
What are you working on (in January 2021)?

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom What are you working on (in January 2021)?

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  • #51008
      • 2522
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      It is a new month and new projects.

      Show off what you are working on in January, be it a scrapbook page, a collage, a tutorial, or anything else you want.

      We are curious and want to see, learn, and get inspired.

      These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming!

      Bonnie Ballentine
        • 1643
        • Superfan

        Happy 2021, Everyone!

        Julia de Bary
          • 9
          • Rookie

          Jan 1, 2021

          Happy New Year everyone!

          I just start with Scrapbook. This is is my first homework about convert to BW and make one of the part of the photo really pop.




          Sue Thomas
            • 1598
            • Superfan

            My first layout in 2021. Snowflakes merged with the frame is a font. Perspective. Extracted the other Blue Jay by using a mask. Winter flowers by creative fabrica. You don’t have to be young to catch snowflakes on the tongue, I still do it!


            Sue Thomas
              • 1598
              • Superfan

              Sorting through some of 2020 photos for this year’s cards and calendars. When I looked at this one I noticed a bud, which isn’t unusual, but then this quote came to mind, which I thought was quite apt. Had a bit of fun playing with the word Spring, colouring it in etc. I can’t wait to hear the songs of returning migratory birds. The shortest day has been so it’s all up hill from here on. If anyone would like the word SPRING, I have posted it in the facebook page, in the file as a png. Used a mask to lighten the right side to make the text easier to read. Word art.

              Annie Tobin
                • 2938
                • Superfan

                I love your Blue Jay Sue but your little Chickadee captured my heart. Your wordart is lovely and you are really inspiring me to start playing along those lines. I notice that you use masks often and I love them too and I also love to do misted tubes as they can blend very well into the background. Beautiful work my friend. 😉

                Sue Thomas
                  • 1598
                  • Superfan

                  My dearest Annie,  your comments on my work means a great deal to me, also  very much  appreciated.  They help encourage me to aspire to  create better pages. When I need to extract a building or a tea cup, which has  definite sides I  will use either the   magic wand or eraser.  When it comes to feathers and fur I do like to use a mask, plus the fact that I can always go back to the page and edit the mask, something you can not do when you use the eraser tool, or magic wand.    The font used for the word Spring is called  Storyteller.  The majority of my pages are not  scrapbook layouts, but I do like to incorporate all that Carole has taught me  through her element tutorials. I coloured  the word using 2 brush techniques,  lock transparency, and  paint behind. As for the Chickadees, they are my winter visitors, and become quite tame, they have on occasion  taken feed out of  my hand.  I’m waiting patiently for the migratory birds to return, as  come spring their songs will  break the winter silence.  And then there are  the insects,  I love macro photography, particularly shooting  insects.  Start playing with something different, and you’ll create your own distinctive style. I’ve closed PSP for tonight, but  I’ll send you the  names of the other fonts tomorrow.  I used 2 fonts for the word believe.  One tip when creating word art, use lots of guides, horizontal and vertical.  Enjoy the rest of your day, I’m off to bed now.

                  Annie Tobin
                    • 2938
                    • Superfan

                    Well, I have given myself a lot to say about this one Scrapbook Campers.  I did create the background paper following Cassel’s Simple Blocking paper tutorial … it is simple and loads of fun, especially as you can create an endless variety of papers.  I also created the number plate following Cassel’s tutorial and I have used it as the title.

