
What are you working on (July 2022)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (July 2022)?

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  • #78566
      • 2522
      • Superfan

      It is a new month and new projects.

      Show off what you are working on in July, be it a scrapbook page, a collage, a tutorial, or anything else you want.

      We are curious and want to see, learn, and get inspired.

      These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming!

      Remember to size down your image to about 600×600 pixels and save in jpg format before posting it.

      Here are a few guidelines for everyone:

      • when you post a project, give as much information on your sources or techniques used. It will help others who are curious and would like to do the same.
      • if someone uses something that you like on their page, ask where they got it. Sometimes, you can go get it too and it will be better quality than trying to extract it (as it would have been resized to post in the forum anyways).
      • if it is something that they did from scratch, ask how they did it. It would be so helpful to everyone!
      • if you like a photo and would like to “play with it”, ALWAYS ask permission. Sometimes, there are some limitations and the person is not allowed to let others use it. Don’t get them in trouble. Usually, people are happy to say yes (if they can) when you ask politely. And if you get permission, you might get a better quality image than the resized image anyways.
      • This topic was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by Cassel.
      Ann Seeber
        • 1372
        • Superfan

        Oh, good. I get to post my July Big Cat Calendar first! Here’s Cheetah, the fastest animal, able to overtake fleeing antelopes! This is from templates that Carole gave us last fall. Just add your favorite photo, colors and frame.

        I also posted this on our Facebook page and put a full size (8.5×11) copy for printing into the Files.

        • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Ann Seeber.
        Susan Ewart
          • 763
          • Superfan

          Ann, that is beautiful.  I missed getting those templates, they are really nice with clean lines.  Your color choices are perfect.

          Ann Seeber
            • 1372
            • Superfan

            Susan, thank you for your kind words. Made my day! 🙂

            • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Ann Seeber.
              • 858
              • Superfan

              Ann.. lovely  Calendar  project for July  and I agree with Susan your colour choices are perfect for the photo

              Best wishes,


              Mary Solaas
                • 555
                • Enthusiast

                Lab 9 Module 2. Uneven lines (little papers under the picture); ribbon loop (nailed down by a wood-burned disk); plastic pocket (2- one with a passport from NicePng and one with airline tickets from NicePng). The font used is Cataneo BT.

                  • 858
                  • Superfan

                  well done Mary! love they way you have done your page..

                  best wishes,


                  Susan Ewart
                    • 763
                    • Superfan

                    Well, this was supposed to be for the June Scraplift but it wasn’t to be.  Life can get unexpectedly busy sometimes.  I learned a lot with this layout.  Out of Bounds technique on the centre dragon and Coloring the red balls with the eraser tool.  This was a long large freestanding cement installation in a new park in Edmonton where the city is putting in a Japanese Garden.  The sculpture starts with the big dragon in the middle and has two scenes on either side with two dragons playing/fighting (?) with a ball.  Since it was already mostly grey, I used HSL to turn the image red, then made a duplicate and desaturated that before using the eraser tool to reveal the red ball.  Out of Bounds was just a small area on the middle photo (top of the head).  I had a little problem with that as I  thought I followed the instructions to put the white frame on the inside.  when I did that the white frame went straight across the out of bounds part.  So I put it on the outside and it seemed to work. Not sure what I did wrong, but got there in the end.  I chose not to do the Slipped in Photo, and subbed in Cutout Word on a curve.  the pen tool was a bit tricky, thankfully the tutorial was really good and I actually made it work.  More pen tool practice is needed.

                    I have being enjoying all the various posts in the forums, despite not being too active in them.

                      • 335
                      • Enthusiast

                      I actually made this for the Scraplift challenge, but it was a little late… well, better late than never 🙂
                      I have been following the work of a very skilled scrapper for some time now, and with this work I want to thank her for a very beautiful page that gave me the incentive to try as well. Her name is AMarie Charp. The accessories I used in addition to my own can be found:
                      Staycation Bundle by Jessica Dunn ? (326074) – Layer It 06F by Marisa Lerin (326046) from

                      Susan Ewart
                        • 763
                        • Superfan

                        That’s very beautiful Pirkko.  I love that look.  I find it very hard for me to do that style so I really appreciate when someone does it this well.

