
Travel Tale Challenge 2020

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Showroom Travel Tale Challenge 2020

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  • #44413
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      … and at least Day 1 and 2! It was my very first fly, discovering Italy, pasta and pizza, 2 meals I never loved before.


      Art Kuiper
        • 47
        • Rookie

        Day 6 is done so all 7 days of the challenge are now complete. Thanks Carole, for the motivation to learn something new. Due to the pandemic I have been able to spend a fair amount of time on this project. The repeated use of many of the PSP functions has made them automatic now. Not so much guessing on what to do next.

        Hope to meet you all again at he next challenge.


          • 1558
          • Superfan

          I finally managed to complete my only one layout for this challenge. Every time I participate is an opportunity to learn and do things differently from the previous time, and it is fun and inspiring to see what others are creating.

          Thanks, Carole!

          Ann Seeber
            • 1372
            • Superfan

            Hello whoever may still be around 🙂

            Had some fun creating the stamps. We were in Acapulco, Mexico, staying at the Las Brisas Resort which is up on a very steep hill overlooking Acapulco Bay. In order to get around, guests rent PINK JEEPS! This was part of the fun. I decided to feature the pink jeep as my stamp project but didn’t have a photo of an actual one from the resort so I had to create one. I found a photo of a pink jeep and had a photo of the hilly Las Brisas mountainside, and added the distinctive hot pink logo I used for the leather tag and then I combined them to make my stamp. See for yourself on my little stamp layout. 🙂 Oh, and last minute I decided the tag was for the Jeep key, so there it is!

            cindy harris
              • 449
              • Enthusiast

              Hi I was in the hospital, but back now I haven’t got as far as the stamps cant wait on it again now.   I ate out at a drive thru and some how I got drugged.  9 out 10 for Fentenal the drug test said.  I was out of it for 6 hrs, Very Very Bad now have a reaction to something maybe the mri ct dye  but so set back but I hope to get bettter I don’t do drugs never have so I was Horrible I don’t know everything that happened they thought it was a stroke, ut my mri and ct said No then they went to a drug test and Iv and things later I am swollen, Oh fiy Anyone  I take metforin 1 tablet a day, and turned out I wasn’t supposed to get the dye when your on Metform the dye is toxic to your kidneys  so now having those kinda issues swelling and itching trying to not go back to er  Crazy all that Happend to me  drinking water heavy,  and it my swelling all this dont get better I have to go back to the ER they said I have to be admited so forcing water, hope I get better so I dont have to go in. 🙁   OH man when I got there to they ran my bad foot in the wall and hit my elbow on the metal on the bed.   I didnt feel any of that I was so drugged my whole body was numb didnt feel anything til it wore off.

              Isabel Vasquez
                • 50
                • Junior

                Cindy Harris, I am so sorry for what you went through. I will be praying for you for a quick recovery. Take care.

                cindy harris
                  • 449
                  • Enthusiast

                  Thank you  Isabel so Much thank you.   Thank You Thank You   i am having to drink water Non stop 🙁 and probably owe 9000 🙁  The mri and ct scans 🙁

                  Ann Seeber
                    • 1372
                    • Superfan

                    Oh, so sorry to hear that, Cindy! 🙁 Sending good vibes your way and virtual (((hugs))).

                    Ann Seeber
                      • 1372
                      • Superfan

                      Here is my main page, broken into two halves.

                      The left side shows Las Brisas Resort from the air and you can see each cottage (casita) has a pool. It was quite a climb to the top where the big restaurant was located. We were glad we had our Pink Jeep!

                      The right side shows us at the restaurant in our Mexican clothing (we borrowed the hats) and it also shows the parasailing over Acapulco Bay that we enjoyed watching. The little gift shop shows off Las Brisas pink and white colors which were so refreshing in the hot climate.


                      cindy harris
                        • 449
                        • Enthusiast

                        I think I am good at filling a space with leather kinda,  I made a dog and a horse but lost them in my files, dang it. but here’s some leather keychains.   And I hope no one gets unexpected drug its really brought me down and my liver and kidneys 🙁   plus cost me few thousand dollars,   scared to eat anything next overdose could kill me and it isn’t any fun thinking I was having a stroke 🙁     so Scary.

                        Ann Seeber
                          • 1372
                          • Superfan

                          I almost completed all the challenges, except for the Leave a Mark tutorial didn’t work for me. I don’t have room for anything else, anyway! LOL

                          Here’s the final page, cut in two.

                          cindy harris
                            • 449
                            • Enthusiast

                            Yay  5 is done had so much fun now my grandson wants a computer and he wants this PSP lol   His parents said NO  he has to work on his things he has, and his room.     I had fun  made lots of stamps some leather and some with the Script I love that I bought from our teachers store.  Ill buy more still have to learn how to make a puzzle and some other ones I bought  so much to learn thank goodness so happy to be alive, that drug thing was so scary but I knew I was with my kids that’s all that saved me from losing it.    Ok my stamps my background is here Arkansas U.S.A.

                            cindy harris
                              • 449
                              • Enthusiast

                              Yay 6  only one more  I didnt think I could do it, this seemed so hard looking at it the hardest so far.    Yipeeee

                                • 858
                                • Superfan

                                hello to everyone who participated in this challenge.  I have been looking through all the projects posted and you all have done great work.. well done!.

                                Cindy what an awful experience you had.. hopefully as the days pass you will enjoy better health.

                                best wishes to all,


                                cindy harris
                                  • 449
                                  • Enthusiast

                                  Thank You April, and what a beautiful name Isabella, and Ann.   I wont ever eat with hands I touch money with again!  I do usually use that hand sanitizer but I been out in my car for a month and all I did was touch change and 3 bills. 🙁



                                  cindy harris
                                    • 449
                                    • Enthusiast

                                    Forgot a word …  Member….   this was hard couldn’t get it to be a cut out when I did it all disappear.    But I will be learning here in Arkansas U.S.A.    I AM  A diamond member been helping out and my son bought it for me, been doing dishes some not much.

                                    Nemisis Goosehabit
                                      • 26
                                      • Rookie

                                      In and around the Faroe Islands. With the added bonus of a guest appearance from the famous Tórshavn cliff dwelling camels .??

                                      Modified PSP2020 template

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