                    This page is all about Queensland, my home state and a bit about Bundaberg, my home town.  Most of it is self explanatory and I will not bore you all with intricate details.  The koala, Cooktown orchid, anenome fish, brolga and sapphire are all Queensland emblems.  The state colour is maroon … a little of which can be seen in the coral tube.  Of course The Great Barrier Reef runs the full length of the Queensland coast.  The Rose Gum is our tallest rainforest tree and is invaluable to our rainforest ecosystem.  They grow in the far north and south east of our state.  The sapphires are mined in central Queensland and there are lots areas there for foraging.  The Parti sapphire (blue, green and yellow) are rare and much sort after.  The Padparadscha sapphire (a mix of pink and orange) are a lab grown crystal and hail mostly from Sri Lanka who have become experts in the technique required for such.  Bargara Beach is only one of our 7 beaches within a 20 minute drive.  Brisbane is our largest city and the capital of Queensland and Cooladdi is our smallest township … in  fact the smallest in Australia … with a population of 3, yep THREE!  The Queensland Nut (known to most of you as the macadamia nut) is indigenous to Australia and most Aussies along the central to south east coastal areas of Queensland had a Qld nut tree in their backyard … we had two!  The nut was first commercially produced on a wide scale in Hawaii where Australian seeds were introduced in the 1880s, and for some time they were the world’s largest producer.  South Africa has been the world’s largest producer of the macadamia since the 2010s.  The Australian continent seems determined to burn or drown ours out of existence.  Still … a burned Queensland nut is not half bad!  Oh … and I can’t forget to mention our Bundaberg Rum … oh yeah … and what a delightful little drop it is.  I like it over ice with a splash of soda water and a slice of lime with a mint leaf or two!  Okay, enough said, I’m off to the bottle-o now …  ;D ;D ;D

                    Annie Tobin
                      • 2938
                      • Superfan

                      Ditto Bonnie … lookin forward to some of your pickleball pages my friend, ;D

                      Lynda DiGregor
                        • 1047
                        • Superfan

                        Watched Carole’s master class presentation on “Playing with Your PaintShop”. I really loved this idea. This is the third concept she showed us. Don’t know if I’ve done it justice but I had fun. . I call it “Painting a Mandala

                        Lynda DiGregor
                          • 1047
                          • Superfan

                          Again, master class, “Playing with Your PaintShop”

                            • 1424
                            • Superfan

                            Sue, as usual I love, love, love your birds.

                            Lynda, I haven’t had a chance to watch the tutorial yet, but the examples you posted are great.

                            Annie Tobin
                              • 2938
                              • Superfan

                              I’m loving your playin Lynda … you really did pay attention in class! Top marks my friend. ;D

                              Annie Tobin
                                • 2938
                                • Superfan

                                Hello again Scrapbook Campers.  From when I first started playin with PSP I have loved playing with blends … gives so much scope for the imagination.  My first PSP was version 8 when it was still under Jasc and I have progressed to every version since.  I am having a few issues with version 2021 and still revert back to 2017 when the issues strike in 2021 … not your best version my PSP community!  2012 and 2017 are – to date – my all time favourites.  So I have been a PSP user for 17 years!  A lot of changes have come about in the digital art world in that time and whilst I appreciate the digital scrapbooking concept, tags and animations remain my passion.  I received my Animation cert in 2010 and my Tubing cert in 2013.  Blending with PSP is a beautiful concept and so I have decided to start posting some of my work here … after all, this forum is, by and large, all about PSP.  This tut was one from long ago by PSPpals and I have made a few changes … as you do!  I used Cassel’s Old Book alpha for the title and it blended in nicely via … you got it … Blend Modes!  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D

                                  • 1424
                                  • Superfan

                                  Beautifully done, Annie, my friend.

                                  Raymond Easley
                                    • 65
                                    • Junior

                                    I have never tried this before but value your opinions. She is a friend who asked me to extract her from a 1973 photo with 3 other people. I have used Mask AI from Topaz Labs to isolate her. I then went into PSP with elements, different textures, highlights, shadows. Anyone have an opinion to help make them more realistic? Thanks in advance.

                                    Sue Thomas
                                      • 1598
                                      • Superfan

                                      Again, so many beautiful pages created.  Annie I love to use the blend modes, and your page is prefect.  The pages submitted after the masterclass are ever so clever and imaginative.

                                      Raymond, if you are referring to the last image, you have  done a superb job, I wouldn’t have known you added the lady in the white dress unless you said.  You have toned down  her overall colour to match the photo.  You could try using the   fade correction under adjust, colour.  To lift the  colours in the photo a  little. I would also  remove the  decorations behind , they are a bit of a distraction.  Leave the red curtain, as it gives  balance to the  red tablecloth.

                                      Raymond Easley
                                        • 65
                                        • Junior

                                        Sue, thanks. I appreciate your suggestions.

