
Theme Challenge – CHURCH

Home of the Scrapbook Campus Forums Challenges Theme Challenge – CHURCH


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  • #85357
      • 2522
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      This month, the theme is CHURCH. Of course, that might mostly refer to those who are Christians (don’t worry, we will consider non-Christians later, in our themes), and so many events happen within those walls, whether they are religious or not, they are always full of gatherings and full of life. Probably also full of photos and stories you can share.

      Add stories to those photos but you know that you can also tell stories without photos!

      Let’s go!

      Bonnie Ballentine
        • 1643
        • Superfan

        I think this works for church…


        Corrie Kinkel
          • 1078
          • Superfan

          In a little village called Zillis in the Swiss Alps is a very small unsightly church that has a gorgious ceiling of painted wooden panels from the 12th centuary. When I, a teenager, was on holyday there with my parents we took a sightseeing tour and among other things visited that church. I can remember vividly  that my dad was laying on is back in the pews to take pictures of that ceiling. But in later years I forgot all abut it and didn’t remember in what part of Switzerland is was situated. Then my daughter married a Swiss guy and I have been to Switzerland many times since. When I’m there her parents in law always take me on a day out and on one of these days they wanted to stop for a coffee and did so in Zillis. After coffee before we went on and on their part almost as an afterthought said there was a church that they wanted to show to me and it was that church I remembered so well! It was no longer allowed to lay on your back in the pews to take a picture because of the enormous amount of visitors each year. To take pictures of a ceiling while standing upright isn’t that easy I can tell you!

          Anne Lamp
            • 320
            • Enthusiast

            This is the Church where I used to work. The lady in the office  said she didn’t have a pic of the whole width of the church since the new addition was added.  It did not wind up being an easy project. Because of trees that would be in the way I had to take several pics from closer up.  I would never have been able to combine them even this well with out my PSP.  It may not be perfect, but she was quite happy with it and I have seen where it has been used.

            Corrie Kinkel
              • 1078
              • Superfan

              Anne great result, what should we do without PSP…

              Ann Seeber
                • 1372
                • Superfan

                Here’s my hometown church, where I was baptized, confirmed, married and my children baptized. It was a German Lutheran Church, quite liberal for its time. I even attended church camp in the summer and most of my friends were confirmed with me. The text is Sunlight Script.

                CONFIRMATION 1954

                Anne Lamp
                  • 320
                  • Enthusiast

                  Thank You Corrie.  I think I would have to find or create a help group to handle my withdrawal . (Is there a PSP Anonymous program)

                  Rene Marker
                    • 204
                    • Enthusiast

                    My church is choosing to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Conference and I had decided to document the night of the vote… before I even knew this would be a challenge here!

                    20221010 FUMC

                    Ann Seeber
                      • 1372
                      • Superfan

                      I chose one of America’s most famous for this showcase. We’ll never catch up to Europe in the cathedral department, but St. Patrick’s is the largest Gothic Revival in North America. This is created on a collage template. The photos are from St. Patrick’s website.

                      St. Patrick's Cathedral-New York City

                        • 367
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                        that is beautiful Ann

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