DIY Challenge (2022) #79915
                                                            • 858
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            hello Pirkko, your page  is lovely…

                                                            best wishes,


                                                            in reply to: July DIY Challenge (2022) #79914
                                                              • 858
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              hello Sue, your lily flowers are beautiful and the star of this page…  your garden must be full of colour with wonderful  flowers….

                                                              best wishes


                                                              in reply to: What are you working on (July 2022)? #79799
                                                                • 858
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                what a great page Michele, love the way you have made the frames around the picture of the little girls and those dingbats are so cute… best of wishes are sent your way.


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