
What are you working on (in January 2021)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in January 2021)?

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  • #51936
    Karon Dey
      • 368
      • Enthusiast

      Lab 6 Module 5-1

      Lesson 1: cartoon words
      Lesson 2: burst shape
      Lesson 3: half-tone pattern
      Experiment 2: element – superhero/cartoon elements
      Kit: Boy Power ©Boomers Girl Designs

      Karon Dey
        • 368
        • Enthusiast

        Lab 6 Module 5-2

        Phone Tech
        Experiment 1: title work – flag
        Experiment 3: color/pattern – graph paper
        Experiment 5: fun font find – hanged letters
        Kit: The Organizer ©Silvia Romeo
        M&M Design template

        Karon Dey
          • 368
          • Enthusiast

          Lab 6 Module 5-3

          Experiment 4: sketch template
          Kit: A Day at the Beach ©Kimeric Kreations
          Experiment 5: fun font find – hanged letters

          Karon Dey
            • 368
            • Enthusiast

            Anne: the sunrise layout would make a beautiful card. How you framed Steve & Phoebe is lovely and really highlights them.

            Minka: great layout of the Ospreys. We have one here in NW FL that builds a nest on top of a telephone pole overlooking the bayou every year. Liking the note papers you have made. Henri is such a special friend and your layout does him justice. Maybe you should have the “puzzle” printed out so that you can put it together again. Great idea using it. Having raised wild animals myself, you are correct in them becoming wild. I love what you did with your circle doodles. You did a great job with the selective focus on the deer. I will have to try the Laplacien plug-in if it does as great a job as it did on the subway system. That is beautiful. Awesome idea to use the Year in Review for a different type of project. Love the pictures you used.

            Ann: love your page with the blues and golds. Really makes tshe oriole stand out in the pictures. Pink Sky Before Dawn is a fantastic page. The background works well with the colors in the photo while the blue and red papers with the trees add just the right spot of bright color. You did an outstanding job on extracting the tufted titmouse. A Family Affair is a wonderful take on the assignment “Friends.” You have chosen just the right colors for the background, extra papers and elements to showcase the birds. Your granddaughter deserves all the thanks we can give you and then that would not be enough. You have done a beautiful layout for her and I know she will appreciate it.

            Sue: the flax card is so gorgeous. I like how you enlarged a portion of it the place the quote by Helen Keller. A most appropriate quote. The viola quote layout is superb. The gold frame and title work so well to capture the colors in the flower. Black capped chickadee is so cute all puffed up to keep warm. The frame is perfect and I enjoy reading about the birds. Red breasted nuthatch is wonderful. The gold and brown colors of the photo pop against the blue-grey gradient.

            Lynda: Wonderful out-of-bounds with the tulip and daffodil (but your tulips do look a lot like poppies). You did a fantastic job with the photo split script. I like how you then sued the lifted photo script. Nice job on doing the layout to commemorate the inauguration.

            Val: thank you for the comment on my bird layout. You did great with Lab 7 Mod 2. Only you would put a fire under my nephew’s feet. LOL. You did great.

            Bonnie: cute “elf on a shelf” layout.

            Raymond: great job on your Valentine’s Day animation. Changing the background and elements from your Christmas layout made for a totally new look.

            Michele: always look forward to seeing your gaming pics. All three are excellent, though I have to say my favorite is Sunday Stripes.

            Cristina: it is lovely to see you again. I am in awe of your travel layout. It is a wonderful way to show off those pictures from far away places. And the set up is such that you can use it for other trips as well.

            Annie: amazing layout. The patchwork of colors and patterns and spiral design really draw your eye in to focus on the birds. Lovely picture and interesting information on them. Like Minka, I have never heard of them before. Great job on picking a background for your fairy wren. I almost could not tell where one ended and one began (the shadow helped). The blue elements coordinate so well with the blue on the wren’s head.

            Corrie: thanks for the heads up on the plug-in and Edge. It really did a great job making the museum picture pop.

              • 158
              • Junior

              Minka: Love the circle with the snow and the birds. I couldn’t get the Laplacien to download, but I love what you did! Your year in review is perfect. Love the old ship!
              Annie: Love how you put together the layout so the Tawny Frogmouths are the center of attention. Your clusters rock. OMGoodness!!! I love love love the Fairy-wren. Your layout is gorgeous and really brings out the blue on his head and cheeks.
              Raymond: Very cool. Love how you added your animated Happy Val’s Day.
              Ann S: Please give a big virtual hug to your granddaughter. It is awesome that she is helping out. Your layout is a great tribute to her.
              Corrie: Thanks for the head’s up about using Edge… I use Chrome and I bet that is why I couldn’t get it downloaded correctly!

                • 158
                • Junior

                Karon: Batman is awesome! Love the way you put Robin in there with Batman., Your Phone Tech is so crisp and clear. Is that you as a teenager on the beach? I like how you made it look like you are looking thru a window.

                Karon Dey
                  • 368
                  • Enthusiast

                  Val: yes, that is I on the beach in Guam. Guess you were to young to remember, lol.

                  Raymond Easley
                    • 65
                    • Junior

                    Val, Karon, thank you both. I appreciate it. Your work is always so good to look at.