                        Mary Solaas
                          • 555
                          • Enthusiast

                          Thank you, Dawn.
                          Pirkko – love your work and this layout is no exception. Really like the colors.
                          Susan – like your dragons with the red ball!!!

                          Brian Dowling
                            • 29
                            • Rookie

                            Following on from lovely Michele’s Silver Elegance last month.  I fancied creating something with that simple silvery look for my website.  Michele sent me the background… and I used it as the main supporting element.  The text was typed out, masked into the same background… then the text (Academy Engraved LET) was deformed with Perspective.  Drop shading was added to make the text stand out from the wall.  A curtain was added for contrast and some lighting and darkening.  No scripts used here but Cassel’s flare.png used a few times.  The font on the screen was Kunstler Script.

                            Corrie Kinkel
                              • 1078
                              • Superfan

                              Pirkko lovely colors in this layout!

                              Brian you have outdone yourself on this silver screen!

                              Anne Lamp
                                • 320
                                • Enthusiast

                                I have been playing with my PSP21 Effects. I created this from a screenshot I took from a web cam I watch. This effect was from using the Artistic effects — enamel. I have been having a great relaxing time just playing around because I just don’t have any projects I feel like working on right now.

                                Mary Solaas
                                  • 555
                                  • Enthusiast

                                  I’m not happy with this one, but I did all the Lab 9 Mod 3 required: watercolor paper, dots in a swirl pattern (made a number of these in various colors), template as a layout for multiple photos or papers or whatever. This was a trip to the Memphis Botanic Garden that my daughter and I took. Great fun. The font is Curlz MT; the rabbit is from PSBT-DBMagnolia, the teacup is from a group of images I got from somewhere as a freebie probably in 2020; the cheshire cat and his smile I got from the brochure we were given at the gardens. I made a large number of watercolor papers in various colors, yellow, pink, blue unfortunately I didn’t do one or two in green, but maybe later. No shadows – this is a poster! The layouts in the garden for the different Alice In Wonderland sculptures were made from many flower plants – this is going to be ongoing from May into October – with the heat we have been having, that is going to be quite a job to keep them fresh.

                                  • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Mary Solaas. Reason: tell about the garden's displays
                                    • 858
                                    • Superfan

                                    Pirkko.. the yellow daffodils really pop  and draw the eye to your focal point. . I think the whole page is lovely . well done

                                    Brian, great presentations using the silver background.

                                    Anne, it is amazing what we can come up with when we just relax and have a play with effects in PSP . just playing can often spark an idea for a project.. have fun.

                                    Mary, the Memphis Botanic Garden looks an interesting place to visit.. hope you all enjoyed your trip.

                                    best wishes to everyone,




                                    Mary Solaas
                                      • 555
                                      • Enthusiast

                                      Susan, I just re-read your dragon and the red ball. Pretty neat – how you got the ball red when it’s actually cement. Really a neat “trick”. I’m going to have to try that somehow on something – I have to think about it, but I want to use it before I forget how you did that!!! LOL

                                      Susan Ewart
                                        • 763
                                        • Superfan

                                        Thank you Mary.  I think there probably is an easier way to do it.  I was trying to do it the same as the tutorial and since I didn’t have a color picture to start with I figured I’d color it first then follow the tutorial.  I sure had to zoom in when I was erasing and when I edited the selection for the Out of Bounds.  It was hard to tell where I was sometimes.  I love your Lab postings, you are so dedicated and I can see how much techniques you are learning.  I hope to carve out more regular time to do mine.

                                        Anne, I love your effects posting.  I have never tried them before.  They look like they could be addicting.

                                          • 1424
                                          • Superfan

                                          I’m so glad you found the silver backgrounds I posted to be useful, Brian. I love what you did with them.

                                          Mary, I don’t know why you’re  not happy with your botanic garden layout. I think it’s lovely and lots of fun. And Curlz MT is a perfect font for your light-hearted page.