                                        Lynda DiGregor
                                          • 1047
                                          • Superfan

                                          Thanks Annie and Michele

                                          Annie, I love your uplifting “Imagine” Not only a beautiful thought (song) but you did a marvelous job of showcasing it. I’m interested in PSP Pals. Are they still around?  I also love your little tour of Queensland.

                                          Sue , your birds are beautiful as usual.

                                          I’m posting the last “Playing with PaintShop” Took longer to do this because I had to take the little girl out of a photo which I got at This one I pretty much followed Carole’s climber.

                                          Lynda DiGregor
                                            • 1047
                                            • Superfan

                                            This is from Lab 11-1 Tried to make the books and shelf 3-D.. Not perfect but it will have to do for now.

                                            Annie Tobin
                                              • 2938
                                              • Superfan

                                              Thank you dear Michele, much appreciated my friend. ;D

                                              Annie Tobin
                                                • 2938
                                                • Superfan

                                                Thanks dear Sue, I am stoked that you liked the page. ;D

                                                Annie Tobin
                                                  • 2938
                                                  • Superfan

                                                  Thanks dear Lynda … and, I love your last attempt at playing with paintshop … wonderful extraction my friend. PSP Pals is still around and this is the link:-
                                                  They work on a much smaller scale than the 3600×3600 that we are used to but it is easy enough to convert. I hope you find something to play with if you visit their site. And, I love your bookshelf with books, job well done my friend. ;D

                                                  Lynda DiGregor
                                                    • 1047
                                                    • Superfan

                                                    Annie, Thanks for the link to PSP Pals and the Kudos.

                                                    Annie Tobin
                                                      • 2938
                                                      • Superfan
                                                      Karon Dey
                                                        • 368
                                                        • Enthusiast

                                                        Happy belated New Year to all of you.

                                                        Julia, welcome and we look forward to seeing what you post.

                                                        Sue, love your card. The perspective on the photo is wonderful. I wish I could catch snowflakes on my tongue; but here in NW Florida we are going from the 30’s one day to the 70’s the next. Blackcapped chickadee card is adorable. Nice work on the “Spring” wordart.

                                                        Oh, Annie, awesome layout and I loved learning more about your home state (macadamias are my favorite). Not much of a rum drinker (I mix it with brown sugar to make a marinate for pineapple slices to be grilled, yummmm). Your blending in “Imagine” is gorgeous.

                                                        Lynda, fantastic presentation on the Master Class. Even though I signed up, I missed it 🙁 Now you have inspired me to take a look at it. Love your layer climber. You are so inspiration on all levels. Wish I had thought about making the books and shelf 3D when I was working on my layout. Yours are perfect.

                                                        Raymond, you did a wonderful job with your extractions and Sue has given you great suggestions.

                                                        Karon Dey
                                                          • 368
                                                          • Enthusiast

                                                          This lesson came at a perfect time. I had been playing with digital cross stitch (the three bird pictures) and they seemed appropriate for a stack of books.

                                                          Lab 11 Module 1
                                                          Lesson 3: bookshelf
                                                          Experiment 5: fun font find – yellowtail and aleo

                                                          Bonnie Ballentine
                                                            • 1643
                                                            • Superfan

                                                            Wow! We are 7 days into 2021 and this forum is busting with beautiful graphics…great job, Everyone!

                                                            Carole, there are some pickleball pages here + others.

                                                            Pickleball peeps love to eat almost as much as they love to play pickleball. Template by Miss Fish, Lefts and Rights 2, 04.


                                                            Bonnie Ballentine
                                                              • 1643
                                                              • Superfan

                                                              South Carolina is my home state and I love to visit there. As a child, I often went to Lake Murray with my parents. There was a public park at the dam and I had many adventures there. My Grandfather helped to build the dam and I have a fire poker he made from concrete reinforcing rod while working at the dam. At one time the dam was the longest earth dam in the world and the lake was the largest man-made lake in the world. Both have been surpassed. However, the lake will always be magical in my memories! Travelogue template by Connie Prince.

                                                              Bonnie Ballentine
                                                                • 1643
                                                                • Superfan

                                                                Another template by Miss Fish…Sweet Memories 01. A day trip to Linden, VA. SCOOP’D is a part of the Apple House which follows.

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