                    Annie Tobin
                      • 2938
                      • Superfan

                      Thanks Raymond, your comments are always appreciated my friend. ;D

                        • 2522
                        • Superfan

                        Raymond, about Animation Shop, I don’t know why you get redirected or something, but this program is no longer available “legally” online. I have been trying to convince Corel to make it available, in one way or another since I have heard that it still works, even with Windows 10 (I can’t confirm myself because I don’t have it installed but I could if needed). Corel bought JASC and that means they also bought Animation Shop. I would not say that Photo-Mirage has replaced Animation Shop, mostly because it does not do the same thing at all. Photo-Mirage has only been developed 3 years ago (or so) while AnimationShop is at least 15 years (it was bundled with PSP9).

                        Annie Tobin
                          • 2938
                          • Superfan

                          Minka a terrific page this CSCGC Eagle and really good nautical colours to boost the impact. Love it my friend. 😉

                          Annie Tobin
                            • 2938
                            • Superfan

                            Dear Cristina, your comments are always sweet and much appreciated. Thank you my friend. 🙂

                            Annie Tobin
                              • 2938
                              • Superfan

                              Lovely job on all 3 pages Karon. I particularly love the Beach page but I am biased because I love the kits from Kimeric Kreations. All you work is lovely Karon and I enjoying perusing them daily. 🙂

                              Annie Tobin
                                • 2938
                                • Superfan

                                Thanks for your kind words Val, very much appreciated Hon. 😉

                                Annie Tobin
                                  • 2938
                                  • Superfan

                                  Dear Corrie, thank you very much my friend. I think each country probably has their fair share of beautiful birds. I’m not sure why but I decided to do some pages on Australia’s birds … especially the ones that are endemic to Australia. Who knows … that may come to an end when something else strikes my fancy … I am a bit fickle like that, 🙂 As for Skype it is sure one of the things that is a technological plus … others not so much. I can definitely see the difference with using the Laplacian filter, takes the darkness out of the inner corner and makes it easier to see what is in there. Looking forward to seeing more of your work Corrie. Stay safe and well my friend. ;D

                                  Annie Tobin
                                    • 2938
                                    • Superfan

                                    I just posted this one in bootcamp and decided to post it here as well because of the number of Campus members who are bird lovers.  This is one of Australia’s many parrots … the gang-gang cockatoo.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D

                                      • 1558
                                      • Superfan

                                      Corrie, thank you very much for your kind comment on my layout. It is very much appreciated, my friend. : )


                                        • 1558
                                        • Superfan

                                        Karon, thank you so much for your words of encouragement on my layout. They mean a lot to me.

                                        Your pages are lovely! You always show us great and creative layouts from the Lab tutorials/experiments. Great work!… I am still waiting for some inspiration for me to go back to the Lab tutorials. : )

                                        Annie, what a beautiful layout! I love the background color combined with the patterned papers/titles…  By the way, this is a very handsome cockatoo! : ) …Through the layouts posted here, we can learn a lot about other countries.

                                        Karon Dey
                                          • 368
                                          • Enthusiast

                                          Raymond: thank you so much. The feeling is reciprocated.

                                          Annie: thanks my friend. I love Kimeric’s kits as well and was devastated to hear about her passing. Her significant has had them for sale, adding one or two a month, on MyMemories with proceeds going to benefit her children. I check it out to see if there are any I don’t have. Adore your Gang-gang cockatoo layout. So very colorful and the information is fantastic. I learn so much from your layouts.

                                          Cristina: thank you. You have always been an inspiration to me and you always know just what to say.

                                          Ann Seeber
                                            • 1372
                                            • Superfan

                                            My final design for January Bootcamp. I just had to do something to celebrate our new president. I call it Our Promise..

                                            Lynda DiGregor
                                              • 1047
                                              • Superfan


                                              I love, love , love your tribute to our new President and Vice President.



                                              Karon Dey
                                                • 368
                                                • Enthusiast

                                                Very nice layout Ann. Very patriotic.

                                                Sue Thomas
                                                  • 1598
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  I see the campus is a hive of activity with wonderful, creative pages. Great work to you all, to many to  compliment individually.  I’ve been working on this year’s ecards.  A little different  to my usual style of work.  Of course they are in my pending file  for now, until closer to the date of sending, when I might make adjustments.  For now each card  has the basic layout.  Vintage designs.

                                                  Sue Thomas
                                                    • 1598
                                                    • Superfan


                                                    Sue Thomas
                                                      • 1598
                                                      • Superfan

                                                      I used one of my photos, mask and  watercolour brushes.

                                                      Sue Thomas
                                                        • 1598
                                                        • Superfan

                                                        Carole’s lace tube  for the butterfly frame,  used the mitred corner script to create the frame.  Word art. The flower frame is  a brush, again more word art, blend modes on the background papers.  I use colours from the photos in the  background papers, textures.

                                                        Sue Thomas
                                                          • 1598
                                                          • Superfan

                                                          I used a mask to  extract the flower, creating a soft edge. Background layer, merged down. Created a simple frame .

                                                          Sue Thomas
                                                            • 1598
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            I used one of Carole’s corner punches, lace tube for the frame, mitred corner script and her fanned photo script.

                                                            Sue Thomas
                                                              • 1598
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              A simple layout.

                                                              Karon Dey
                                                                • 368
                                                                • Enthusiast

                                                                Sue: absolutely stunning birthday cards. You have certainly been busy and now have cards to send out when needed.

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