                                          Mary Solaas
                                            • 555
                                            • Enthusiast

                                            Thank you, Michele. And so, this is Lab 9 Module 4. Curlz MT is used in the title again. Things to do: Quatrofoil paper (different than before and I also did papers with the quatrofoil with the square before everything except the outline is deleted; create a yardstick; create a decorated triangle to made an edge for papers, ribbons, etc. All done and the rest of the stuff is mine from a stash created for the things I am learning. The leaves I created in a previous lab – they are crayon rubbings. I used a leaf as was suggested and then created a bunch of them in different colors. The wood burned brad was also created in a previous lab. Fun. And yes, I did visit this afternoon with family on this beautiful 4th of July.
                                            Oh, yes. Thanks to Carole and Sue Thomas, I can now work with a curled ribbon – this really was fun and a good learning experience.

                                            • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Mary Solaas. Reason: spelling
                                              • 858
                                              • Superfan

                                              hello Mary.. your curled ribbon looks great on a very nice layout. well done… you seem to be enjoying the Lab tutorials

                                              best wishes,


                                              Sue Thomas
                                                • 1598
                                                • Superfan

                                                It’s a scary thought, but the nights are starting to get longer.  Christmas will be looming upon us  before we know it.  Last night I  decided to make a start  on compiling the dates for the advent calendars.   To be printed on Avery reusable  labels.  6 per sheet.

                                                Susan Ewart
                                                  • 763
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Sue, those are wonderful.  A great idea.  The weather in Alberta is dismal and cold today, rain, rain, rain.  And I’m pluviophile (rain lover)!  However, I’m in the middle of an abstract flower photo project and without the sun, the flowers are holding tight in their buds. I did get to practice 3 tutorials last night for the next lab, so all is not lost.


                                                  • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Susan Ewart. Reason: spelling mistake
                                                  Sue Thomas
                                                    • 1598
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Having a quiet afternoon playing with PSP. It’s what I call mizzling outside (drizzle, light rain). Flip it up text, Carole’s splatter mask script, which I edited.

                                                    Susan, thank you for the comment on the advent dates.

                                                    Corrie Kinkel
                                                      • 1078
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      After the masterclass from last Sunday I wanted to have an icecream and as I haven’t one in the freezer at the moment I made my own! Strawberry and dark chocolate with some, not too many sprinkles. I made a sprinkles tube some time ago and now was the time to use it again. I follow many of the tutorials and have made a lot of stuff that is now ready for use. As you maybe notice my popsicle stick is not perfectly in the middle and a bit on an angle because I have never ever eaten such and icecream that had its stick in the middle, have you? This was all about making an icecream but the principles and techniques can be used for other projects.

                                                      Corrie Kinkel
                                                        • 1078
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Sue I already commented on Facebook on this lovely bird! Although we have had the longuest day of the year I personally don’t want to think of Christmas yet! I like the opportunity for making more flower photos, so I have new ones for the coming months besides my American photos.

                                                        Sue Thomas
                                                          • 1598
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          Corrie, I agree with you. Sometimes I need a distraction. I think I have Creative Fabrica to thank for planting the Xmas seed, with their Christmas in July deals. Lol.

                                                          Bonnie Ballentine
                                                            • 1643
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Wow! Great creations, Everyone! I am finally feeling like creating. I have been playing with the paint splash script. This is the second page I used the script…didn’t post the first as I wasn’t happy with the splash. My fine tuning needs practice. I like this one better. The two pages are identical except for the subject.

                                                              • 858
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              Sue, once again lovely work.  and using the flip it up text was a great idea.. one that i had forgotten about… I  have that script so must use it again….  thank you for presenting it in such an appealing way.

                                                              Corrie, yes we have that kind of ice cream on a stick here in Australia and i have enjoyed a few over the years . Don’t be worried about the stick not being straight because sometimes they are on an angle. you created a nice looking ice cream


                                                                • 858
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Sue, preparing for your advent calendar might not be such a bad idea. the way the months are flying by it will be here before we know it…  what you have posted is a great start.

                                                                Bonnie another nice page idea to display your pickleball activity


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